The Adventures of Professor Proton, Jr: "The Proton Express..." Part XIX...

Start from the beginning

"By a government..." she noted coldly.

"By the UN as well as yes, the US government." Firmly. "But lets leave that. This is about your brother. Munson, I believe he's using you."

"To sell off the cargo and ship to the highest bidder...I know everyone thinks Bwarry is utterly corrupt... But the truth is, he shares my ideals, just in his own way. And, above all...My brother is not a murderer."

"He killed a woman, for whatever reason. I have no idea what his motives are here, he could be an idealist like you for all I know...But if he is, he's a fanatic and he's using you."

"What reason would he have to kill Dr. Hofstadter?"

"The best reason of all...To protect himself...And his allies..."

She stared at him.

"His Russian allies." Tom noted firmly. "Penova told me she knew her government was dealing with him and maybe you, and she didn't approve. It makes sense that he would kill her if he'd learned she was trying to tell me."

"So, I'm dealing with the Russians?" she glared at him. "I'm a total hypocrite selling out to the highest bidder?"

"Even he might not be doing that...But whoever is behind the diversion needs a strong backer to stop me and the UN from securing that ship."

"Right." Icy stare. "Well, thanks for your visit, Tom. Tell that girl of yours, Phyllis, I give her my best and I'd be happy to exchange notes sometime."

He reddened. "I did you both a wrong...Phyllis in betraying her...Though we're not committed beyond stead dating...And you in not being sure first."

(Don't be mean...Don't be mean...Stuart's a nice guy and doing a fine job here, Penny thought.)

"Nice to know you never trusted me." Munson nodded. "Please go."

He nodded and paused by the door..."I didn't reveal I knew you'd stolen my code book. I'll stick by my promise. Bwarry will be left alone till the UN and the Russians decide what to do. But if he makes any trouble..."

"Or, if I...Given I'm such a criminal manipulator...?" icy sneering look.

"Or you." He eyed her. "But I want to believe you're not involved beyond trying to learn what was going on earlier."

"So much for my being your 'Dr. Munson' on your kiddie You Tube show." She eyed him. "Good night."

"Good night. Munson? At least be careful with Bwarry. Don't put too much trust in him..." he closed the door.

She frowned at the closed door which automatically locked her in again, then sat on the bed, pondering...Tears starting to run.

("That was perfect." Howard beamed. "Nice job."

"Sure. Thanks." Lesley nodded. Leonard offering thumbs up. Penny nodding.

"Gwreat job, Lesley." Kripke smiled. "Ya had me goin'. I don't know if you're innocent or no, now."

"Yeah, thanks." Lesley, carefully, at his fond look.

It's ok...He mouthed, wry smile. I get it. You love me, just not quite...

"Penny?" she had come over to her and Leonard...

"Yeah, say, that was great...Really." Nod. "Right, honey?" to Leonard.

"It was...Thanks, Lesley. I really appreciate the effort."

"Just keepin' my end up in front of Cooper. Penny? Can I borrow you a minute? I won't steal her away, Hofstadter."

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