Part 22 - I Warned You!

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Part 22

*Lauren is still pretty annoyed at Vicky and shes upset that Nathans been acting weird with her. She didnt sleep in the same room as Nathan last night she slept on the sofa instead, he heart was breaking and Max knew why?!*

Maxs POV -  

I woke up next to a beautiful sleeping Georgia, i didnt want to wake her as we went to bed quite late last night. So i slowly removed myself from the bed and walked downstairs making as little noise as possible, when i got downstairs i noticed Vicky stood there making a cup of tea, she offered me one but i ignored her and turned towards the living room. I mean i cant believe Vicky liking Nathan and having the cheek to say that he likes her back, hes with Lauren and they have been through so much together! If Vicky even tries to split them up she will have me to deal with! I walked into the living room and sat down on something which i thought was blankets but turned out to be Laurens legs, i jumped up startled and wanted to know why she was asleep downstairs on the sofa. She was awake already and she said "oh i just couldnt get to sleep upstairs plus Nathans been acting really weird with me, i mean after Vicky arrived yesterday he didnt hug or kiss me once!" I didnt know what to say to her, i just kept thinking about wether i should tell her what Vicky said as she has a right to know. I looked at Lauren who had started to cry and she said "i think Nathan might leave me for Vicky, ive got a feeling he will! And i feel unloved by him as hes not even spoken to me since she arrived hes just been talking to her and yes i know he was only being friendly but she was flirting with him right infront of him and he didnt even realise! Max what should i do?" I looked at her appologetically as i knew i had to tell her and i spoke softly " need to stay calm as everyone is still in bed so dont freak out but last night Vicky told me and Georgia she fancys Nathan..."

When i finished talking, Laurens face had turned red, the anger was building up inside her as she clenched her fists together, she jumped up off the sofa and ran into the kitchen to Vicky and screamed at her "ARGHHHHHHHHH!!! WHY CANT YOU JUST LET OTHER PEOPLE BE HAPPY?! YOUR A SPOILED BRAT AND YOU KNOW WHATEVER YOU WANT YOU WILL GET!! WELL NOT THIS TIME, I SWEAR IF I EVER CATCH YOU ANYWHERE NEAR HIM I WONT BE RESPOSIBLE FOR MY ACTIONS!!" I rushed out after Lauren to see Vicky stood there with a smug smile on her face as she said back to Lauren "Ha and what are you gonna do? Eh? Your a weak little kid, 18? Im 20 i would easily kill you in a fight." Laurens anger had reached maximum level and she screamed "WHAT AM I GONNA DO? OH YEAH YOU DONT KNOW THIS BUT I PUT A GROWN MAN IN HOSPITAL, KNOCKED OUT UNCONCIOUS NEARLY DEAD BECAUSE HE WENT TO TOUCH NATHAN! SO YOU WANNA PLAY DIRTY, THATS JUST WHAT YOU'LL GET!!" Lauren used one arm and grabbed Vicky around her neck whilst she used her other free arm to punch her back from behind, Georgia raced downstairs and ran to me. We both jumped in on them Georgia grabbing Vicky and me grabbing a very angry Lauren. Lauren fought against me shouting to let her go but i clung tight to her otherwise she whould have killed Vicky there and then.

After a few minutes, Lauren calmed down and walked out to the garden but before she did, she said to Vicky "like i said, if i see you ANYWHERE within 5 feet of Nathan again i wont be responsible for what happens to you!" Lauren walked out to the Garden and stayed there, Vicky was shaking with fear, shock and anger as she spoke "that little slag cant tell me who i can and cant date, if i want to date Nathan i will, end of! Shes not the boss of him either she has no say to who Nathan wants to date! She hasnt been raised right at all, no wonder Tony split up with her the slut, and im glad Tony obeyed what i told him, i told him to abuse Lauren and hurt her to make her see that shes the weak one, ive never liked her and never will!" I couldnt believe what Vicky just said, why on earth did she get Tony to abuse Lauren?! I couldnt control my words then "VICKY YOU DAMN RIGHT COW!! I CANT BELIEVE HOW SICK AND TWISTED YOUR MIND IS, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GET TONY TO DO THAT?! AND IF I EVER HEAR YOU SAY ANOTHER BAD WORD ABOUT LAUREN EVER AGAIN YOU WILL BE GONE IN A FLASH!!" I stormed into the living room and Georgia followed me very quickly and she planted little kisses on my hands as she spoke to me soothingly "Maximillian are you okay?" I smiled at her before saying "im fine i guess, but like youve said before Laurens the baby and we all protect her and knowing that Vicky is the reason Lauren was abused at a young age makes me so angry as Lauren is the baby and we all look out for her especially me, you, Tom and Amber."

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