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Just as I expected, the minute we walked through the doors of Silvercrest high, we were met with stares and whispers.

Some people even had the nerve to point.

"I am seriously about to kick someone's ass." Kat spoke before growling at a group of girls who were staring, they immediately scrambled in fear.

"Just ignore them." I told her remembering Aunt Sarah and Uncle Victor's advice.

I had spent so much of my life keeping my head down that I was used to it by now. People would always talk, it was inevitable. My job was to not care or at least pretend not to.

A bunch of freshmen came running past us almost knocking me over. Kat held me steady just in time.

"Hey, pups! You've been changing for all of two minutes, do you want me to come over and teach you what an actual grown werewolf can do?" She called out after them, clenching her fists.

"Maybe the halfling should learn something about balance." One yelled back causing all of them to burst out laughing before they ran off.

Kat looked like she was about to chase after them but I gripped her hand. "It's not worth it." I told her

Kat huffed as she glared in their direction. "I beg to differ."

"Think happy thoughts." I told her. Judging by the look on her face, 'happy thoughts' were probably tearing someone's head off.

"Okay... plan B."
I grabbed her hand and led her in the opposite direction.

"We should probably get our books from our lockers before the assembly." I told her as I scanned our new schedule.

"What do we have first?" Kat asked.

"History of Werewolf and Human Relations with Mr Tanner." I responded.

Kat and I have the same schedules each year with a few exceptions considering she takes more advanced classes that would help her get into the AAP. Classes I could never take.

I'm not as strong or fast and my reflexes aren't as lightning quick as the rest of the Werewolves here. Disadvantages of having a werewolf mother and human father.

Kat leaned against my locker. "I kind of like Mr Tanner. He's the only theory professor around here who doesn't make me want to doze off after the first five minutes of the lesson."

I giggled.

I liked Mr Tanner as well, he was one of the only four 'halflings' that existed in the Silvercrest pack. Well, I guess there were only three of us now that Roman was gone.

Mr Tanner is the only professor here who doesn't just tolerate me. We're more or less the same so I guess he's more empathetic to what I go through.

"Oh no, mean girls alert." Kat muttered.

Her eyes were focused on something behind us and there was a sneer on her face.

I didn't even have to turn around to know who she was talking about.

Their names were Courtney and Bea, and they have had a special type of hatred for me since the minute I got here.

Sure everyone pretty much recognised that I didn't belong here, I was an obvious outcast but then there were these two rays of sunshine. I really had spent my life thinking mean girls were just cliches from TV. Courtney and Bea proved me wrong every time I had an encounter with them. And trust me, they had been many.

In my first week at Silvercrest high, they cornered me in the bathroom and pretty much shoved me to the floor, taunting me about being a 'halfling'.

I have a feeling they would have done much worse if Kat hadn't shown up and started yelling up a storm attracting the attention of other people.

The Alpha's Favourजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें