Loyal love

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"Seriously!?" Applejack deeply inhale, she can't believe what Spitfire and Gilda said. 

"Yeah.... I mean if that's okay?" Gilda asked pretending to be kind.

"Absolutely N--"

"Yes, sure." Rainbow Dash cut off her lover and smiled to Gilda and Spitfire.

Applejack groan softly and clears her throat. "Please, excuse us." Applejack fake her smile to Gilda and Spitfire as she drag Rainbow Dash to the corner away from the two.

"Rainbow? Seriously?" Applejack asked, pissed.

Rainbow Dash sigh. "I know, but they are only staying for one night, J-just one, okay?" Rainbow Dash put both of her hands to her lover's shoulder. 

Applejack bit her bottom lip. "Yeah, okay, Let's say one night. And in that night- Ah-Ah don't know- something happened?" Applejack panicked.

Rainbow Dash raise an eyebrow. "What? You don't trust me?"

Applejack breathe out. "No- not you Rainbow. Ya know Ah don't trust yer friends. Specially them."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Okay? So what should we do? It's almost curfew."

Applejack turn to Spitfire and Gilda who are watching at the T.V screen. "Fine. Where are they gonna sleep?" 

Rainbow Dash shrug her shoulder. "Maybe here, I'll grab our extra small-not-so-big-bed, blanket and pillows, and we're fine." 

"Right.... and let the two of them sleep here?" 

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No, I'll sleep with them. Maybe on the sofa.."

"Nope, Bad Idea, you're probably gonna be at the floor with them when the morning comes, butt naked." Applejack said, panicking.

Rainbow Dash notice her girlfriend's jealousy, she smiled of how cute Applejack was. Applejack look at her with a serious face when she saw Rainbow smiled.

"Rainbow, this is not a good time for--"

Applejack was cut off by Rainbow Dash's lips pressing hers. Applejack felt butterfly in her stomach and kiss Rainbow Dash back. They pulled away and look at each other's eyes. 

Rainbow Dash smiled at her, she cup her lover's cheeks and kiss her forehead. "Don't worry, you can sleep with us." Rainbow Dash smiled and slide the strand of Applejack's hair that is covering her face behind her ear. 

"B-but they are yer friends, and Ah'm not-"

"Hey, Aj. Look at me." Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash, with worrying, panicking look, and at the same time, cursing Spitfire and Gilda from coming. "You are my girlfriend, I'll be fine."

Applejack pout her face and hug Rainbow Dash. "I love you, Apples." Rainbow Dash whisper to her ear and hug Applejack back.

They pulled away and looked at each other. "I'm gonna grab the things we'll be needing." Rainbow Dash smiled at Applejack and kissed her lips.

Applejack nodded as she watch Rainbow Dash run upstairs to grab extra blankets and pillows. Applejack sigh and turn to look at Spitfire and Gilda as she walk towards them, looking at the T.v screen and crossed her arms around her chest.

Gilda and Spitfire turn to her with a smirk. "Don't worry, you'll be sleeping peacefully. And you never know what will happened to us." Gilda chuckled, trying to annoyed Applejack.

Spitfire deeply exhale. "It's like we are having a sandwich pose. Mmm..... I'd like it when Rainbow Dash is in the middle." Spitfire said looking at Gilda.

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