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"I already told you, dude, I. Don't. Know." I let out in an exasperated tone.

Chris' face implied that he didn't believe a word I was saying.

"Well then how did this happen? What did Beta Bridgette say when you talked to her?" Chris asked, I didn't miss the dreamy look he got on his face when he spoke her name.

Oh boy.

"She didn't say anything." I responded. I left out the part where she was absolutely no help at all. "Just that I'm now a part of the AAP."

I let out a sigh after the words left my mouth. I was going to be learning and training among the brightest and best of the Silvercrest youth.

Cue humiliation.

"Well, it says here that you can quit if your reasoning is absolutely valid or if one of the supervisors dismisses you." Chris spoke, I had given him the AAP handbook to study on my behalf because honestly, I still didn't want to believe any of this was real.

"I have valid reasoning! I didn't apply!" I yelled.

"Okay, Miss fussy pants. Don't be mad at me. I didn't do this."

I sucked in a deep breath. "Sorry. I just really hate this."

"It's not all bad, you know." Chris shrugged. "Sure, only one person actually gets to be an apprentice in the end. But the other candidates also have it good. The program itself guarantees you a stellar future. I mean a letter from just one of the elders or pretty much anyone with enough high standing here could get you anywhere! You're the one always going on about Harvard being your dream school. Almost all the apprentices and candidates end up at Ivy League schools. The way I see it, if you play your cards right, you can actually get something out of this."

I thought about that.
I love Uncle Victor and Aunt Sarah, I love Parker and Hazel and Kat. But the Silvercrest pack has just never been home to me.

It's never felt like home and I don't know if it ever will. Roman was the only halfling I could really relate to here. Chris had both his parents here and Professor Tanner seemed to have achieved a sort of standing inspite of his differences.

But Roman an I were outcasts. Not even our parents had wanted us so they ditched us.

Try not to feel alone in the world with that being your reality. And now Roman was gone. He had betrayed me and the entire pack.

I was alone and getting out of here was my only escape.

"But this doesn't feel right." I told Chris.

We had finally approached the town centre of Woodfell. All the stores were open and it was as busy as usual with life. I had never seen such an organised town place as the one in Woodfell. It was systematic, like clockwork. Woodfell produced and manufactured most of its own things so prices were low and no one ever went without.
Any excess foods or products were either exported or donated to packs at war who were in need.

"I didn't work for this, Kat did. I feel like I'm taking a short cut."

I feel like I'm stealing her dream.

Chris scratched the back of his head.
Even he couldn't put a twist to the fact that Kat was probably mad. I mean she even left school without us!
We always walk home together.

"She'll get over it." Chris finally spoke timidly.
He handed me the handbook. "This is a great opportunity, Cryss. I know it's not what you expected but I... I think it's great. When Roman got the apprenticeship, sure I was happy for him but I wasn't surprised. Roman has always been good at everything. But with you..."

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