Part 14 - Hangovers and Headaches

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*Its still Laurens birthday and shes having the time of her life at her party Nathan organised for her!*

Laurens POV -

This birthday has been the best one in such a long time! Nathan is the best boyfriend EVER! Hes organised everything with help from all our friends, hes just amazing. We were all in the pool just laughing and having fun, but i got out and went to sit on the sunbed. Soon enough Nathan was next to me asking was i okay, i had my vest and shorts back on because i didnt want him to see my stomach up close as i have scars from when i used to be abused by Tony and i really cant stand the sight of them. I hadnt told him about them because i didnt want him to think any different off me so i just used a special cream to cover them up when ever im around people. He knelt down beside me and said "are you okay baby? Whats up? Will you come back in the pool? For mee?" I answered him "im fine i just needed a breather and okay but only because its you!" I winked at him, quickly took my vest and shorts off and dived into the pool so no one would see my stomach. Nathan jumped in after me and grabbed me from behind.

We stayed in the pool until we were all so tired we just could stay in the pool no more as we all got out we headed inside and got some food from Tom and Ambers fabulous food table! We all pigged out on all the food until we were to stuffed to move, Me, Amber, Georgia, Jess, Rachel, Seev, Max and Jay were all sat in the living room drinking alcohol and fizzy drinks with the music on in the background. Jay and Max were absolutely wasted as was Rachel, Georgia and Amber. A drunk Tom and a sober Nathan were in the kitchen and then it went dead dark and i saw Nathan and Tom walk in with a big chocolate birthday cake lit with 18 candles all around it. They all sang happy birthday to me and i blew the candles out and made a wish. We all sat around talking and laughed, just having a good time. Everyone was pissed except me and Nathan as i didnt want to drink much, neither did Nathan. Tom and Amber got everyone up dancing to the now blasting music, i cant stand loud noise so i sneaked out from the room and out into the garden and lay on the hammock. I hoped Nathan would follow me which he did soon enough, he lay next to me on the hammock pulling me in closer to him, i could feel the warmth of his body being pressed against mine. He kissed my forehead and then said "whats up baby?" i smiled at his adorable concern as i said "nothing at all, ive had the most perfect day and thats thanks to you! I just wanted some time alone with my sloth like yet beautiful boyfriend." He laughed at me before placing his lips to mine, it was the perfect moment, and the perfect way to end a perfect day!


Georgias POV -

I woke up will a killer headache as did Max, we drunk far too much alcohol last night and now we were paying the price. It was about 3 in the afternoon and me and Max strolled downstairs to see Lauren laughing her head off at Nathan who had fell over and was sat on the floor sulking as he does. Lauren then went and sat with him on the floor and gave him cuddles, we started laughing then too and they greeted us with a morning before making me and Max some breakfast and a cup of tea each. "So how bads your hangover then?" Nathan asked as he handed us our tea and some paracetamol for our headaches "oh haha very funny Nath but yeah bad, im not drinking that much ever again!" I said as i took my tablets. After we had our breakfast, Me and Max cuddled up together on the sofa as did Lauren and Nathan and we watched all 4 ice age movies AGAIN! At different times between the movies, the rest of the crew started join slowly all with bad hangovers.

By the time the 4th ice age finished it was about 10pm, so me and Max headed off to bed taking up a cup of tea each. We heard Seev, Jess, Jay and Rachel all follow shortly after, we hadnt seen Tom or Amber as they just stayed in bed as their hangovers were pretty extreme. I hopped into bed next to Max and he pulled me in closed to him as he kissed my neck over and over making me all tingly inside. "na night max, love you" i wispered before drifting off into a dream...about max!


Nathans POV -

So Lauren has to go up to Liverpool today as her family are throwing her party, her family dont know about me as Lauren wanted tell them face to face and not over the phone. Her mum said she can bring friends to the party so shes taking me, Max and Georgia with her as Laurens mum knows Georgia and Georgia knows alot of the family. I was lay in bed cuddled up the Lauren thinking about what her family might think of me, i mean what if they dont like me because im in a boyband? What if they dont want Lauren to date me? Will she obey them? Im so scared about meeting them, what if i mess up my first impression?! A million and one questions wizzed through my mind. Lauren eventually started to wake up and i greeted her with a kiss, she smiled at me and said in her morning voice "morning Nathy Bear!" I said morning back to her and we sat talking about tomorrow and what might or might not happen.

When we finally got out of bed, Lauren packed a bag for me and her as we were staying for 3 days so she could visit and spend some time with her family. Once we packed we took our bags downstairs and waited for Max and Georgia, when they finally came down we were ready to go. We said our goodbyes to Jay, Siva, Tom, Amber, Rachel and Jess and we headed towards the train station to catch the train to Liverpool.

I had my hand entwined with Laurens the whole train Journey, when the train pulled up at Liverpool Lime Street Station we got off and got in a taxi to take us to Laurens flat in Liverpool! I loved her flat, is amazing! We pulled up outside the modern flats and Max and Georgia looked astonished as they had never been here before, we paid the driver and went inside and up to the top floor, as Lauren opened the door Maxs and Georgias eyes grew wide at the flat, they literally fell in love with it like i did when i first saw it. After they came out of their trance, we all got ready for the party. I just went simple with a leather jacket, my game over t-shirt, a pair of jeans and high tops with my and Laurens favourite snapback which she always robs from me. Lauren wore her dress what Tom and Amber bought her for her birthday last week, she wore black flats and some accessories to top it all off, her hair was curly and down, she looked stunning and i couldnt believe shes all mine!

After everyone was ready, we headed out and called a taxi to take us to where we needed to go. I was shaking, i was so nevous until Lauren said "Nath, calm down babe! They will love you! I mean whats not to love about you! The hardest people to impress will be my mum, step dad and brother, simon as they hate me having boyfriends but who cares about them hey, i love you and thats all that matters!" Her soothing voice and kisses calmed me down as we approached the big house, it was a big house! The door was open and there was some children running around outside, there was banners and ballons up saying 'Happy 18th Birthday' , then my nerves came back again i was so scared. Lauren kissed me telling me that it will all be okay and we gor out of the taxi...

~~~Part 15 will be up soon :)~~~

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