Part 17 - Will Truth Break Us Apart?

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*The lads and Georgia are still in the club after Laurens performance and Nathan is so shocked that she never told him about her amazing voice!*

Laurens POV -  

I finished my final song, i was so pleased with myself for my vocals! My first ever night working at the club went perfect, i had so much fun too but the men where just pricks. They tried to grab my arse and boobs, i was so annoyed! I walked off stage and through the club picking up my bag on the way out, many off the men wolf wistled at me but i just ignored them and walked out as i texted Nathan:

To Nathy Bear - Heyyy Nathy Bear, im sorry if your asleep but i just wanted to say im on my way home and i cant wait to see you, in need of major cuddles :(xxxxx

I sent the text message and kept my phone in my hand as i walked up the road towards the house. The next minute i recieved a text from Nathan:

From Nathy Bear - Heyy baby! Im waiting up for you, and awww why baby did your job go okay?? Also baby we have run out of tea bags can you pwetty please pop to the shop before you come home *puppy dog eyes* ??xxxxxxx

To Nathy Bear - Yay at least we get some time together ;) and i will tell you when i come home :( also yeahh course i will seeing as its you ;) see you soon, love youu!!xxxxxxx

I walked into the shop across the road from our house and bought some PG tips, some skittles for Jay, and some other goodies for everyone. After i paid for the goodies i walked home, i wasnt in a happy mood and i just wanted Nathan, MY Nathan. I knocked at the door since i couldnt be bothered to search for my key, Jay answered i gave him the bag of goodies and walked straight upstrairs. I shut the door and slid down it, pulling my knees to my chest as i sobbed into them. I dont want all the men all over me, in the club, if Nathan ever saw what they did then he would never forgive me! I sobbed and sobbed, my mascara had gone everywhere, i didnt really care at this point, i just wanted Nathan and i needed to tell him what happened with all them men tonight, i just had to hope he would understand.

I couldnt stop crying because the thought that i could lose Nathan is killing me inside. After i calmed my tears, i removed myself from the floor, got changed into my PJs and cried into Nathans pillow, inhaling his scent with every breath/sniff. Then i heard someone run up the stairs and then the door open, i turned my head to the door and Nathan was stood there, seeing him set my tears off again and i cried into his pillow. Nathan rushed to pull me into his arms keeping me close, as much as i didnt want to accept his comfort i did. I snuggled into his chest soaking his t-shirt with my tears. "Baby why are you crying? Please talk to me Baby!" Nathan pleaded to me, with worry and upset in his voice. I took a deep breath and said "well at the club there was loads of drunk men wolf wistling at me, then they all started feeling me up and asking me things, i didnt do anything i just ignored them and walked out but i keep thinking that if i told you then you will break up with me and leave me." i sobbed even more into Nathans shirt and he just kept me close to him as he kissed my head repeatedly. "Lauren your so stupid at times, those men were just drunk and you are irrisistable baby! I know you would never cheat on me and i will NEVER EVER leave you as i love you so much, and remember if i cant be there when your upset which may happen when im on tour with the boys then you just need too open up your locket and there i will be, with YOU!" Nathan wispered before he kissed me passionatly his warm lips connecting with mine as we drifted off to sleep together, me in the warm grip of Nathans arms.


Nathans POV -  

I woke up the way i remember falling asleep, holding Lauren close to me. I slowly slid out of bed trying not wake Lauren up but as i moved she turned over mumbling my name again and again. I stoked her hair and kissed her forehead and left the room leaving her to sleep, I strolled downstairs and saw the rest of the boys sat at the table talking, "morninn boys" i said as i sat down with them. "Morning Nath, hows Lauren? Is she okay?" Tom asked concerned, "yeah shes okay now, i just feel sorry for her as all the men in the club started feeling her up and everything, shes so broken about it but she loves to sing and thats what she wants a career in...WAIT A MINUTE!!" i trailed off and flashed out my phone to call Jayne.

After i got off the phone with Jayne, i had a big cheesy grin on my face! The boys looked at me really confused and Max said "Nath...whats with the cheesy grin?" , my grin grew even wider as i said "well we know how much Lauren wants to be a singer, so i asked Jayne about it and she said if her and the label like her then Lauren can be our permanant support act who travels everywhere with us to sing!" The boys had huge smiles on their faces and Tom stopped as he said "wait, does Lauren know we heard her sing in the club?" i shook my head before saying "no she doesnt, this is gonna be a big suprise, shes gonna get a phonecall from Jayne telling her to meet her at the studio and since Lauren has never met Jayne she will have no clue whats going on, shes gonna love me!" I was so excited to she how she would react.

Finally Lauren came sprinting downstairs screaming and shouting about her audition with Jayne next week. She was so happy. "So when do we get to hear you sing?" i asked her giving her a cuddle, she looked up at me embarressed and said "never, i cant sing infront of the ones i love, ive told you that, also my voice isnt good at all compared to you and the boys!" The rest of the boys laughed at her including me and then Max blurted out "Lauren...Your voice is absolutely AMAZING, i know everyone will attack me for telling you this but we went to the club last night and listened to your final song and...WOW we were all so shocked at how perfect your vocals were for I Found You! Nathan was so proud of you for 2 reasons 1) because you nailed his solo and 2) because your his princess and seeing you do well makes him happy!" Lauren smiled at us all and the looked up at me before i pulled her in for a passionate kiss. As she pulled away, she said "so this audition did you have anything to do with it?" i looked at her "noo" i lied but i wanted to suprise her so i wasnt saying a word.

Maxs POV - 

After nearly being deafened by Laurens screaming, i walked into the living room to join Georgia. She was just sat watching twilight, as i walked in i spoke "heyyy gorgeous" , she turned around and shushed me as Robert Patterson was on the TV and he was topless. I rolled my eyes at her and switched the TV of and stole the remote, her eyes grew wide and she jumped up of the chair, i ran. She chased me round the whole house for the remote, i wasnt giving in, i shouted to her "whos better me or Robert Patterson?!" She had caught up with me, i held my arm up so she couldnt get the remote, she laughed and looked up at me "definately Robert Patterson." I put my free hand on my chest and pretended that she was breaking my heart, i was being so dramatic about it. Georgia just laughed at me and gave me a hug, as she said "aww Maximillian, your definatley better, i mean you give the BEST kisses in the world!" I raised my eyebrow at her and said "awww babe i love you to but your not getting the remote" I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me before placing my lips to hers, kissing her passionately.

When we pulled away, we headed into the living room and Nathan was having a panic attack and Lauren was in stitches of laughter on the floor. "What the hell?" I said as i pulled Georgia onto my knee as we sat down on the sofa, Lauren just carried on laughing as Nathan said "right, the remotes gone missing and ice age is being played on sky, im bloody panicing here, im missing ice age!!!" Me and Georgia stated to laugh too, Nathan just rolled his eyes and carried on turning the living room upside down to find the remote which i had hidden so Georgia couldnt drool over Robert Patterson. Soon enough Nathan gave up and sulked on the sofa, he wouldnt say a word. Lauren had calmed down and crawled over to him on her hands and knees, she approached Nathans feet and sat up placing her hands on his knees. He carried on sulking and Lauren gave him big fat puppy dog eyes, which he finally gave into, he took Laurens hands in his own and he leaned down to kiss her passionately. As soon as they connected, Nath picked Lauren up and put her on his knee, whilst not letting their lips break apart. Me and Georgia laughed at them before i had my lips connected with Georgias, tasting her lipgloss which tasted like candyfloss but oh well i loved it anyway!

~~~Part 18 up soon :)~~~

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