Part 50 - So Hard But I Did It!

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-----THE NEXT DAY-----

Nathans POV -

I came in from the gig last night, very tired. I just wanted to go to bed and snuggle up to Lauren although as i walked past the living room, i noticed Georgia, Lauren, Nareesha, Kelsey and Rachel all asleep in the living room. Some of them on the sofas and some, well Lauren, was on the floor cuddling her pillow with a big duvet over her. Aw, she looked so cute i wanted to give her a big squeeze and snuggle up to her but i knew i couldnt because i would wake her up. I walked away from the living room and had a shower before getting into bed. I was then woke up with the sound of someone being sick, i groaned and got up out of bed to see whos sickness had woke me up.

"Lauren are you okay?" Tom shouted as he banged on the bathroom door.

So Lauren was the sick one, wait why was my baby girl ill? Oh my god is she okay!

"Lauren! Princess are you okay?" I joined in shouting with Tom.

There was no reply she was just being sick, oh i feel so stupid just standing here not helping her. After a good 10 minutes Lauren came out of the bathroom, she looked so pale and her eyes all red and puffy, shes clearly been crying. She gave me a quick hug before going into the living room and curling up in her duvet on the sofa, whats up with her?

"Hey sexy, you okay? I asked as i sat next to her on the sofa.

"Yeah im okay, i must have ate something bad and now its disagreeing with my stomach" She sighed.

"Aww well im here to look after you baby!" I smiled as i kissed her for head and we cuddled up on the sofa together.

Tom, Kelsey, Max and Georgia soon joined us bringing in films, popcorn, sweets and some medicine for Lauren. The first film we watched was Jaws (Max's pick), I fell asleep during it as did Lauren. When i woke up i noticed Jay, Siva, Rachel and Nareesha were now with us watching the movie and eating the sugary junk food. I got into one of the movies and out of the corner of my eye i saw a tear fall down Laurens cheek.

"Right now i know somethings not right, why are you crying Lauren? Somethings seriously wrong!" I said to her, trying to get her to tell me.

"I...I errr" Somehow her words were stuck inside her mouth.

"Lauren?" I asked only concern in my tone of voice.

"Im sorry" Was her reply before she ran out of the room and out the door.

Kelsey and Georgia ran after her quite quickly. Seriously whats wrong with her? Shes usually so happy and cheerful well she has been ever since we got married so why has she been acting like this today, its just not like her at all. I just hope its noting really serious.

Laurens POV -

I thought telling Nathan would have been easy but i was so wrong. I wanted to tell him then in the living room then but i bottled it and ran away, again. I always seem to run away from my troubles or my problems and its not helping me, its just causing even bigger issues and its ruining my life. I ran and ran until my legs just wouldnt run anymore, i reached a small rock bay where i perched myself to think and to build up some courage to tell Nathan. I have to tell him because hes the father, its his little boy or girl too, i just wish it wasnt so hard. I dont know how long i was at this rock bay for but it was long enough to recieve constent texts and calls from the girls and the boys saying that they are worried and i should come home. I ignore practically everyones messages except one from Kelsey.

From Kelsey - Hey You! Where did you get to? I know its hard for you to tell Nath! Im not gonna beg you to come back like everyone else has, just tell me where you are and i will come and see you and we can talk please?:)xxx

To Kelsey - Hey! Im at some rock bay by some cliffs and its at the very end of the beach:)xxx

I love how caring Kelsey is over me and how she always somehow manages to get me to spill secrets or improtant facts i dont tell anyone, she is just like the big sister i never had. I was alone at the rock bay for another 10 minutes until i heard Kelsey's voice.

"LAUREN! LAUREN!" She shouted.

"Im round here" I spoke in such a quiet voice.

Kelsey came rushing round the rocks and finally spotted me, she gave me a big hug and sat with me, i knew her main question was gonna be 'why did you run out?' so i took a deep breathe and started.

"I ran out because i never knew it would be that hard to tell Nathan, i thought it would be easy and i'd just say 'im pregnant' but its so hard! I never realised how hard it could be. I know i need to tell him and i will tall him when i get home as long as ive got the courage to do it" I sighed.

"Aw lou (Kelseys nickname for me) You can just tell Nath when your ready to tell him, he will understand why its hard to tell him!" Kelsey wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

We stayed at the rocks chatting about some really sill and stupid stuff and it turned out to be quite a fun few hours, although after my phone going off none stop Kelsey ordered me to answer it when Nathan calls again. Unsurprisingly he called again and i answered.

Me - Hello?

Nathan - Omg baby are you okay? Wy havent you answered your phone? Whats up? Omg please tell me your okay?

Me - Im fine Nathan it okay im not hurt but gather the troops please and get everyone in the living room for when im back

Nathan - Everyones here except Kelsey, I love you so much you really scared me!

Me - Kelseys with me here, we are gonna walk back now and I love you too and im really sorry, you know i love you though right?

Nathan - Okay and yes i know you love me as much as i love you

Me - Nathan im gonna go now, see you soon I love you so much remember that!

Nathan - okay baby I love you too, see you soon.

And with that the line went dead. I took a deep breath before me and Kelsey walked back, the walk was about 15 minutes long which wasnt too bad. We got outside the door and i steadied my breathing cause my heart was racing far too fast.

"You ready?" Kelsey asked ready to open the door.

"Ready!" I nodded as we walked into the house.

We walked into the living room and Nathan sprang from the sofa to give me a big big hug and sit me down next to him whilst Kelsey found comfort in Toms lap. There was a ton of question being fired at me by Georgia, Rachel and Max, i just stayed silent and they noticed my discomfort and stopped. Only then was it that Nathan asked the question i didnt want to hear.

"So what do ou need to tell us all? I guessed with you telling me to gather everyone together that you need to tell us something" Nathan smiled before kissing my head.

"Well I er..." The word were stuck again.

"Lauren its okay, just take it slow!" Kelsey gave me support.

"Right" I took a deep breath before finishing "Im Pregnant and im keeping it whether you want it or not Nath"

The boys facial expressions were priceless basically they were all shocked while Kelsey and the girls were smiling congratulations. After Nathans shock expression vanished from his face and he smiled at me before placing his hand on my stomach.

"Are you sure your ready?" He asked pure concern.

"No but ive got my bestfriends, my big brother and sister and ive got my husband to help me through it all!" I answered kissing Nathan with everything i had.

I dont know why i was so scared to tell Nath, he looks over the moon about the baby! Aw i love him so much. I cuddled up with him on the sofa as my eyes started to fall heavy as he whispered into my ear.

"I Love you much Lauren Jane Sykes, and we will be the mummy and daddy this little one will have!" He finished and kissed my head before i feel asleep.

~~~~~Well thats the end of the book now:'( Anyway thank you to everyone who have voted, read and commented on this book! Its made me smile knowing people are enjoying it as much as i enjoy writing it! Thank you so much for everything:)~~~~~

I Found You - A Nathan Sykes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now