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"You can't keep sneaking around to see her." I heard my mother speak in hushed voices.

I sat down on the carpet in front of the coffee table colouring.

Eight year old me was pretty much in my own world, not really paying attention to anything other than my drawing.

Not the water that was running out of the faucet that my mother had left open in the kitchen.

Not the ticking of the vintage clock that had belonged to my great grandfather. And I was definitely not paying attention to my mother's pacing in the kitchen as she spoke on the phone.

I wasn't paying attention but my subconscious still picked up some of the words she whispered to whoever was on the other end.

"I'm serious... she's just a kid... she doesn't even know you... no... it's too soon... what if she gets scared... she might... she's going to tell her father... that's what she believes-"

The front door to our apartment swung open.

I immediately perked up and beamed when I saw my father walk in with his briefcase in hand.

"Daddy!" I cheered.

"Hey, sweetie!"

He set down his briefcase just in time for me to run up to him so that he could lift me and carry me.

"Did you get bigger?" He asked in a teasing voice.

I giggled. "Daddy! You saw me this morning!"

"That was four hours ago, darling. It's a really long time in 'daddy time'."

"Hey honey, you're back early." I hadn't even heard my mother approach us. Her cell phone no where in sight.

"My lectures got cancelled for the day, the school was having their sport's thing. Remember? I told you about that." He responded as he set me down and walked over to place a kiss on my mother's cheek.

"Oh right. I must have forgotten." My mother responded.

He looked at her. "You okay? You look kind of pale."

"Oh I'm fine." She responded quickly. "Um, since you're back early, we could have an early lunch, just the three of us."

"Oh that sounds great, we could go out to -"

"No." My mother responded quickly. "Uhm - let's just stay in, we could order in. I don't really feel like getting dressed and leaving the house."

She gave him a charming smile. "We could watch one of your stupid Harry Potter movies."

"Harry Potter is not stupid!" I yelped.

"Yes mum, Harry Potter is not stupid." My father spoke, placing his hand on his chest feigning offence.

My mother rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever. I'm going to order lunch. Something organic for you and your daughter-" she placed a kiss on my father's cheek. "And pizza for me."

"Hey!" Dad and I both yelled at the same time. Albeit for different reasons.

My father, because he believed junk food shouldn't enter our bodies because they are 'temples'. And me because I really, really wanted pizza as well.

"Just go set up while I order the food." My mother told us dismissively.

"Aye, aye, Captain." My dad responded before picking me up and carrying me to the living room where my crayons were scattered all over.

"You're one busy lady." He whistled before picking up my drawing.

I saw his face furrow in confusion as he studied it.

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