Part 13 - 18 At Last!

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*Its the day before Laurens 18th birthday and Nathan wants make it a birthday to remember by throwing her a surprise party. He was going to invite her family but they are planning her a family party the week after.*

Maxs POV -  

Nathans stressing out so much over Laurens party and he doesnt know what to buy her as a present. We've all helped him with little bits like he put Tom and Amber incharge of food and the cake, Siva and Jess incharge of balloons and banners, Jay and Rach incharge of entertainment and me and Georgia incharge of keeping Lauren out of the way whilst he concentrated on keeping everyone on track.

I know Nathan wants this day to be perfect for Lauren after everything thats happened. Once he finished me, him and Georgia went shopping for Laurens birthday presents and cards, after about 3 hours shopping and deciding we headed home and everyone else was waiting for us. Nathan was greeted with a hug and kiss or should i say snog from Lauren, she clearly missed him! It was cute though seeing Nathan so happy with a girl who i think may be his future wife.


Laurens POV - 

I woke up with a huge grin on my face knowing that i was now 18. Nathan was still fast asleep, i turned over to check the time on my phone; 7am, i already had 4 messages i opened each one:

From Mum - Happy 18th b'day babe! I cant believe my baby girl is 18! anyway have a good day and i will call you later love you! Xx

From Simon - Happy 18th Birthday sis! Have a fab day and just because your 18 doesnt mean you can go off with boys! Anyway i will see you soon!! X

From Tom Tom - Happy 18th Birthday Lil Sis! Have a great day, im sure you will love it! I cant wait to see you face when you see the presents me and Amber got you!! You will love us!! So happy birthday and love youu!! Xx

From Nathy Bear - Happy 18th Birthday Baby! Have a great day beautiful! I hope you enjoy yourself, thank you for making me the happiest person in the world! Without you my life isnt complete, you are my world, my everything baby and I LOVE YOU so so much!! And i always will!! Xxxxxxx

I smiled at the texts and put my phone back down on the bedside table as Nathan started to wake up. He looked at me and said in a half sleepy voice "happy birthday baby, i love you so so much!" I kissed him and cuddled up to him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine until i heard a door open and no doubt it was Tom! He nearly smahed down the door as him and Amber came charging into the room like two 4 year olds on christmas day! They started jumping onto the bed and onto me and Nathan until we climbed out of bed. When we finally walked downstairs i had to be blindfolded and Nathan guided me into the living room, when i removed the blindfold, everyone shouted happy birthday to me! The coffee table was full of different presents and cards. The grin on my face grew even wider! I sat on the sofa, next to Nath as i opened up my presents and cards. First one i opened was from Jess and Seev in the card it said:

To Lauren, Happy 18th Birthday! Have a great day! Lots of love Jess and Seev!! x x

I opened their present and it was picture of me and Nath in a personalised frame which said 'Me and My Boy' , i loved it! It was from when me and Nath first met, I thanked them both and gave them a hug before moving onto my next card and present from Jaybird and Rachel which said:

To Lauren, Happy 18th Birthday! Have a fabulous day! And Yay your finally old enough to come clubbing and get absolutely wasted ;) Lots of hugs and kisses JayBird and Rachel x x

I laughed knowing Jay had wrote out the card as i opened up the present which was a pair of shoes but not just any shoes! It was the nike blazers i had been saving up for for so long they were red and white and i LOVED them. I screamed like a little girl as i opened up the box, i gave them both a big hug before going back to my unwrapping. Next gifts were from Tom and Amber. Inside the card it said:

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