Part 49 - Really? Again! Oh Great!

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*Its a different day but they are going back to the restraunt again for breakfast cause it was 'nice' apprently!*

Georgias POV -

We arrived at the restraunt again, it was so nice when we came 5 days ago so we decided to come again only this time we have come for breakfast as the boys start thier Australia tour tonight. We all piled out of the van and walked into the restraunt and i can say its a very posh and high class restraunt. Tom told the waiter his name and we were soon seated at a table and the waiter took everyones drink orders as he handed us all a breakfast menu.

"Tom one question, why did you choose a posh restraunt in the first place when your not at all posh, comparing me and you together i would look as posh as the queen!" Lauren laughed.

"Its a change, and your the ones who wanted to come back and you as posh as the queen? Thats like saying im hygenic?!" Tom commented as we all burst out laughing and Lauren rolled her eyes.

When the waiter returned with our drinks, my phone vibrated i pulled out to see a text from Lauren, eventhough she is sat facing me.

From The Oreo - I think im gonna be sick, i feel really ill! xxxxxxxxxx

I looked at the message confused and looked up and saw Lauren clamp her hand over her mouth and run from the table to the toilets, a rush of concern came over me so i got up and followed Lauren. No doubt as soon as i got in there she was alreading being sick so i pulled back her hair and rubbed her back. Funny thing is she's never ill, well ive never known her to ever be sick and ive known her a long time, weird. After a few minutes Lauren stopped being sick and washed her mouth with the mouth wash she had in her bag, this girl always comes prepared.

"Lauren are you okay?" I asked clearly concerned.

"Im fine, allthough im never usually ill! You know that, ive never been sick like that in my life! Ie always been quite healthy despite the junk food i eat, what if its serious Georgia? Im scared!" A single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Well if your scared at what it might be, do you want Nath to take you to the doctors?" I smiled.

"No i dont want Nath to worry can you come with me and we just tell the everyone else that, your tired and want to go back to the villa and im going too?" She quickly said.

"Okay" Was all i said.

We walked out to the table and explained to everyone about me being tired and to my disbelief they believed it and me and Lauren walked out the restraunt and towards the doctors. As we got there, the recptionist took Laurens name and told us to take a seat in the waiting area, it didnt take too long for the doctor to call Lauren in. I was gonna let her go on her own but she dragged me with her cause she was scared, aw the poor girl. The nurse told us to take a seat and Lauren explained what had happened, although as she explained it, she couldnt help but cry. The nurse ran some tests and then sat down with us and she gave Lauren a supportive smile.

"Whats wrong with me?" Lauren stuttered.

"Nothings wrong with you, the symtoms you have experienced are normal for the beginning of your pregnancy" The nurse smiled.

Wait, Laurens pregnant, AGAIN! Oh no this cant be good, poor Lauren shes probably dying inside as she said a month ago she wasnt ready for this, oh crap. Lauren just said goodbye to the doctor and walked out and just broke down crying on the bench outside. I sat by her and tired to get her to answer me and after about 150 attempts she finally replied to me.

"Georgia i wont be able to do this alone!" She sobbed her tears out of control, still.

"No you wont be alone as i wont tell anyone if you want to go the hospital now for an abortion like last time!" I tried my best to support her.

"Imkeepingit" She said so fast i just about made out the words.

"Did i just hear right that your keeping it?" I asked in complete shock.

"Yes im keeping it! Im still not ready to have a child but everything Nath said last time made me regrett my abortion and now i know im gonna be a mum and Nath is gonna be a dad!" Lauren smiled as she wiped away all her tears.

"So when you gonna tell Nath?" I asked as we stayed sitting at the bench.

"Soon just not today, im still getting my head around it myself and i need to be emotionally stable when i tell Nath, i dont know how he will react" She looked scared at the thought of Nathans reaction.

"Lauren why do you look scared to tell Nath?" I was confused.

She broke down again into more tears, god damn hormones.

"The other day me and Nath were just talking and he said he was upset about me getting an abortion but he was relieved cause he said he wouldnt be able to cope with a child" Her tears flowed harder.

"Im sure he will be fine when you tell him" I said simply trying to cheer her up, it was failing. So we walked back to the villa.

Laurens POV -

Im pregnant, AGAIN! I mean come on when will i get a break from all this drama, i know im not ready to take this role as a mum but i wouldnt be able to live with myself if i had another abortion, the guilt would kill me. Georgia knows cause obviously she was there when the nurse said and ive asked her to not tell Max until i tell Nath when i tell him soon. Im not telling him today anyway cause i wont see him til tomorrow as him and the boys have got their first show tonight, i am meant to go but i called Jayne and said i was 'tired' obviously i lied, i couldnt control my emotions yet so i didnt want to have a break down or something on stage.

When me and Georgia got to the villa, i could hear Kelsey, Nareesha and Rachel all laughing and giggling away. I unlocked the door before walking into the living room and Kelsey stood up, spun round, folding her arms and tapping the floor with her foot whilst her face had a stern expression on it, oh no. Looking at her stare at me set my waterworks off again, great. Now i have to tell them why im crying by saying im hormonal, brilliant!

"Lauren whay are you crying? and where have you been? you said you and Georgia were coming home cause Georgia was tired" Kelsey asked concerned.

"You cant tell anyone, not even the boys cause i need to tell them myself" I siad between breaths waiting for them all to agree which they did. "Well im pregnant!"

"What? Are you keeping it or are you yanno..." Nareesha trailed off.

"Im keeping it, but im not at all ready, im only 18 and i know im gonna be such a bad parent!" I sobbed even more as Kelsey pulled me into a hug. 

She is like my big sister! The good thing about her too is she isnt jealous of the brilliant brother/sister relationship i have with Tom, which is great because i wouldnt be able to cope with Tom as my big brother.

"Lauren me, Nareesha, Georgia, Rach, the boys and especially Nath will help you through all of this! Your not alone, at least you and Nath will be happy with your little one" Kelsey finished and i wiped away my tears.

"B-But the other day N-Nath said he d-didnt want a child b-b-because he wouldnt b-be able to cope"  I said trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

Nareesha pulled me into a huge hug and told me everything will be fine as did Rachel and Kelsey, i just wish i was that bit more responsible. We sat watching chick flicks all night with all the duvets and pillows layed out in the living room as we ordered pizza and sat around eating that, ice crean, popcorn, sweets and a load of other sugary junk food. Laughing, crying and smiling we had a great night and soon enough we were all fast asleep spread around the living room with pillows and duvets here, there and everywhere. I started to cry again and cry and cry about what news i found out today and how will i cope. What if im not a good mum? What if i screw this kid up? How will the kid live with me as a mother? So many questions that were left unanswered as i cried myself to sleep.

~~~~~Again i apologize for the short chapter but i need to finish this in the next chapter to write the sequel:P The next chapter should be longer but it depends on the detail i put into it:P What are your thoughts on this then? Lauren pregnant again? Fan/Vote/Comment please:)~~~~~

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