Part 3 - I Don't Want To Lose Her...

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*Laurens still missing and Nathan, Georgia and Max are still out looking for her. Nathans devastated as he thinks hes lost her when hes starting to really like her. Will Nathan find her and win her over? Or will she walk away as hes hurt her that much?*

Nathans POV-

Why did i say i hated her? Why? oh why am i such a dick, arggghhhh i dont want to lose her! Me, Max and Georgia have been searching for 2 hours straight, oh Lauren, Where are you? "Nath me and Georgia are going to get something to eat, you wanna come?" Max asked as he took Georgias hand and started to walk towards Nandos. "Ermmm, yeahh i gue...WAIT WAIT Max look its Lauren!!" I shouted as i pointed towards Lauren who was sat on the grass with her knees brought up to her chest and her head down, she was crying! She was crying because of me... 

I ran towards her before Max grabbed my arm to stop me and said "Nath! stop a minute mate and let Georgia speak to her, remember shes upset and your the one who hurt her..." I looked at Max and nodded as Georgia went to speak to an upest Lauren while she was there the words Max said to me played through my mind 'your the one who hurt her' , i cant help but think ive lost her, i dont want to lose her, i cant lose her i just cant.


Georgia and Lauren have been talking for over 20 minutes. As Georgia walked back over to where me and Max were sitting, i looked over to see Lauren stand up to and walk toward us. She saw me look at her and she cried again, i hated seeing her cry especially when im the one who made her cry in the first place. Georgia comforted her and told her something, i didnt know what she said though. Me and Max stood up and walked over to where the girls where stood. I couldnt help but look at Lauren, she was stunning! Max looked at me staring and nodded at me to talk to Lauren and tell her how i felt. Georgia knew we had to talk so her and Max walked away their hands entwined with each others as they walked around Liverpool Park.

Me and Lauren both walked over to an empty space on the grass and sat down, both of us still silent and not saying a word until she broke the silence saying "why Nathan? just why?" i could hear the sadness in her voice. "I didnt mean it, i was only joking! i didnt know about your past, i didnt know how your ex boyfriend was with you! If i could turn back time and take the words back i would, Lauren baby im so sorry! Im honestly the biggest dick and if you never want to see me again, i understand! This is all my fault so i will have to live with the guilt myself..." i said as i stood up to walk away until i felt a small hand grab mine, Lauren.

Georgias POV-

Me and Max where sat in Nandos until there was loud screaming coming from outside, about 50 fans of The Wanted had spotted Max - oh no! I sighed as i put my head down on the table until i felt 2 warm arms wrap around me, Max. He wispered into my ear which made me smile and i heard some fans shout hate from outside but alot of them 'awwd' , as we stood up to walk out max stoped me near the door, pulled me closer in to him and he...KISSED ME!! "wow" was all i managed to say as we pulled apart, i had butterflies in my tummy and i could still taste his lips on mine, wow i just love him! 

We walked out of the restraunt and Max took pics with a few fans before saying goodbye and we walked back towards the park to find Nathan and Lauren. The park was pretty packed now lots of little children runny around as it was after 3 so they had all finished school, we searched the park for about five minutes until we saw Lauren wrapped in Nathans arms, they looked perfect togeter! Max smiled at them knowing that Naths finally happy, we walked over to them and Lauren pulled away from Nath and hugged me to say thank you for making her see sense to forgive Nathan even though they're not together yet.

Max looked at me with a big cheesy grin, "why are you so happy?" i laughed at him, giving him a hug! "Promise you wont laugh at me or hate me?" he said as he pouted, "i promise now tell me Mr" i replied as i winked at him. "Well this may sound to forward but i need to to ask you! so here it goes, Georgia will you be my girlfriend??" he looked at me with his gorgeous eyes, i couldnt help but smile. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Lauren and Nathan were both looking at us with smiles. "Max...OF COURSE I WILL!!" I jumped up and wraped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist, we kissed AGAIN, oh how i loved his hugs and kisses!!

~~I know its short but part 4 will definately be longer as i just had to get this bit out of the way :)~~

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