Part 23 - Payback Is Sweet!

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*Vicky was still staying in London with everyone but Lauren, Nathan and Max wouldnt speak to her after what she has said and what she had done. Lauren still didnt know that Vicky was one of the reasons Tony abused her...Also Lauren had her audition with Jayne, she just waiting on a reply to see wether shes in or not.*

Laurens POV - 

YES! Vicky goes home today! I havent been allowed in the same room as her whilst she was here incase i attacked her again. Nathan hadnt spoke to her either and neither had Max and Tom, I found it funny but the girls didnt stick up for me, they took Vickys side well Amber never. Jess, Rachel and Georgia said they would only speak to me if i appologised to Vicky...Yeah like thats gonna happen! I told Nathan and Tom what they said and they told me i shouldnt appologise so i wont! I woke up lying ontop of Nathan, feeling the warmth of his bare chest pressed up againt me. I started planting little kisses on his nose and he woke up and wispered in a sleepy voice "morninn princess" i smiled before saying "mornin Nathy Bear!" We stayed lying in bed together just enjoying each others company until Tom and Amber barged in and plonked themselves at the end of the bed. Nathan groaned at them, i laughed at him before asking Tom and Amber "what do you 2 want?" Tom was grinning like an idiot as if he was a little kid hyper off sweets as he said "has Jayne contacted you about the audition?" I smiled at him and then jumped off Nathan to check my phone i had one new message from Jayne:

From Jayne - Hi Lauren! Me and the management LOVED your audition, your vocals are amazing! We want you to be a permanent support artist for a celebrity, if your interested just come to the sunrise studio at 1pm amd we will discuss the deal! See you soon :)x

A huge grin spread across my face and i screamed! Nathan looked at me confused and i showed him the message, he congratulated me before pulling me in for a passionate kiss! Tom asked "so what happened?" I couldnt help but smile as i spoke "i got the job! Jayne wants be to be a permanent support artist for a celebrity although she didnt say who the celebrity was..." I trailed off into a thought, thinking about who the celebrity would be...


The boys had gone to do some recording for their next album and me and Georgia were heading to sunrise studios to meet Jayne. I was running late as usual, i couldnt find my hat, i was rushing around the bedroom panicing until i noticed a small note on my pillow from Nathan:

Dear My Crazy Lauren, thought i would tease you today so ive hidden your hat because im a super boyfriend! ;) see you soon baby enjoy your day without the hat, love you loads from your Nathy Bear!!xxx

I shook my head and put the note in my pocket as i thought of a way to get him back, i instantly knew what to do. I rushed downstairs and into the living room, Georgia looked at me pretty confused as i grabbed Nathans ice age box set and hid them upstairs in a place that Nathan would never think to look. I walked happily down the stairs and Georgia just shook her head at me and said "what the hell are you doing? Nathan will cry for hours if he finds them missing!" I laughed before saying "I know thats why im doing it! As hes hidden my favourite hat when i need it most! So its payback!" Georgia just rolled her eyes at me before dragging me out to the awaiting taxi to take us to the sudio to see Jayne.

Nathans POV - 

Me and the boys were at sunrise studios for Lauren to come. I couldnt wait to see the reaction on her face, I left her a note at home saying i hid her hat! She will just laugh at the note and then search for the hat before eventually giving up and heading to the studio. We waites in the back room of the studio so Lauren didnt see us when she came in, i waited excitedly as i recieved a text from Lauren:

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