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My plan, during this entire partnership, had been to keep Joshua Melrose moderately happy throughout this whole thing.

Well, 'happy' is a strong word. Let's just say I had been planning on keeping the things I was doing to irritate him to a bare minimum.

And so far, I was failing miserably.

In my defense, I had no way of knowing that the flipping alpha would change the rules about partnership like this.

I thought for sure everyone would get to tolerate me for a minimum of a week and that would be it but poor Joshua would have to put up with my unathletic butt for a whole month.

Did Tristan do this on purpose?

Partnering me with his brother?

That didn't make sense, as far as I knew, Tristan said he respected my wishes about no one knowing about us.

Only Bridgette knew and that came by default, I mean of course she would find out being his beta and all.

Bridgette might have hated me but I know how loyal she is to Tristan, she wouldn't tell anyone.

I was jogging behind Joshua just staring at him. He had kept a steady pace for me which I was actually managing to keep up with. Don't get me wrong, I was tired and still sore but you know... perseverance.

The running route was different today, we were going through the park and around the sugar plantation before following the eastern woods back to the central part of town and then back to school.

Everyone had left us eating dust already and I could only imagine how irritated Joshua must have been.

Well I'm sorry that I'm a lazy bum.

"Do you need a minute?" I suddenly heard Joshua ask, he didn't even stop or turn around and there was no concern in his voice whatsoever.

I wanted to tell him 'no' I'd be a strong bad mamajama and push on. But my body, my legs especially simply said 'who are you kidding?'.

And that's how I ended up throwing myself to the ground.

Joshua stopped when he heard the sound.

He turned around and rolled his eyes before moving to lean against a tree.

Thank God for the ground! What else is always there to catch us when we fall?

I didn't know how long this gracious break that he had given me would last so I savoured it.

I think about three minutes passed in sweet silence before Joshua finally spoke again.

"You know you seem so innocent and quiet. I bet that's what fools a lot of people."

Oh no. What can of worms was about to be opened right here?

I sat up and looked at Joshua. Surprise, surprise, he was already glaring right back at me.

"I haven't even done anything." I spoke in a tired voice. "Look, I'm sorry I got chosen for this program when I am most definitely very inexperienced. But I can assure you there was no foul play, especially not on my part."

"Yeah, I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you imprinted on my brother."

I froze.

He knew?

Tristan told him?

No, Tristan promised.

Maybe he was bluffing.

But that wasn't something you just thought of off the top of your head.

I placed my hand on my chest, feigning disbelief.

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