Cancelation of Schools

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"Awesome!! School is cancelled and now we can spend more time together!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed after she heard the news.

Her and Applejack are actually ready to go to school that time. Luckily, Aj opened her Social Media Account and saw the news that school is cancelled because of the virus, then she quickly turn on the t.v and watch the live news as she heard that the school is cancelled.

"Aw shoot! Our passing of this project Ah've been working on all night is today. Ah should have known." Applejack sit beside her girlfriend and sigh.

Rainbow Dash turn to looked at her girlfriend and kiss her cheeks. "That's alright, Aj. Atleast you don't have to worry about anything now that your project is done."

Applejack smiled at her. "What now?"

Rainbow Dash stand. "What do you mean, What now? School is Cancelled and I have more time with you." she said sound like her friend Pinkie pie. "And plus, I can play more video games, read awesome books, play with Winnona and Tank and of course, I have more time kissing you." Rainbow Dash with a sly grin.

Applejack blush as she mention the kissing part. But- "Oh yea?" Applejack said standing up. "What about cleaning? Doing the laundry? Cooking? Showering? More on cleaning... And-"

Rainbow Dash eyes widen. Don't say that word, please don't say that word... -she thought

"Washing the dishes." Applejack said with evil grin. She knows her girlfriend hates washing dishes.

"Gaaah- Fine!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Applejack smirk and chuckled. "Now, now. Change yer clothes, to comfortable one, we're going to clean."

Rainbow turn to her quickly. "What? Aj? Are you serious? First day of the school is cancelled. Now you want to clean already?" Rainbow Dash asked annoyed.

Applejack nod and she point her index finger to the screen. "The news said the Virus might be the dirt in our house. And they said it's ah serious Virus." Applejack explained.

Rainbow Dash groan in laziness. She grab her bag and stamp her feet hard to the ground like a child.

Applejack rolled her eyes and follow her Girlfriend.

AppleJack and Rainbow Dash change clothes they're always wearing at home.

First- Applejack Vacuum their room and Rainbow Dash helped her by dusting their stuff.

Rainbow Dash cough as she wave her hand to the air because of the dust.

Applejack turn to look at Rainbow Dash and turn off the Vacuum. "See? Ya haven't clean yer things since we moved here, Rainbow." Applejack walks up to her girlfriend and help her move her things to the other side so Rainbow can clean it.

Applejack turn on the vacuum and vacuum the place where Rainbow dash things were before. Applejack is now finished vacuuming their room floor and now she's helping Rainbow Dash to wipe all the dust.

Hour past as they finished cleaning their room, because of Rainbow Dash stuff, like old video games that she puts in the box but never cleaned it, her old books, skateboard and more of her stuff inside the closet full of her old things that haven't clean in months.

They closed Rainbow Dash closet and wipe it's door.

"Done! Finally!" Rainbow Dash stretch her body. Applejack laugh.

"Oh, babe. We're just getting started."

"What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrows.

Applejack unplug the Vacuum and carry it down stairs. 

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