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"What happened?" I growled as I walked into the prison hallway.

I looked around at the chaos. Some of my men were down. There was blood splattered on the floor.

I sucked in a deep breath trying hard not to think about where or who it had come from.

"How did this happen?" I demanded.

Peter left my side to rush to the computer typing furiously.

"Looks like the security footage was deleted." He announced.

Nia walked up to me. A limp in her step and her shirt was torn on the sleeve. Captain Park was beside her, holding her up.

"Alpha." She spoke. "I'm sorry." She spoke up.

I saw her wince in pain but I refused to show any emotion.

"What's the damage?" I demanded.

"Three guards injured, one - one dead."

I didn't ask who because I didn't need to have an emotional reaction right now.

"Who was on guard?" I yelled. "Who let this happen?"

"I-it was during the shift change, alpha. It was clearly thought out. T-this was planned and we were caught -"

Captain Park narrowed her eyes. "With all due respect, Alpha, you're the one who left HQ shortly after a high risk prisoner was brought in. "Where were you?"

I tried to control my anger.

As much as I hated the fact that she was embarrassing me in front of my soldiers, she was right. We had just brought in a high risk prisoner and I had chosen to leave and take Crystal to my home.

I should have been here.

I looked around at the faces around me. All people I had let down.

"How many escaped?" I asked ignoring Captain Park.

"A-all of them, alpha." Nia reported.

"All the rogues except... Roman Desiree."

I stiffened. My hands balled into fists.

"Of course."

"Where's Raph?" I asked.

"Leading the hunt, alpha." Nia spoke.

"Send more men to help him." I spoke. "I want every one of them brought back to me."

"Yes alpha." Nia spoke.

She hesitated. "Dead or alive?"

I looked at Captain Park. She simply nodded.

"By any means necessary." I spoke.

This was war now. My people could be in danger. I needed to regain control as soon as possible.

I started marching to the one cell I knew was still occupied.

"T." Peter called after me.

I could hear his footsteps behind me but I didn't stop. Not even for a second.

I punched into the code and walked into the room.

He sat with his back against the wall.

I looked at him through the glass wall that contained him.

Upon hearing me, Roman lifted his head. His eyes had dark circles around them and he looked pale but he still managed to grin.

"Well if it isn't the mighty Alpha Tristan." He let out a cough and then switched to use his other arm to support him but it still trembled with obvious weakness. "What's going on out there? Sounds like a party."

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