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"Get all the women and children into refuge!" I heard Theresa yell.

There was commotion all around as people ran in different directions trying to get away from something.

"Alpha, what should we do?"

I struggled to stay conscious, my head felt heavy and my mind was drifting in and out.

Ornyx still stood above me. He paid no mind to the wound against his stomach. He was eerily still in the midst of the chaos.

His eyes drifted to me then they looked back to the person who had asked the question.

He stuck the spear hard in the ground.

"We fight." He spoke easily. "Meet the Silvercrest's with as much force as they're bringing to us."

His eyes glazed over me.

My eyes felt heavier. The pain that shot through where he had stabbed me on my foot had started to fade, which made me even more worried.

But everything else in my body was starting to fade too.

I struggled to regain consciousness.

I tried to turn to see if Meggy was still beside me but at that moment a shadow loomed over me as Ornyx got closer.

My eye sight was getting so bad, he appeared as a blurry blob and nothing else.

"I'll take care of you later."

That's the last thing I heard before something hard hit my head.

I gasped as my eyes shot open.

"Luna?" Joan rushed to where I was sitting on a log, kneeling down beside me.

Nia and Raphael looked up as well as Andrew and Kurt.

"Well?" Raphael asked.

We were in the woods not too far from where the Shadow pack was supposed to be camped.

We had already received word that Silvercrest had managed to launch a surprise attack. We didn't know how it was going yet but the good news is that Tristan's in tell had helped significantly.

Now we were just hoping the chaos had been enough to give Tristan some kind of opening to escape.

Hence me trying to create a mindlink with me just now.

"Nothing." I muttered.

I could see the looks of disappointments right now. If Tristan was being kept here like he said and I couldn't establish a mindlink... then that only pointed to the worst.

But I refused to accept that. I would know if he was... gone. Or at least I think I would feel it.

I stood to my feet. "Maybe if we're closer to the camp."

Nia and Raphael shared a look.

Raphael then nodded. "Okay. We get close enough but the point is to be covert. So for now, we work in our human forms which we're all skilled in..."

He trailed off when he looked at me. He let out a breath before walking towards me.

"Maybe you should stay behind, Luna."

My eyes widened.

"What? No!"

They weren't going to back track me now. This was my idea. It was my operation.

Nia also stepped forward. "I think what Raphael is trying to say is that it could get really dangerous for you in there."

"I know what I signed up for." I spoke.

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