Part 2 - The Prank With A Police Officer...

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*Nath and Lauren have just been talking about their past year and how they've missed each other, but he still hasn't asked her that one simple question...*

Toms POV - 

The girls are all so sweet! Lets just say most of them cried when they met us, well Lauren never but shes met us before and when she did meet us for the first time she cried more than the other 4 girls put together. I didn't notice Lauren at first as i was too interested in talking to Amber, shes amazing, but as soon as i saw Nathans face so shocked yet so happy, i turned to see Lauren just stood there looking just as shocked as Nathan did, i knew he was happy to see her. I was cuddled into Amber who was all out of tears now after 4 hours, but who can blame her...I'm irresistible! "Amber, are you happy, you came here today?" i asked her as i drank my beer, Amber looked up at me, her sparkly blue eyes taking control of me, as she said "Why would you ask that? OF COURSE im happy i came, i mean its not every day i get to cuddle up to Tom Parker! how could i not be happy?!" I smiled at her and then it happened, i leant in towards her and we kissed, there and then!

"Tom, whats this i see?! you kissing a girl!!" seev said as he winked at me, "shut up seev!" i quickly said. I glanced around the room to see if anyone else noticed but they hadnt, it was just Seev, wait where was Max, Nathan, Lauren and Georgia, where had they got to? I told Amber i was going to look for them and she asked could she join me, i said yes of course, so i took her hand in mine as we walked out the lounge leaving Seev, Jay, Rach and Jess although they didnt even notice us leave. We walked around the arena, hand in hand looking for them, after about 20 minutes i finally noticed Nathan and Max hiding behind a door - what the hell where they doing?! "There you 2 are!" i shouted as me and Amber walked towards them, in a split second the both shushed me and Amber to be quiet, they were hiding for a reason. "Why are you 2 hiding and who are you hiding from?" Amber wispered to them, Max then replied with "we're hiding from Lauren and Georgia, they went to the shop for some sweets like little kids and they told us to stay in the lounge but we are gonna scare them when they come in here instead" Amber gave them evils while i just laughed at them as their pranks never work so this would be funny to watch them fail...

Georgias POV-

Me and Lauren told Nath and Max that we were going the shop to buy sweet when really we're gonna prank them, but Lauren knows what they're like and they are hiding in the arena somewhere. "Right so what do we do?" I asked Lauren while she was typing rapidly on her phone, Lauren looked up and replied with "well im gonna text nath and max in a minute and cause they dont have my number they wont know whos texting then, i got their numbers from Seev who is in on the plan as well as  Rach and Jess and they are hidden in the arena with the flip recording everything for this wanted wednesday!" I laughed at her and asked "so how exactly are we pranking them." "well we know they dont like being in trouble so ive asked Jay to dress as a policeman with a scouse accent and as Nath and Max are on stage, Jay is gonna be telling them off about something and as they start to look really scared and weirded out me and you are gonna run out and dive onto their backs and tell them that we pranked them" she laughed as she said it and she then texted Nathan and Max:

To Nathan - Theres a policeman here who says he needs to talk to you and Max on stage...

Lauren sent the message to Nathan and no soon after she recieved a reply.

From Nathan - Ermm, may i ask who this is?

Me and Lauren looked at the text and later thought of the idea to say it was from Rachel as she wouldnt lie, so we did.

To Nathan - Ohh yeah sorry about that, its Rachel :)

From Nathan - ohh okayy Rach, tell the policeman me and Max will be there ASAP :)

To Nathan - hes waiting for you on stage, he said just meet him there :)

When Lauren finally stopped texting Nath, we told Seev to get the flip ready. We walked to the side of the stage to notice Nathan and Max being shouted at by a 'policeman'...

Nathans POV-

Well this is weird. Me and Max walked on stage to find a very mean looking policeman standing there writing in a small black notebook - shit, what had we done?! "You 2 Max and Nathan? the policeman spoke with a very scouse accent, me and Max nodded slowly. "Im Officer Bentley, and i need to speak to you 2 and ask some questions if thats okay?" he said with a very stern voice, i was quick to reply with "thats fine officer." The officer started with "so recently there was a kidnapping up near runcorn, and a witness has clariffied that you 2 where spotted taking a young girl and putting her into a silver van, is this true?" My mouth dropped, why would we kidnapp someone, seriously, WHAT?! I saw Max glance over at me and he knew i was in total shock and in no fit state to speak. "NO!" Max shouted as the officer took notes of our reactions. The officer looked at us with an evil glare, he thought we were lying "Well why would a witness say it was you 2? You 2 are lying to me!! Why did you kiddnap a young girl? Was anyone else helping you? Why did you do it in the first place?" The officer was getting more and more angry with us and we didnt know what to do i mean, we never kidnapped anyone! i started to get involved with the arguement now as i was really annoyed yet scared on his judgement "WHY THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE WOULD EVEN KIDDNAP A YOUNG GIRL?!?!" I screamed as the officer stared at me with evil glares.

After about 5 more minutes argueing an shouting between me, Max and the policeman i was getting utterly scared incase he arressted us.

Laurens POV- 

Me and Georgia watched Nath, Max and the police officer (Jay) from the side of the stage until i felt a slight tap on my shoulder it was Amber and Tom! "Whats going on? Whats all the shouting?" Tom asked curiously. "Ohh me and Lauren are pulling a prank on Nathan and Max!" Georgia said quickly, Tom and Amber just laughed and stayed with us to watch what we were going to do next.

After about 2 more minutes me and Georgia ran onto stage making no noise as we dived onto Nathans and Maxs backs. Max nearly fell over but kept his balance with Georgia on his back unlike Nathan who fell straight over on the floor. "What are you doing?" he asked laughing his head off, "did you like your prank?" i winked at him while i still had him pinned to the flooe. He gave me a confused look and then seen that the man who was a police office before was now Jay "omg, Lauren!! I hate you!!" I looked at him a moment wether he was joking or being serious, i got up and started to walk away, tears falling from my eyes until a felt a firm grip grab my arm ; it was Nathan! i shook his grip from my arm and walked towards the door, not daring to look back - why did he say he hated me, he might have been joking i know but you should still never say it, especially because i love him...

Maxs POV-

I couldnt help but laugh when Georgia jumped on my back, it was hilirious! As soon as she told me about the prank i gave her a stern look but she just battered her eyelashes at me and i soon forgave her and pulled her in for a max bear hug. Nath on the other hand, told Lauren he hated her...

"Nath, you alright mate?" i asked as i pulled away from Georgia and went to comfort him. A tear fell from his eyes, he must really like her if hes crying. "What have i done max? Ive lost her, before i even had the chance to make her mine" i could see he was about to cry so i gave him a hug and said "if you were joking Nath, which you probably where then what you said might link to bad past she may have? as Nath she likes you too, i know it and it must be something deep down thats made her upset" As Nath pulled away, we walked over to Georgia who knew something we didnt about Lauren, "Georgia does Lauren have any bad past with boyfriends?" Nathan asked as he sniffled trying hard not to cry. Georgia looked at me for guidence so i nodded and she turned to Nathan and started talking about Laurens past and about how her last boyfriend was with her, Nath started to tear up as Georgia carried on. When she finally finished Nath wiped away his final tears and said "Im going to find Lauren, MY GIRL!" he stood up and walked out, me and Georgia went too as Georgia is the only one who knows her way round Liverpool. So off we went to find Lauren and make sure shes okay, no one knows where shes gone...

End of Part 2 :) part 3 will be up soon :)

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