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Ten minutes later, Kat and I hurried downstairs, me in my favourite brown button down skirt that I paired with a black and white striped shirt(tucked in of course) and the black flat pumps with a little silver bow on them that Aunt Sarah had got me. Kat was wearing her same outfit but she had switched out her black leather jacket for my brown one. Why she even needed a jacket in this weather was beyond me.

The scent of bacon immediately caught my attention, the dining room table had already been set and Aunt Sarah's delicacies awaited us.

We found Aunt Sarah in the kitchen, she was in the process of bagging some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Parker was seated at the island eyeing her sternly.

"Mother, we talked about the crusts." His tone sounded threatening. Parker is the cutest five year old I've ever met but his cuteness easily crosses into scary when something isn't done his way.

Aunt Sarah rose her brows at her youngest son in shock.

"Morning Auntie S!" I greeted as I went over to place a kiss on her cheek. "Crust problems?"

"Yes, apparently my son is my boss now." She spoke before playfully pinching his chubby cheek.

"I wouldn't say I'm your boss, mummy, I'm more of an ad-viser." Parker spoke innocently before going back to his colouring book.

Aunt Sarah shook her head. "What are they teaching these kids at that school?"

"He's just growing older, Auntie S. Next thing you know he won't want to drink from his sippy cup."

"Aw, my little man is growing up so quickly." She bent over and pinched his cheeks.

"Mummy!" Parker whined.

Aunt Sarah responded by placing a million kisses on his face until he eventually burst out laughing.

"Mama wolf's still got it." She spoke proudly.

"Don't call yourself that anymore mum, quite frankly, you're too old." Kat spoke as she came up behind Parker and ruffled up his short curls.

"Hey!" Aunt Sarah protested. "In the nursery books, Mama Wolf is an eighty something year old woman."

Kat raised her brows at her. "And your point is..."

Kat and I burst out laughing.

Aunt Sarah swatted at us with a tea towel but even she couldn't fight off her laughter.

Aunt Sarah just hit forty but she barely looked it. Her skin is still youthful, and she keeps herself pretty fit. Maybe a few bags rest under her eyes from how tired she gets everyday with work and taking care of all of us.

If you ask me, I think Kat looks the most like Aunt Sarah among her siblings. They have the same facial slim features with their roundish small noses. Kat, however, has the cutest freckles sprinkled across her face. And she gets her tall height from Uncle Victor. But all in all they both have some mad baby making skills with how beautifully all the Benson kids came out with their caramel skin and golden accented soft curly hair.

Then there's me.

The only person I resembled really is Uncle Victor. He's my mother's older brother. We both have a warm tan skin tone and extremely dark, kinky and stubborn hair, I usually just keep mine in braids most of the time while Uncle Victor just keeps his short.

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