"It's nice to finally be able to spend sometime with you Laney. I bought you a latte, I hope it'll warm you up." he said, pushing the latte towards me. I thanked him and sipped it, letting the warm liquid rush down my body and warm me up from my toes to my finger tips.

"So how have you been?" I asked, sipping more but focusing on Louis.

"I've been great actually, amazing if I do say so myself. I haven't told you something that I've been meaning to share with you since the longest Laney!" he exaggerates at the end. I smile and tell him to shoot. "I have a girlfriend."

I almost spill my latte all over my pants, probably making me look like I just peed myself. How embarrassing would that be! I wipe my lips and set the cup down.

"Come by again?" I say.

"I met this girl, her name is Eleanor Calder. She is amazing and I asked her out maybe a while after we got back from Seattle. We've been together ever since and yes, she is dying to meet you! She couldn't come today but she sends her best wishes." he says enthusiastically.

It was strange seeing him this way, in love and totally happy with his life. This was a new kind of happiness he deserved to have a taste of. It's almost as if cupid had hit him straight to the bum but deep enough to actually make love work for him. I laughed, thinking what kind of girl Eleanor was and what intrigued him of her.

"That's great Louis, I'm so happy you found someone to love."

"Well you're not far behind, as you just told me you are dating Mark. What made you say yes to him anyway?" Louis asked.

"I don't know, on impulse, ready for someone new who can appreciate me when they have me. And trust me he appreciates me!"

"Yeah to the point of beating up Harry! I don't know about you but that's a bit creepy darling. He shouldn't have any anger or resentment towards him. Its not like Harry had done anything to him." he said annoyed.

I laughed, I thought about that two days ago. "He has his reasons, lets just say that. He is a really nice guy Lou, he's so thoughtful and charming, not to mention attractive and charismatic, also respectful. I couldn't of asked for someone better than him because that person doesn't seem to exist."

"I still cant forgive for what he did to Harry. You should have seen the boys, they all were joking around with him at the hospital two days ago. It worked, although he later confessed to me he was thinking about you. You know Laney, he's in love with you." Louis says shyly. I just roll my eyes thinking that's the biggest load of bull I had ever heard. It was so cliché it sickened me. Anything Harry said sickened me and honestly I didn't want to hear any of it. I caught myself in thought, did I really think that? Honest to God did I really just think that? Is Harry out of my heart?

"Lou, do you believe in falling out of love?" I ask redundantly.

He looks at me, eyeing me carefully at my composure. I was sitting up straight and not looking away or blinking oddly. He then licked his lips and began to talk.

"If its possible to fall in love, then I think its possible to fall out of it. Why are you asking love?"

I shook my head and sipped some more of my latte, I didn't want to tell him in full detail of what just happened inside my head, it was like a revelation. I ended up changing the conversation and talking more about Eleanor, she seemed like a lovely girl from all the things Lou was telling me. They even went to France together! We decided we should meet again some other day, but I had to go, I didn't want to be a worry to anyone back at home. Louis agreed to drive me there, although it was close by. On our car ride home I noticed he seemed utterly quiet. Once we reached in front of the flats, I decided to ask him about it.

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