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I couldn't stop my heart from racing and I was worried that anyone within ten feet of me would be able to hear it.

My palms felt clammy and I felt like I had to stop and remind myself how to breathe every few minutes.

In other words, I was freaking out.

"Crystal, you need to calm down." Uncle Victor told me from where he was seated at the empty conference table.

It was so like Tristan to dump us so far away where we couldn't do anything.

"How can I calm down?" I snapped. "R-Ro is out there and for all I know, he's dying and they're letting him."

Uncle Victor folded his arms across his chest.

"It was a tranquilliser dart. Trust me, he's not dying." He spoke in a level tone.

All I could picture was seeing him drop to the ground.

Helpless. And I couldn't do anything.

I walked up to Uncle Victor. "What are they going to do to him?" I asked.

I was frantic and scared and most importantly worried.

Uncle Victor sighed. "To be honest with you, baby, I don't know. And I don't think either of us have the clearance for that."

"Clearance?" I asked. "It's Roman."

Uncle Victor rose. "Yes, Crystal, it's Roman. The same Roman who spied on the Silvercrest pack, participated in the attempted assassination of the alpha's brother, tried to kidnap you and our family, the same Roman who admitted to being in cohorts with Ornyx Van Cliffe and the Shadow pack and the same Roman who lied to our faces for years."

I felt tears form in my eyes. "But - "

"Crystal." Uncle Victor put his hands on my shoulders. "The only reason we're even here is because you wouldn't let Tristan leave without you. What happens to Roman isn't up to you or me. It's up to him and his council."

I had basically clang to Tristan, screaming at him to let me see Roman. To try and help him.

How I ended up in that SUV beside him is a blur to me. And how Uncle Victor came too is also something I don't remember happening. All I remember was not wanting to leave Roman alone.

So much good that did me. The first thing Tristan did was order his guards to throw me in here.

"Listen, baby girl." Uncle Victor spoke. "I know you might still care about Roman... but his shown you who he is. You need to believe that and let Tristan do his job. This isn't about you or Roman or Tristan. This is about a looming war and stopping Ornyx."

He was right. This had become bigger than some petty live triangle long ago.

But how could they all expect me to just sit back and not care what happened to Roman?

The door swung open.

Tristan walked in followed by Nia, May, Raphael and Captain Park.

I rushed to him immediately.

"Thank goodness, we've been here for like an hour." I told Tristan irritably.

Captain Park looked less than amused but I ignored her.

"How is he?" My question was directed at Tristan.

Tristan kept his expression blank.

Okay, now wasn't the time for his nonchalance.

"Tell me, Tristan." I begged.

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