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11p.m when they start watching movie.
Perfect timing because it's raining.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack gets a popcorn, drinks and some chips. They even get a blanket.

She turn off every light in their house.

"No eyes closed or cover, got it?" Rainbow Dash said sit to the sofa beside her lover, she put some blanket because it's cold, because of the rain. Applejack do the same. They are not in each others arms because it's a challenge and one of them has to win.

Rainbow Dash play the movie. She is really scared right now but not showing it because she saw Applejack is calm eating popcorn.

Ah'm gonna die, today. Ah hate this movie. Applejack thought, she is sits calmly while staring at the screen.

The first scene of the movie has a horror, where Hannah Grace Is in the bed, her hands and feet are all in the side of the bed handcuff. She was possessed
Priest was all around her and her father.

"Ugh- never thought this movie is this boring." Rainbow Dash said and look at Applejack who is listening.

"Shh- Rainbow. Ah'm watching."  Ah'm scared, Ah'm gonna die. Applejack thought.

Minutes past and there's lot of chitchat of the movie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash is only watching while eating their chips and popcorn. There are in the sides of the sofa.

"I wanna hug, Applejack so badly" Rainbow Dash thought and simply glance at her lover who is watching.

"Ah want to cuddle her." Applejack thought and sigh.

"Nope! This is a challenge!" They both thought and continue watching.

There's a part where Hannah Grace is starting to move. This is were Rainbow Dash and Applejack got scared, because she walk like a spider, plus her scary face.

"What the f--" Applejack scream in her mind.

"Oh my -- Applejack!!!" Rainbow Dash thought as she yawn, she peek at Applejack who is watching calmly and even move, for her to feel comfortable.



The part where Hannah Grace escape. And crawl to kill someone again.

"She's in the FREAKING CEILING" Rainbow Dash thought as she drink her cola.

"Oh great. Now she's in the same place again." Applejack thought and open the chips for her to eat.

"BURN! BURN HER!" Rainbow Dash scream in her mind.

"Thank Celestia, It's finally done."

"WHAT?! BASE OF THE TRUE STORY?!" Rainbow Dash is about to faith but still act normal.

The room is silent when the movie is done.

Rainbow Dash yawn and turn on the light of the living room.

Applejack is still staring at the screen. Scared.

"Applejack?" Rainbow Dash walk towards her lover.

Applejack stop staring the screen and look at her girlfriend. "Whoa. That is... Not scary at all." Applejack chuckled and stand up.
"Now we clean before we go to sleep." Applejack said. They heard a loud thunder and they both jumped.
Usually Applejack and Rainbow Dash screams, but, they are still in the challenge.

"Stupid storm." Rainbow Dash said taking the foods to the kitchen. Applejack Vacuum the floor and clean the tiny table.

After cleaning they went to bed. They shower earlier before they watch horror, so they only brush their teeth and went to bed.

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