Part 38 - Why is this happening to me?

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Georgias POV -

OMG!! OMG NO!! AHHHHHHHHHH BAD THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW?!?!? LAUREN AND NATH DID IT, OH GOD NO?!?!? THATS WRONG TO ME ON SO MANY LEVELS, THEY ARE THE BABIES!! OMG I NEED TO TELL MAX WHAT I JUST SAW AND WHAT I FOUND OUT.... OMG NO I NEED THIS THOUGHT OUT OF MY HEAD!? I ran from their room screaming my head off, i ran downstairs shoving past Tom on the way "whats with all the shouting you crazy person?!" he shouted as he looked at me like i had 2 heads or something. "LAUREN AND NATHAN DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and carried on running downstairs and into the living room to find Max. Tom soon ran back downstairs and joined everyone in the living room who had heard me shouting and they knew about Lauren and Nathan now. "WAIT DID YOU SAY LAUREN AND NATH?!?!?! OMG NO MY BESTFRIEND AND THE GIRL WHO IS LIKE MY LITTLE SISTER?!?! OMG NOOOOO!!!" Tom was going crazy but to be honest everyone was, no one could get their head around it with them being so young compared to us lot. We all sat and discussed it in the living room for a while about how wrong it is after about 10 minutes Lauren and Nathan emerged into the living room, "what the hell were you thinking?!" Tom said quite loud at Lauren. "That was such a stupid thing! As much as you 2 like each other that isnt how you should act?!" I said following Toms comment. "Who the hell do you 2 think you are?! Im not a child, and you 2 certainly are NOT my parents! YOUR NOT MY DAD! BECAUSE MY DAD WOULD ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND!" Lauren screamed in Toms face and then looked at me before continuing "And YOU MAY ASWELL JUST BE MY MOTHER, YOU CERTAINLY ACT LIKE IT?!?! , YOU KNOW WHAT IM DONE! IM DONE WITH ALL YOUR MOTHERING THAT YOU LOT DO TO ME. IM NOT A 6 YEAR OLD CHILD! DONT SPEAK TO ME AGAIN...I HATE YOU!!" And with that Lauren ran out of the house tears soaking her cheeks.

Nathan ran straight out after her but not before shouting "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TELLING HER OR ME FOR THAT MATTER WHAT WE CAN AND CANT DO! WE LOVE EACH OTHER SO WE WILL DO WHAT WE WANT!!" I looked around the room quite stunned at their reaction, Tom had tears in his eyes, we were only protecting them and looking out for them and thats the thanks we get, oh how nice! "Considering we were only trying to look out for them, thats the thanks we get?! Pathetic!!" I spat at how Lauren and Nathan reacted to us while Max kissed down my neck keeping me calm and unexpolsive. No one really spoke after Lauren and Nathan left so Jay just put on Avatar and everyone gradually dispersed to do their own thing seeing as it was only 1 in the afternoon. Me and Max, took a walk in the park peacefully just enjoying the sound of birds tweeting, although the peaceful atmosphere was soon inturuptted by the sound of max's phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw the caller ID, i glanced at it and i saw the name 'Olivia' Max doesnt have any family called Olivia so who the hell is she? "Max, whos Olivia?" I asked him calmly as i didnt want to argue incase it was a relative. A sudden rain of guilt flooded over Max's face as he spoke "shes my ex girlfriend but last month i went to her house to try and tell her to leave me alone because i love you but things got heated pretty fast and one thing lead to another and yep we had sex and i think i love her...I" I didnt even let him finish, tears soon were becoming fluent and i let go of Maxs hand and ran home, why would he do that to me? What about the baby we are having together or did he get that girl pregnant too?

I got home and unlocked the door as fast as i could forgetting about Jay who was still home because everyone had gone off with their girlfriends. "Georgia! Whats up? Why in gods name are you crying?" Jay asked as i walked into the living room. I dried my eyes and calmed myself before saying "Max said he loves another girl, he said that he had sex with her about a month ago and now he loves her..." I trailed off and tears stung my eyes again, Jays eyes widened before he said "Whats the girls name Georgia?" I looked at him pretty confused because of his reaction but i told him her name was Olivia. "Are you actually fucking kidding me? MAX IS A RIGHT DICK?!" I was still confused so Jay continued. "Olivia was a fan at one of our gigs a while back and she fancied Nath but Nath wasnt looking for a girlfriend at the time so she became a Max girl, she flirted with him and they got together just like that basically. Although when the got together Olivia did all she could to get Nathan to like her, she used Max but one day one of Nathans friends came round on a visit, she was a girl and her name was Chloe. They were nothing but friends but Olivia saw her as a threat and basically that night Chloe died, she was hit by a car which Olivia was driving. So yeah, thats why Max is a dick!" My mouth had formed an 'O' shape and Jay nodded along. Wait so Olivia will use Max to get to Nathan? What about Lauren? Omg this wont end well.

Nathans POV -

Me and Lauren were walking back to the house after being out for a while, Lauren had calmed down now but she still said she hated everyone for what they said and she has a point. At the end of the day we are both old enough to make our own desicions, they dont really have any right to say what me and her can and cant do. We arrived at the house and Lauren suddenly clenched my hand pretty tightly, "Ow Lauren you are stronger that you look!" I winced in the tight grip she had on my hand. "Oh im sorry Nath, im just annoyed at how they think they can say all that." She spoke in an apollogetic tone as she release my hand from her grip. I unlocked the door and two familiar voices rung through my ears, Lauren went straight upstairs without listening, Jay and Georgia, they were talking about Olivia, and about Max saying he loves her, WHAT?!?!?!? Why would Max even think about Olivia again? She fucking killed my friend for peats sake, she was only 16 and she died because of Olivia and if she fucking dares trying to hurt Lauren i will seriously kill her myself! I walked into the living room but as i walked in Jays face flooded with concern, he must have realised that i was listening to the conversation. "Whats Olivia doing back?!" I said keeping my voice calm. "Nathan, im sorry i snapped at you and Lauren before, it cause Laurens always been really sensitive and the baby, i just sorta never have expected her to do that but shes growing up now so she wont need us girls no more as shes got you" Georgia said with a sympathetic smile, I smiled back while chuckling "Georgia, no matter what Lauren will always need her bestfriend, whether im around or not shes always gonna need those 'girl talks' that youse have cause i dont really understand them but Lauren makes her own decisions now and you should respect them" "I will from now on Nath!" She said giving me a high 5.

Me, Jay and Georgia all sat talking for about an hour as Siva, Nareesha and Tom returned(Amber had gone home for 2 weeks to visit family). "So everyone talking again now?" Seev said as him and Nareesha sat down with us, i smiled at the two of them before saying "yeah, Georgia apologised so we're friends again!" Tom came in too and faced me, "Nath mate, im sorry too! I shouldnt have reacted like that but shes like my lil sis and your my bestfriend so it felt weird but you two love each other and i respect that!" We had a man hug before i went upstairs with 2 cups of teas; one for me and one for my girl. I knocked lightly on the door and walked in to see Lauren curled up in a ball on the bed, i placed the two cups down on the side and lightly shook her shoulder, no response. I shook her a little harder but still no response, i moved her so her back was on the bed and her face was facing the celing, i checked for a pulse but couldnt find one, SHIT!!!! "TOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I roared. Within seconds Tom, Siva, Nareesha, Jay and Georgia had all raced upstairs an into the room, "whats so urgent nath?" Tom asked concerned. "SHES UNCONCIOUS AND I CANT FIND HER FUCKING PULSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG NO THIS CANT BE HAPPENING IF SHES GONE IM GOING TO!!!!!!!!!!!" I roared again through sobs. "Nathan calm down, dont do something stupid! Siva ring an ambulance and explain the situation, Tom get some clothes of Laurens and Nathans in a bag as she might have to stay in and Nath wont leave her and just carry on being weird" Jay said in an orderly fashion trying to keep me from killing myself.

Minutes later, Lauren was being carried away on a stretcher by paramedics, i was very quick on their heels and i got into the ambulance too. Soon enough we were at the hospital and Lauren was rushed in imediatlely, i tried to follow but a doctor kept me back as i wasnt allowed past the point, he escorted me to the waiting room after i gave him mine and Laurens name and said he would tell me anything he finds out. I threw my head in my hands and cried my eyes out. "Nathan!" Tom came running into the waiting room and gave me a hug as did Jay, Seev, Nareesha and Georgia. "Heard anything?" Jay asked with hopeful look. "I wish" I huffed and threw my head back into my hands ready to cry until a doctor came out. "Mr Sykes?" I stood up in a split second awaiting his answer "yes?" The doctor looked at his clipboard before replying "your girlfriend has gone into a coma, we dont know when she will wake up, im sorry" He put his head down and my eyes grew wide and tears became fluent as i fell to the floor in tears, i felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the doctor. "Mr Sykes would you and your friends like to see her?" I nodded and he lead us all to a room at the end of the corridor, he opened the door and i walked in taking a deep breath, why is this happening to me?

~~~~Part 39 up soon!! Sorry abput the VERY LONG delay on this but i've been writing other stuff but anyway hope you like this part, what do you think?~~~~

I Found You - A Nathan Sykes Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن