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I could literally feel the awkwardness.

Somehow I had gotten stuck sitting in between Joshua and Bea in the SUV.

We were using two pack vehicles, the first one - which was ahead of us - was being driven by Peter with Allison, Andre and Courtney riding with him.

The rest of us were with May.

Bea sat with her arms crossed against her chest and Joshua just stared out the window.

May didn't speak either and I wondered if she too understood the gravity of the situation. She was Tristan's apprentice, which meant by default she had to know his brothers. How personal their relationship was the question. Like how well did she understand Bea and Joshua's relationship?

We were driving past the town centre, I caught a glimpse of one of Chris' mother's employees opening up the bakery. I sighed thinking about how she was probably starting a fresh batch of crossbuns.

I had worked for Mrs West for two summers in the past with Kat just to make a little pocket money. It was a really fun experience. I learnt to bake a few things and I got to hang out with Chris and Kat a lot.

I would much rather be in the bakery right now than in this cold vehicle right now even if it still meant waking up early every day.

I noticed that there were a couple of people in black outfits moving around.

"Are those soldiers?" I asked May.

It wasn't unusual to see pack soldiers out around the area. But they definitely weren't taking a leisurely stroll. They looked like they meant business.

"Alpha Tristan has soldiers scouting Woodfell." May explained.

"They think the rogue might still be here?" Joshua asked seeming very interested.

May hesitated. It was subtle but I noticed it.

"It's just precautionary." She explained.

"I got attacked a day ago, why now?" Joshua pressed.

"Just being thorough." May spoke dismissively.

"Of course." Joshua muttered.

The car was silent again for a little while until Bea spoke for the first time during the car ride.

"Thorough about what though? Do you think the rogue could still be in Woodfell?"

I felt Joshua stiffen beside me.

"No." May replied too quickly.

"May, if he's still here, I want to know." Joshua growled.

I saw May tighten her hand around the steering wheel.

"He's not." May replied. "And even if he was, you guys aren't privy to that information. So drop it, okay?"

The tone in May's voice was loud and clear.

Joshua turned to share a look with Bea.

I saw his eyes flash green. The same shade of green Tristan's turned when he was communicating telepathically.

I looked at Bea, her eyes flashed blue, the same blue as her eye colour but more highlighted.

Were they really having a private conversation in front of me?

Their eyes turned back to normal almost as quickly as they had become enchanced.

So quick that May didn't seem to notice.

My head darted between the two of them curiously.

Bea shot me a glare when she caught me staring and I quickly looked away from her.

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