Part 33 - I Told Her That I Loved Her!

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Toms POV -

I cant believe Lauren left but i guess she had a good reason. Nathan is going to be heart broken by it but Laurens only done it so he doesnt get hurt by Louis, I sat on the sofa silently as Amber comforted me as i had told her what happened and she cried at first but now shes staying strong for me. The other boys came into the house all happy as they hugged their girls and Nath ran upstairs to find Lauren i assumed but he hadnt come back down yet, i was getting worried until i heard footsteps coming towards the living room. The door opened and Nathan came in, his eyes all red and puffy and both his hands holding tightly onto something, "Nath whats up?" Max asked walking towards a very stunned and upset Nathan, "shes gone!" Nathans tears broke out and he cried onto Maxs shoulder as Jay spoke from the other side of the room "what do you mean shes gone Nath? wheres she gone?" Nathan lifted his head from Maxs shoulder and stuttered over most of his words "shes left. Because she doesnt want louis to hurt me, she gave me a letter appologising saying i wasted time being with her when she doesnt deserve me and that everyone has to make sacrifices even if we dont like them (dunno what thats about). I love her more than anything, her past is my past, her life is mine! And i dont know where she is or where shes gone the letter didnt say, and i know shes left for good she left these!" He opened his hands to show Laurens engagement ring and the locket Nathan got her for her birthday, Jay and everyone stood up and gave Nathan a hug except me as i was hurting too as i know where she was and where shes going and its killing me that i cant tell them. 

Nath sat down and everyone tried to calm him down whilst they made plans to find or contact Lauren, i stayed quiet but maybe a little too quiet. "Tom whats up mate why you so quiet? are you not concerned about Lauren?" Max asked from his seat, I kept my head down as i commented "course i care about her but she didnt listen to me when i told her not to leave." It was all coming out now and i couldnt stop it, i continued "Laurens safe, shes told me shes safe and that shes leaving because she will be heartbroken if Louis hurts Nathan and she is..." I trailed off as i stopped myself from giving her location away, Nathan jumped up from where he was sat, walked towards me and stopped right infront off me, he was about to cry again, i just know he is. "Tom please mate your my bestfriend, you, Max, Jay and Siva all have the perfect girlfriends well wife in Maxs case. You lot all know how much Lauren means to me i need her back, i cant live my life without her. Shes my everything Tom, please tell me where she is...please Tom!" Nathan said as tears began to fall over his cheeks again, he really misses her. I bit my bottom lip for a few seconds and thought about it until i realised that it was the right thing to do, "okay, Laurens gone back to Liverpool to catch a flight to Australia tonight well thats what she said to me..." , Nathans eyes grew wide before he spoke "did you say shes going to Australia? Louis's in Australia! He told Lauren he was going away so she didnt have to worry but i deleted the message so Lauren never saw it, omg what have i done?!" he was starting to get worried and he started pacing around the living room thinking of what to do, i stood up of the sofa and placed my hand on his shoulder showing him a supportive smile before saying "Nathan whatever we do, we are in this together mate!" We had a man hug and a bit of  man cry, as soon as we pulled away i grabbed my phone and i noticed i had many missd calls from...LAUREN! I quickly rang her back as i hushed everyone else in the room, she answered soon enough:

"Hello?" she said softly, I could hear in her voice she had been crying.

"Lauren, are you okay?" I said to fast making myself lose my breath.

"Im fine Tom, ive just got to the airport but i couldnt get a flight from Liverpool so im flying from Heathrow!" she said back to me.

"What? really? Aw, Lauren please come home you dont realise how much Nathan has cried since he found out you had gone, please come home!" I begged to her.

"Im sorry Tom but this is something in life that has to happen so i can save my Nathan, im sorry..." she trailed off and before i knew it she ended the call.

Nathan looked at me, hoping Lauren would come home. I said "Shes at Heathrow now getting her flight to Australia!" at that second i recieved a text from Lauren containing all her flight information so i knew when she had landed, i showed Nathan the text , he snatched my phone and grabbed his keys before he ran out of the front door not saying a word.

Nathans POV -

I ran out of the house and hopped in a taxi to Heathrow, i sat in the back of the taxi impatiently, i wanted to get there on time, i hope this driver hurries up. I dazed out of the window watching the scenary fly by from outside the taxi, after what felt like hours the taxi finally pulled up at Heathrow, i paid the driver before racing out of the taxi to check in. I couldnt find her flight on the screen, i was getting worried now, i ran to the check in desk and bought any flight i could just to get though to the departure gates to find her. The second i bought my ticket i made my way through security before being stopped by a big crowd of people who had just got off a plane, i pushed past them all trying my hardest not to be spotted by any fans, I ran to the main screen to find her flight, i couldnt find it so i just ran to the gate she told Tom she was at, gate 27. I ran and ran through the airport, my asthma starting to kick in, i didnt stop i just pulled out my inhaler and took a deep breath while still running, i couldnt stop. As i spotted gate 26, i sprinted even faster but as i come to gate 27, I saw nothing. I looked out of the big glass window and the plane had already gone, i double checked i was at the right gate and i was. Lauren has gone and shes gone for good.

I sat down and cried for like the 10th time but i couldnt help it, i love Lauren so freaking much and if she loved me then she wouldnt have left but i guess shes done it to protect me. When i finally redeemed myself from crying, i stood up and trudged my way back through the airport, I walked through the packed crowd of people until i saw someone in the middle of the airport, with their head in their hands crying as they sat on their suitcase; it was Lauren. I went to rush up to her and keep her close to me but i stopped myself and stood there thinking to myself, will Lauren still love me? I drifted off into my own world until i was brought back into reality by an elderly man about 60/70, he patted my shoulder and said "right i know its not my place and you're probably abit freaked out cause you dont know me but you love that girl right?" i looked at him in amazment before saying "how did you know?" He chuckled a little at me before saying "I was in the same postition as you at around your age, i loved a girl just like her but im different to you because i told her that i loved her. I didnt stand around waiting for her, i made my move! I married her And ive kept her with me ever since." he looked over to an elderly woman sat on the bench. "The names Jim" , I smiled at him sweetly before saying and shaking his hand "Nathan, but what if the girl may not love me back?.." i trailed off before my emotions started taking over me. Jim looked at me and gave me a supportive smile before replying "no matter what her reaction is, you need to be honest with her about how you fell and that you'll always stand by her side. And the love will last forever!" he shook my hand again before saying goodbye and returning to where his wife was sat. I took a deep breath before walking towards a very broken Lauren.

I stopped infront of her and she didnt look up until i crouched down and whispered "I love you baby!" Her head shot straight up from her hands, her eyes all red and puffy from the crying but she never spoke so i did "i thought you were going to Australia?" Lauren wiped away her last tears before she tripped over her words as she said "i couldnt do it Nathan, i couldnt leave you! Your my entire life, my world and i love you so much! And i know you probably dont mean what you said about loving me as i mean who would still love me? i mean i planned on walking away leaving you without a good explanation but you need to realise that i couldnt do it i couldnt just walk away from what we had but i wrecked it all anyway!" She stood up grabbed her suitcase and started to walk away tears streming down her face making her mascara run, i lightly grabbed her arm as she turned to face me, she tried to avoid my eye contact so i tilted her chin to make her eyes meet mine as i whispered "Lauren, I love you princess! You havent wrecked a thing, youve made our love stronger, today when i actually thought you had left me made me realise how much i actually need you and how i CANNOT live my life without you, please stay with me!!" She smiled at me before saying "I love you too Nathy Bear! I.." I didnt let her finish i just crashed my lips into hers as my arms wrapped around her waist and she run her hands through my hair. As we pulled away, i pulled her into a tight hug and when i looked over her shoulder i saw Jim and his wife sat there smiling at me, it felt amazing to think that he probably just saved my relationship and thanks to him i have the love of my life back, My Lauren! All because i told her that i loved her!

~~~Sorry its short but its the follow up from part 32 :) i will upload 34 soon :)~~~

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