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Do you remember the first time you fell in love?

I do.

His name was Roman and I'm pretty sure I fell head first.

Roman was everything I needed in a time when I felt like everything was slipping away.

I had moved to a new town, without either of the people I had spent my entire life with. Forced to live this new life with family I had just met, in a world I didn't understand.

Let me tell you something about love, it's supposed to be gentle, it's supposed to be kind.

You're supposed to feel at home, at peace in that person's arms even though chaos may surround you.

I loved Roman. Maybe that love made me overlook all the red flags but I definitely did love him.

But here's the thing, I met Tristan. And the idea of a 'soulmate' would have been enchanting before everything that happened. Before I had been dumped in Woodfell, I would have probably embraced the idea and accepted it with open arms.

But how do you just suddenly fall in love with someone you just met?

I met Tristan after things had begun with Roman. With Roman, it took some time to establish trust and safety. I was skeptical of new people in this new place. And especially this handsome man who seemed so taken with me. I didn't think I deserved that love and attention. But I opened myself to it, because honestly, I needed it.

When I met Tristan that day in the woods, I immediately felt like I had my person. I immediately felt like I could be safe.

Keep in mind that I met this man in all his nudity and still, some part of me was certain that he wouldn't hurt me. Ever.

And that terrified the hell out of me. I already had a boyfriend, maybe that's why I spent so many years resisting the bond, resisting Tristan.

Or maybe it was fear. The feeling I got when I met Tristan that first time was too good to be true. And I definitely didn't feel like I deserved that.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Kat walking up to me.

I was seated on the steps of the back porch, watching Aunt Sarah give Hazel the customary 'shifting' talk.

"It's almost time." She announced, nodding up at the hill Hazel and Aunt Sarah stood on.

I got up and stared at the moon.

Tristan would probably be starting the ceremony soon.

"I'm ready." I told Kat.

Since Hazel wouldn't be able to have her first shift with the other wolves her age, we decided us girls would do it together right here.

We obviously wouldn't be able to get far with the circumstances of the safe house. But there was enough wood area that I'm sure she would still be able to enjoy.

"Great. Hazel is a bit nervous and it probably didn't help that I lied to her about her ears getting bigger once she completely shifts for the first time." Kat spoke with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"You're terrible."

"I know." Kat shrugged.

Kat walked up to stand beside me.

She looked up at the moon with me.

"What happened?" She asked.

I looked at her wondering if she was doing that annoying cousin thing where she read my mind.

"With alpha Tristan. He seemed mad when he left." She elaborated.

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