Part 20 - The Penknife And The Scars

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*Lauren and Nathan have just returned from the park to find an unexpected and unwanted guest in the house.

Laurens POV -

i stood ther so silent and so still i was just about breathing. I finally spoke out 5 words, "WHAT are you doing here?" , he looked into my eyes and opened out his arms towards me, i edged further and further back into Nathans arms which were wrapped tightly around my waist, the way i liked it as i felt safe. He never said a word, he just carried on getting closer and closer to me, my heart started racing and Nathans grip tighted making me feel secure. He was a couple of feet away from me now and i was getting angry, i suddenly found strength in my arms and pushed him back a few feet as i said in a stern yet angry tone "I said, WHAT are you doing here?!" Nathan started kissing my neck to relax me, it always did and the he asked "Lauren, who is he?" i stared at Nathan and spoke in the most calm voice i could use "Nathan, this is...Tony!" All of a sudden i felt Nathans grip clench my stomach as he was getting more and more angry and protective as he wanted to keep me safe and close to him. I looked at Georgia who was full of rage and Max just kept kissing her hands trying to keep her from exploding.

Tony kept his eyes locked on me, they looked dead and cold after some long silence he spoke "i warned you Lauren! I really did warn you!" He took steps closer and closer to me and Nathan, my heart raced not knowing what was going to happed and he punched Nathan right in the face knocking him back and making him release his grip from around me. I knew Tony wanted to get at Nath but that wasnt happening, i had never told anyone that i took Taekwondo for about 5 years and was a black belt. Tony went to take another punch at Nathan before i grabbed his arm with my right hand and i pulled it around behind his back making him fall to the floor in pain. I let go and he stood back up and then tried to take a kick at Nathans crotch area but i grabbed his leg and flipped him over and the back of his head and his back took a hard hitting to the floor making him unconcious but not dead.

I rang the poilce and an amubulance for him so he could be arrested. Nathan, Max and Georgia all stood there looking stunned. Nathan had a black eye but no real damage to his face, he walked over to me and said "where did you learn those moves?" I smiled at him as i spoke "i took taekwondo for 5 years and achieved a black belt, it comes in handy when i need to defend myself of my super sexy boyfriend" I winked at him as he pulled me into a hug and he said "thank you so much baby, you just saved my life! Look." Nathan pointed towards a pen knife that had fell out of his pocket, i instantly recognised it. It was the same one he used to abuse me with when we were together, i looked at it and broke down in tears just thinking about it. Nathan rushed to my side and sat me on the sofa as he cuddled me, "baby he cant hurt you anymore im here dont worry even though you saved my life im still here for you!" he spoke in his soothing voice, i just carried on crying. No one knows about when Tony used to slice my stomach everytime i said no to him, i never told anyone and thats why i cover up my scars on my stomach so no one ever asks why i got them. Nathan carried on cuddling me until i spoke out "im sorry Nathan, im so sorry i never told you!" i sobbed even more and Nathan looked pretty confused! "What are you going on about Lauren?" he asked hugging me tighter, i wiggled my way out from his grip and raised my top to show my stomach. It was the first time in so long i had ever shown anyone my stomach without cover up cream on.

Nathan stared at my stomach before placing his hand there using his thumb to trace each and every scar. Eventually he spoke "Tony did this didnt he?" i nodded my head and cried once again, Nathan pulled me into him and this rime wasnt letting me go, i felt so safe. After so long the police and ambulance arrived and we explained everything and i told them about the knife and i even showed them the threats he sent in text messages. The police officer left and did say to us 'dont worry this man wont be coming near you or anyone you love again he is going to be in prison for a long time!'

~~~Part 21 will be up tomorrow but i had to get that out of the way :p anyway i hope your enjoying it so far :) follow me on twitter @laurenjane62 ~~~

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