Happy Anniversary

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"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack yelled from the kitchen.

"What?!" Rainbow Dash yelled back and she's playing Fortnite.

"Ya din't wash the dishes! Again!" Applejack yelled.

Rainbow Dash din't reply and keep playing.

Applejack barge into the living room where her girlfriend play.

"Hey, get out of the way. I'm playing!" Rainbow Dash said annoyed taking a peek on the screen.

"Last game, Dash! Or no more GAMES!"

"Hey! You're not my mom!"

"Ah'm your girlfriend."

Rainbow Dash wins the game, she stand up and toss her head phone and gaming set away. "Ugh. Fine. Mom!"
Rainbow Dash said annoyed as she walks to the kitchen.

Applejack watch her walks to the kitchen and face palm.

Applejack follow her and saw how her girlfriend wash the dishes, she looked pissed.

"Okay. Ah won't stop you from playing."

Rainbow Dash glare at her. "You better be NOT."

Applejack walks up to her lovers back and hug her. She rest her head to her lovers shoulder.

"I'm doing the dishes, Aj. Can you hug me later?" Rainbow Dash said washing it.

"Do you know what date is today? Don't ya want me ta hug you?" Applejack said and kiss her neck.

Rainbow Dash is done and turn to look at her, she pushed Applejack. "Not today, Aj." Rainbow Dash said and walks away.

Applejack looked at her confused as her girlfriend walks to the living room.

Applejack follow her and sit beside her.
"Ah wanna play too. What about duo?" Applejack grin.

Rainbow Dash looked at her then to the screen. "Yeah- I'm playing with my squad mates."

Applejack just sit and watch as her girlfriend talk to her 'Squads' which are the 'death'.
Applejack can't hear what her squads are saying because Rainbow Dash is wearing headphones. She just watch how amazing Rainbow Dash aim and how she use Shotgun and Sniper, it amazed her.

Applejack turn to look at her girlfriend and she's having fun, while Applejack look sappy, just watching.

And they win Rainbow Dash got 18 kills, she got the most kill, her squad only gets 10 and below.

"Easy as pie." Rainbow Dash laugh and talk to her Squad.

Applejack sigh and leave her girlfriend to the living room. Rainbow Dash didnt even notice a thing. Applejack went to where their pets are.

She feed them and free them to play. "Atleast you two know what date it today." Applejack said talking to their pets. Winnona walk towards her and bark, Tank slowly smile.

Applejack pet them and giggles. Applejack is bored, She don't know what to do now that Rainbow Dash is playing with her 'Squads'. Making her pissed. It pissed her, she already told Rainbow to not play with them but she still don't listen to her girlfriend.

Applejack tear up and Winnona lick it, Applejack giggles and pet her head. "Ah know. Ah trust her, but ah don't trust her Squad." Applejack said to Winnona and smile. Applejack give Tank some food and Winnona too. "Now play. Ah'm gonna take a nap." Applejack said standing up.

She went to the kitchen to get some water and saw Rainbow Dash was there drinking Milk.

"Hey love." Applejack said with no emotion and hug Rainbow Dash.

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