Part 44 - It Was For Both Of Us!

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Nathans POV -

I waited outside the living room untli i had the strength to go in and speak to Lauren, I could hear her and Georgia on the other end of the call. I went to get a cup of tea before i then walked into the living room and the boys knew i wanted to speak to Lauren alone so they walked out of the room and into the kitchen to skype Georgia whilst i talked to Lauren. I took a deep breath before sitting down on the sofa facing the webcam on the laptop which was on the coffee table.

Me - Lauren?

Lauren - Nathan how many times do i have to say sorry for you to forgive me for what I've done

Me - Dunno, you should have told me yourself

Lauren - I know Nath but i didnt know how to say it, its hard for me as well yanno!

Me - Its hard for you? Your not the onne who found out your fiance had an abortion from your drunk bestfriend!

Lauren - I know that Nathan and i know its hard for you but you have to see where im coming from with all of this and not just you!

Me - so what your saying is i only care about myself?!


Me - Thats how it sounded!

Lauren - Nathan please how many times do i have to say im sorry!?

Me - Lauren, You dont realise something, I would have loved to have been a dad and to have a child but most improtantly it would have been our child something thats part of me and you but that doesnt apply to you does it?!

Lauren - I know that Nathan but i wasnt ready, im 18 and your 19, i wouldnt have been able to do it alone and yes that does apply to me and i would love our own baby together but im just not ready yet

Me - What do you mean alone? You wouldnt have been alone, you would have had me and the boys and the girls too, thats NOT alone is it?!

Lauren - No its not but you and the boys have a world tour to do and im not being the cause of that being put on hold.

Me - But the boys wouldnt have minded, remember Georgia is pregnant too?!

Lauren - Yeah and Georgia has an entire family behind her and shes a stronger person with a brilliant past life, what have i got Nath? No family? My childhood and school life was a shambles and now you hate me, if you didnt want to be with me you only had to say, so thanks for the amazing times we had but most of all thank you for breaking my heart and not seeing where i come from.

With that she ended the call. Did she just end it? Whats just happened? I slammed the laptop down and threw my head into my hands and cried and cried and cried, i cant have lost her, i cant lose her. Shes my life. Within minutes the boys came running into the living room asking was i okay because Georgia said Laurens sat on the beach crying her heart out screming my name because shes broken hearted. Why didnt i just forgive he in the first place? 


Laurens POV - 

Today is the day the boys come to Australia. Its been 3 weeks and a day since i last spoke to Nath and ive not stopped crying for most of it, i think there was only 2 days i never cried and that was because we met up with Olly and Jess and spent 2 days with them, we watched Ollys show, went surfing and Georgia, Olly and Jess even went Skydiving, i didnt cause i have a fear of heights. I dont mind flying on a plane but i cant sit by the window, i feel like i might fall, yeah im weird i know.

I lay in bed thinking about what might happen today, i dont even know. I drifted off into a daydream until Georgia ame in all bouncy with alot of energy.

"I GET TO SEE MY HUSBAND MY MAX TODAY AND YOU GET TO SEE NA...TOM!!!! YOUR BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER!" She screamed, nearly saying Nathan but covered it up with Tom.

"Yeah Georgia, what do you think might happen?" I asked worried.

"I dunno but fate will do its job and you'll find out soon enough as their plane lands in 10 minutes so get yo arse out of bed!" She ordered and walked from my room, still very hyper.

I threw the covers off me and opened my curtains letting the beautiful Austrailian sun and the brightly coloured beach light up my room. I changed into a pair of white shorts, a red vest top and white sandles before soving my hair into a messy bun ontop of my head. When i was done i grabbed my phone and the keys before me and Georgia got into taxi to the airport to meet the boys. Luckily the airport was a 5 minute drive so when we arrived I paided the driver before turning to Georgia.

"Im scared!" I stuttered.

"You'll be fine, i promise!" She gave a supportive smile and we walked inside to were all the drivers wait for their passengers.

We waited for about 10 minutes before people started walking out of the arrivals, none of the boys had walked out yet well they hadnt until Georgia screamed and ran off in the direction to where i spotted max, aw she looks so happy as she dived into his open arms. The next one of the boys to walk out was...Nath. He was looking around frantically for someone until he spotted me and i gave him a very weak smile, he let go of his suitcase well dropped it and ran towards me, picking me up and spinning me round before crashing his lips onto mine giving me everything he had, what? I thought he hated me?!

When he set me down on the floor he just stood there staring at me for atleast 5 minutes before he actually spoke.

"I love you so much, please dont walk aways from what we have!" He pleaded, his beautiful green eyes looking at me.

"I was never walking away from you but you broke my heart so i thought we were over! Did the lads tell you how i reacted that night?" I stuttered as a lump formed in the back of my throat.

"Yeah i was told and it was then i realised that i shouldve forgiven you straight away as you did it for us both and when we are both ready then we will consider having our own baby" He smiled softly.

"So am i forgiven?" I asked, my tears about to be unstabe.

He crashed his lips back down onto mine as he moved his hands adventurously up and down my back until he rested the on my arse, felt so freaking good so i wasnt gonna complain!

"Im guessing thats a yes then?" I panted catching my breath back when we pulled away.

"You got it!" He winked and pulled me into a hug.

While we were still hugging i heard cheering coming from behind me.

"Looks like they're happy that we sorted things out!" Nath said as he pointed towards Tom, Max, Jay, Siva and Georgia.

"Yeah looks like it!" I beamed a smile while we walked over to them and Nath redeemed his case from the floor. 

"You look alot happier now Lauren!" Georgia stated.

"I am because i have the best friends, the best brother and the best boyfriend in the world!!" I squealed as Tom puled me into a hug!

"Aw i love you lil sis!" Tom said into my hair.

"I love you too Tom Tom , you are my brother!!" I said still giving him a hug.

Considering we didnt live far from the airport, we decided to walk but i was lazy so i got Tom to give me a piggy back, i did ask Nath but hes lazy himself and he got one of Jay leaving Seev, Georgia and Max with all the cases. Aw i love my friends and my brother but most of all i love my boyfriend, my Nathan. My Life.

~~~~~Part 45 will be up tomorrow now unless i write after ive done my homework:) Hope your enjoying the story, feedback is appriciated:)~~~~~

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