Part 6 - Too Much Excitement.

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Laurens POV -

 Whats Nathan doing here?! Why is he here? I looked at him as he entered my room, he could see sadness in me and it made him look sad too. I was about to speak but he spoke first with "Lauren, I Love You..." i didnt know how to react, but i knew we couldnt be together, Jess, Amber, Tom they would all kill me as they dont think hes good enough for me, but its my life, but they're my best friends! "Nath...Nath..i cant do this!" i said before crying into my hands, he rushed over to me and pulled me into him. I wanted to push him away but i couldnt, i let him cuddle me while i cried. Eventually he spoke "What do you mean? you cant do this?" , i looked at him appologeticly and told him everything i had been told by Jess, Amber, Tom, Georgia and the rest. He just sat there so shocked but upset before saying "Why on earth would i hurt you again? i didnt intend on hurting you now but i was an idiot who didnt think...and if you dont want to hurt your friends i understand but i want you to know im so sorry and that I LOVE YOU!!" He kissed my forehead and as he was about to leave i gabbed his hand, he turned around with a big smile on his face knowing that i had forgiven him! 

 Nath and i sat in silence for about 10 minutes cuddling until he breaks the silence and wispers "Lauren, i know you dont want to hurt your friends but i want to be with you and i want to make you mine so will you please be my girlfriend??" I could see in his eyes he meant everyword of what he said like he meant it when he said he loved me so i couldnt say no but my friends...this is complecated! "Lauren, if you want to be with me but dont want to tell anyone then we wont tell anyone until you're ready to tell, okayy? as i dont want to lose you baby you mean everything to me and I LOVE YOU!!" Nath smiled at me emphasising those 3 words! I couldnt help but smile back, i mean who would want to smile at his cuteness, i replied with "Awww Nath, youd keep our relationship a secret for me!!" His face looked so happy as he said "of course i will baby, you're my everythin and ive said it before and i will never stop saying it, I LOVE YOU!" "I love you too nathan" i said just before he placed his warm soft lips touch mine, it was perfect! When we pulled apart i checked the time and it was late, the others had already gone to bed. Nathan got up to walk out the room and into the spare room but i pulled him back to me, he gave me a confused look until i said "theres no way your leaving me on my own, its cold ad scary in here on my own and i need you to stay with me" i pouted at him, he laughed at me and said "i wouldnt dream of leaving you on your own, especially when your offering" he winked at me before getting into bed next to me. He pulld me in close to him, his arms wrapped around my waist, mine wraped around his. as he wispered into my ear "sweetdreams baby, i love you" he kissed hey head and i snuggled in closer to him and said "na'night nath, i love you too!" He sang I'll be your strength softly into my ear to make me fall asleep, oh wow! He is just perfect in every single way!


Nathans POV - 

I woke up how i remember falling asleep;my arms wrapped around Lauren! She was so beautiful as she slept, she was so peaceful. I lay there thinking about how my life has changed and will change as she is the best thing thats ever happened to her and i love her so much! I saw her eyes slowly open so i greeted her with a kiss, "morning to you too" she said as she winked at me! Shes so adorable! "What you doing today then beautiful?" i asked as i kissed her neck, "well you and the boys promised us bowling and a meal but remember when we are around everyone we have to act like we dont like each other as i cant cope with them yet" she half smiled at me as we snuggled up together just enjoying each others company until...Tom starts shouting!

Lauren quickly sits up as she hears Tom running around upstairs outsider the her door! She starts panicing and quickly shoves me under the quilt so if Tom did come in it would only look like pillows. Its a good job she did as no soon after that Tom barged into the room shouting and jumping around shouting 'ITS WANTED WEDNESDAY' with a flip in his hand, recording everything...When Tom finally left the room, i popped my head out from under ther covers and laughed until i seen Lauren with her hand over her right eye in pain, "omg what happened babe?" i asked all conerned. "Tom accidently hit me when he came in as his arms were flying everywhere with excitement" she said still with her hand over her eye. I pulled her hand away from her eye so i could make sure she was okay but when i did i noticed she had a big bruise around her eye like someone punched her. "Babe hes given you a black eye" i said as i jumped up out of bed to get an ice pack. Lauren stopped me from going out the room as she needed to leave first so no one would see him leave. She walked out the room and down the stairs to get an ice pack as i followed about 5 minutes later, knowing i couldnt be nice to her now i had to pretend i hated her, this is gonna be so hard...

Maxs POV -

I was downstairs in the kitchen making a cup of tea for me and MY girl, i love saying that MY girl! I passed Georgia her tea and we sat at the kitchen table talking about random stuff until Lauren walks down the stairs her hand covering her right eye. "Whats happened Lauren?" me and Georgia both say in unison with nothing but concern in our voices, Lauren removes her hand away from her eye and we see a big purple/black bruise around her eye, shes the youngest so we all take extra care of her. "What the hell happened?" Georgia asks as she pulls up a chair for Lauren to sit down on whilst i fetch her an ice pack and make her a cup of tea. "Oh well Tom gets too excited on wanted wednesdays, thats for sure! He came into my room jumping around with the flip shouting and screaming and he didnt notice i was sat up and his excitement was out of control and he wacked me right in the face, it was an accident though!" Lauren said as she placed the ice pack, i had given to her on to her eye. Then Nathan walked down the stairs, oh no this wont end well...

Lauren didnt notice Nathan come into the kitchen so was too busy talking to Georgia, Nath stood there staring at Lauren with evil glares, what had she done? hes the one whos hurt her, twice! "Nath, whats with the evils glares mate? shes done nothing to you!" I said giving Nath a look that he was being unfair. He scoffed at me and took his cup of tea into the living room, not saying anything else. "Whats all that about Lauren?" i asked her as she removed the ice pack from her eye, "He hates me and to be totally honest with you i hate him too, I can do so much better like you said" she said smiling happily knowing that he had heard her. "Ohhh, isnt that gonna be awkward though we we all go out and stuff" i asked her and she quickly replied with "well im too young anyway so i wouldnt be going out until im 18 in september." I laughed at her and she just laughed back. Me, Georgia and Lauren all sat in the kitchen talking away about the future and the band but there was something bugging me, why was when Nath came down the stairs he had pink lipgloss on his lips and his cheek? The only person i know who wheres pink lipgloss is Lauren, theres something they both know that they're not telling us about...

~~~Part 7 will be up tomorrow, enjoy :)~~~

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