Part 46 - It's Not Sinking In?!

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Georgias POV -

Ahhhh I woke up feeling completely blissed out with no worries or stress! Just me and Max, how i liked it. I turned over to see a grinning Mr George, whys he so happy?

"Why so happy?" I asked confused.

"Cause i woke up next to you!" He winked and before i knew it, i was ontop of him.

I ran my hands down his bare chest as they got lower and lower to his crotch area and staying there. He moanded softly as he through his head back against the pillow while i was grinning at my achievements. Eventually i removed my hands and took him in my mouth tasting him, i swirled my tounge around the tip of his dick before taking more of him in my mouth, he clawed at the sheets as i worked my magic.

"Oh Georgia, I love you, oh god!" He moaned louder.

I carried on sucking him off at a steady pace. It wasnt long until i took all of him into my mouth and he came as the smooth creamy cum ran down my throat as i swallowed it. I removed my mouth from around him and lay down next to him as we cuddled.

"I fucking love you so much!" He panted as he kissed along my jawline.

"I love you too Max!" I giggled.

We would have stayed like that all day but unfortunately Lauren came in sulking because she cant see Nath today and she has to wait until tomorrow. Although we have got her Hen party tonight and the lads have got Nathans Stag night! Well that should be fun. After Lauren left, me and Max got dressed before him and Tom went to the hotel to meet up with Jay, Seev and Nath cause they stayed there last night.

"You excited about tomorrow then?" I asked Lauren as i made us both a cuppa.

"YES! OMG Ive just realised something though and its not sinking in at all..." She trailed off.

"Whats that Lauren?" I sat down handing her a cup of tea.

"Its not sinking in that im marrying Nathan Sykes tomorrow?! I mean you know how many years ive fangirled over them and how many times i cried listening to his solo in I Found You and its crazy that im going to actually be an OFFICIAL Mrs Sykes tomorrow!" She sipped her drink as she finished her speech.

I laughed slightly at her as there was a knock at the door, i answered it and saw Jess and Rachel! Wait, RACHEL?! We are meant to be picking her and Naths family up in an hour, what is wrong with the world?

"Rachel?" I asked very confused with the situation.

"Yeah! Oh Jess picked me up cause my flight landed earlier than expected, also Naths family got picked up by Jay and Nath, I saw them in the airport!" Rachel said very simple so I'd understand.

We all sat around in the living room laughing and joking and talking about tomorrow. It was amazing to be apart of the atmosphere because the 4 of us were back together with no problems, no drama just a happy life for us all. We were having that much fun we lost track of time and we realised it was nearly time for us to go and party in the Australian night life! Luckily, we never took too long to get ready because we all went with simple clothes.

"LETS PARTYYY!!!" Rach shouted as we left the house!

We walked down the main strip of bars but none really looked great until Lauren screamed and ran into a bar, i followed as did Jess and Rachel. As we got into the bar we noticed Lauren wrapped around Nathan, aw she really missed him. Jess went to find Olly cause he was on Naths stag night, Rachel went to find Jay and i went to find Max, my Max! My eyes lit up as i saw Max at the bar although some slut was trying to chat him up, he wasnt interested in her though he just kept yawning, i walked closer to them so i could hear them.

"So hottie, come here often?" She flirted.

"Right get this straight, im not interested because a) I dont like sluts and b) Im married to the most amazing girl in the world k?" He said in a serious tone.

I walked over to them properly and she gave me a dirty look, i slapped her across the face. She winced in pain as she walked away from me and MY husband. I turned to face Max and he was chuckling away whilst shaking his head at me.

"What?" I asked innocently, i hadnt done anything...really.

"I love you so much sweetheart!" He said as he pulled me closer and connected our lips.

"I love you too Max! Always." I said in the breif 5 seconds we were apart before we joined our lips again.

Nathans POV -

Me and the boys and Olly were in a lively bar along the strip although i couldnt help but think about Lauren and how perfect she is and the fact she will be all mine forever tomorrow, i mean i cant wait! I was stood talking to Seev as i saw a familiar girl running towards me but in the dark light i couldnt tell who she was. Well i didnt know who she was until she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist, i knew then it was my baby girl.

"Hey beautiful!" I said into her ear as she stood down on the floor.

"Hey Nathan, i missed you so much!" I briefly saw a tear fall down her cheeck as she wrapped her arms around my waist and i pulled her into my chest.

"Aww dont cry princess, im here now!" I suppoted her as she silently cried.

"Dont ever leave me!" She ordered before our lips moved against each other in perfect sync.

Before i knew it, the night was coming to an end and the girls dragged Lauren back to the villa and me, the boys and Olly headed to the hotel! Im getting married tomorrow! Wow, i cant believe how much Lauren has changed my life and made me the happiest man sloth on the planet because before i met her, i was just Nathan of The Wanted but now my life has a focus and i wouldnt change her for the world!! Its still not sinking in that i get to marry someone as amazing as Lauren i mean despite her bad past, she is still and always will be perfect!

~~~~~Part 47 will be up sometime next week because im going to my aunties and i'll be busy until wednesday! I will write in my notes on the ipad and as soon as im home, i will update all the parts i will have wrote! The next chapter is the wedding!:D What you thinking of the story so far??~~~~~

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