Part 11 - Give Me My Hat...

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*Its 3 weeks into the summer and all the hate with the fans has mostly gone now, majority of the fans love Lauren as she tells them some funny stuff about Nathan and they just love it*

Laurens POV -

Only 3 weeks left in London, gonna miss it so much! It amazing here and i dont wanna leave it behind, also spending so much time with Nathan is amazing, I love him so much its untrue! I was lying in bed thinking about the future and what might happen, i want a career; i want to be a singer but i want to spend time with Nathan. Nathan was fast asleep next to me, he looks so cute when hes asleep. I went to get up from bed as i felt Nathans warm grip tight around my waist as he pulled me close into him, "your not leaving me here alone" he wispered. "But Nath i need to get up, i need a shower i look disgraceful" i said back to him using puppy dog eyes, Nathan looked back at me as if i'd insulted him "babe if you ever say you look disgraceful again, i swear i will tickle you to death! Your beautiful, crazy but beautiful and i love you so so so much baby!!" I laughed at him, gave him a quick kiss as i went for a shower before changing into a pair of denim hot pants, black tights, my favourite TW t-shirt, my black flats and one of Nathans snapbacks. I added some accessories to my outfit and walked downstairs as a topless Nathan laughed at me, "whats so funny?" i asked pretty confused. "You still fangirl over us right? Even though your MY girlfriend" he said walking towards me emphasising the 'my', i blushed and put my head in my hands. Nathan pulled me into a hug but i just kept my head in my hands, i dont want him to think im a crazy fangirl but im still overwhelemed about everything thats happened and that Nathan Sykes is my boyfriend.

I started to cry into my hands as i thought about everything, Nathan all of a sudden picked me up and took me into the living room where the boys were as all the girls had gone to work as they all have jobs. The boys were all concerned at why i was crying, Nathan kept me close to him as i carried on crying. "Baby please talk to me, i really worried about you here!" I could hear concern and worry in his voice, but what should i say? I dont want him to think im a crazy fangirl but i cant lie to him i have to be honest. "Nathan...i dont want you think any different of me but im still a fangirl inside, i still fangirl over you and the boys! I have since the day you released all time low so its hard for me not to fangirl over you lot! Im sorry if you think im weird now but i had to tell you and i understand if you dont want us to be together as im a fan but i could lie to you" i sobbed even more as i got up to leave, Nathan grabbed my hand so i couldnt leave! I looked around the room, all the boys were smiling and Tom said "Nath just kiss her already mate, we're getting old here!" Nath laughed, stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and i wrapped mine around his neck before he placed his soft, warm lips to mine. All the lads cheered and wooped, i just blushed! Nath wispered into my ear "I love you lauren!" i smiled as i said "I love you too Nathan!"

Jays POV -  

Seriously Nathan and Lauren are the CUTEST couple ever, they are perfect for each other! I miss jaythan though but ive got my girl now and Nathans got his, we are happy although we are still JAYTHAN! "So what are we going to do today then?" I asked the rest of the lads and Lauren, Tom replied saying "we've got soundcheck for tonights gig in about 20 minutes, so hurry up!" I laughed at Tom as i left the living room to get dressed. 


Everyones dressed and waiting in the car for Nath, hes running around the house going crazy because he can find his favourite snapback! "Nath just leave it mate, get a different hat and hurry up, we are already late!" I shouted as i headed towards the van. As i got in the van i noticted Lauren wearing Nathans snapback, i laughed and said "Naths going mental looking for that hat yanno Lauren" she smiled at me like she knew thats why she wore it, she is perfect for Nathan. After another 5 minutes Nathan finally got in the car without a hat on, he looked so upset as he thought he lost his favourite hat, he looked at Lauren as he said "i cant find my favourite hat bab.... WAIT A MINUTE!!!! omg you had it this whole time!!" he sulked in his seat and took the hat from Laurens head! She looked upset but then to tease him she said "fine then! I'll snuggle into Tom for this 1 hour car journey" She was sat inbetween Tom and Nath so she snuggled into Toms side as he wrapped his arm around her. "Oi you, your my girl not his!!" Nath insisted as he pulled her into his lap, she refused until he kissed her and she was happy again although i knew she wanted his hat! When we finally arrived at the arena, Lauren who we thought was asleep jumped up and stole Nathans hat from his head and ran out of the van and into the arena. Nathan nearly died from shock as he thought she was asleep, but as soon as he realised she had his hat, he was fast to chase her! Me, Max, Tom and Seev all jumped out the van and followed Lauren and Nathan into the arena, as we walked in we could hear Nathan shouting 'give me my hat back you' and Lauren shouting back at him 'you have to catch me first' , it was so funny to listen to. We left them to it and walked to our dressing room.

Nathans POV - 

"Give me my hat back you" I shouted at Lauren as i chased her around the arena. We ran through the whole arena, until i hid behind a few seats near the steps of the stage. She kept shouting "so are you giving up then, if so i get to keep your hat" her voice was getting louder and she walked past where i was hid. I jumped out and grabbed her waist from behind and wispered into her ear "i found you" , she laughed and tried to fight against me to get away as she said "let me go...NOW!" I just kept her close to me and she turned around to face me, still in my grip as i looked into her sparkly eyes getting lost in them more and more. "Can i have my hat back now as i caught you??" i gave her my goodboy face and she said yes and gave me my hat back but she looked upset. I cupped her cheek in my hand and placed my lips on hers. Although i knew she was still upset but i didnt know why.


We were coming to the end of our London gig we only had 2 songs left to sing; I Found You and Heart Vacancy. Tom was talking to the packed arena of fans about Heart Vacancy and our traditions to each pick a girl to come on stage with us. The rest of the lads picked a girl and i could take my eyes of a certain girl; My Girl! She still looked upset so i thought of something straight away, i pulled her up to be my Heart Vacancy girl, she smiled like an idiot but i knew she wasnt still completely happy. As the song started it was really loud from screaming and cheering, i wispered into Laurens ear as i held her hand "heyyy baby!" She mouthed the words 'heyyyy nathy bear'. It then hit me, she was unhappy as i took the hat off her, i took the hat off my head and out it on her head! Her smile grew even wider and she threw her arms around my neck and i wrapped my arms around her waist, i looked into her eyes and she looked into mine before i leaned in to kiss her. I could feel her smile benethe the kiss which made me smile. I could hear cheering, screaming and people saying 'aww' as i realised the song was over and me and Lauren are still kissing each other. When we finally pulled away, the boys were all wooping and shouting 'get in Nath', we kept all kept the hear vacancy girls on stage for our final song; I Found You! As my solo started, I didnt take my eyes off Lauren for the whole of it, i wanted her to know this is what i felt like when i finally found her after so long. She kept trying to look away but i took her face in my hand as i sung to her. After the song ended so did the concert, all the other girls headed back down to the seats were their friends where but i just kept Laurens hand entwined with mine as we walked off stage with the rest of the boys and headed towards the van. When we finally arrived home, Jess, Georgia, Amber and Rachel greeted us all with hugs. We all sat in the living room talking about the future and what its gonna be like, Lauren was really quiet and i asked her "so now you've left school what do you want your career to be baby" as i pulled her onto my lap. Georgia quickly butted in as she said "you havent told him what you want to be, you shouldnt be ashamed as your amazing at it!" I looked at Georgia and then back at Lauren wanting to know what she wants her career to be as she said "well ive always wanted to be a singer but never knew if i was good enough, plus i get scared singing infront of the ones i love! My nerves always get the better of me and i just freeze." I kissed her on the forehead and smiled at her not saying nothing else as she fell asleep on the sofa. Lauren on my lap with my arms wrapped around her, I love her so much so if anyone takes her away from my i will kill them. I suddenly felt a vibration off Laurens phone which was next to me, it was a text from a boy called 'Tony'... My heart sunk, is she cheating on me?

~~~Part 12 will be up soon :)~~~

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