Part 7 - Harsh Much...

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Toms POV -

"ITS WANTED WEDNESDAY!" i shouted as ran in and out of everyones room waking them all up. I was excited because i wanted to be, also we were taking the girls bowling and for a meal so i was over excited for that too. I ran downstairs and everyone was sat in the living room, it didnt seem normal at all, there was alot of awkwardness and tension in the air between Nath and Lauren. I scanned the room to see Jay and Rach cuddled up laughing at jays beard, Max and Georgia were laughing at his dad jokes, Jess was sat on Seevs knee, Amber was sat on her own, Lauren was sending evils at Nath and he was on his phone... As i looked at Lauren i noticed she had a big black eye, big brother concern soon took over me as i rushed to her and said "omg sis what the hell happened? who hit you or did you walk into a door?" i laughed slightly. She looked at me with a funny look and spoke "YOU! your excitement was slightly out of control and you wacked me right in the face." I pouted at her and appologised and gave her a cuddle before going to cuddle up to Amber. "She deserved it to be honest" Nathan butted in, nothing but evil in his voice, everyones eyes all of a sudden turned staright to Nath.

"Harsh much Nath!" Georgia snapped as Max stopped her before she said anymore. I could tell they hated each other and the chances on them being friends is very slim. Lauren stormed out of the room and out the front door not saying a word to anyone as she went. Nath laughed a mumbled anothe mean comment under his breath, "Nath stop it mate" Seev said trying to keep Jess calm who was full of rage, she wanted to kill Nath, i could tell. Nath scowled at Seev but then realised he's been harsh to Lauren and he says "I guess, im just angry and upset that shes ignoring me, i just want to be friends! i know shes too good for me guys so i dont need hate from all you lot too! im stressed out, give me a break!" Nath then also stormed out the house not saying another word! Whats with everyone today? Wanted wednesdays are meant to be happy days, whys everyone angry or upset?! Im in such a happy mood today so no one else better ruin it!

*Meanwhile in liverpool park*

Laurens POV -

Well that was too funny, Nath saying i deserved a hit in the face! I know hes joking though as we have to pretend to hate each other but im not going to be able to cope, so maybe we will tell everyone, its my life not theirs and if its not meant to be, i will have to learn the hard way but for now im happy and thats all that matters. I was sat on the swing, lightly swinging myself as i felt 2 warm arms wrap around me and the someone wispered into my ear "heyyy baby!" A strong Glouscester accent sounded through my ear, i knew it was Nathan! "Im sorry about what i said, you know i didnt mean it! I love you!" he said kissing my cheek,"aww Nath, i know you didnt mean but i dont think i can cope hating you infront of people, i love you too much and if my friends dont like it then they aren't the friends i thought they were!


Me and Nath are still in the park, we've just been talking and cuddling, i love his cuddles! They make me feel safe and that nothing can hurt me, well i spoke to soon. We were cuddled up on the grass until about 20 to 30 fans of the wanted spotted Nathan and they all started screaming and charged towards us. As they came over to us, some of the girls wearing ' I love Nathan Sykes' tops gave me evil, snotty looks and muffled sly comments under their breath as Nathan kept my hand entwined with his as he greeted the fans. Many of them where asking the same type of questions:

-Whos the girl?

-Is she your new girlfriend?

-Why you two holding hands?

I wanted to ground to swallow me up, it didnt happen! I talked to a few of the girls, they were all really sweet, they didnt mind that me and Nath were together, they all said we looked cute together. I took down the girls twitter name and i promised to follow them when i was next online, they also asked for pics with me, it was weird! I mean im just a normal girl and they wanted pics with me?! I guess it was cause im Naths girlfriend and because the other fans kept him hostage and they didnt have time to stay to meet him so i promised them i would get him to follow them on twitter too. As all the group of fans stated to dispurse Nathan came over to me where i was sat on the bench on my own and give me a cuddle. "Im sorry about that babe, i couldnt say no to the fans or they think all sorts of bad things!" Nathan said with a really appologetic look, i smiled at him, gave him a kiss before saying "aww Nath its okay, i understand!  they're fans and i understand that you still love them loads." He smiled at me which i returned, then he kissed me again!

We walked back to the house, our hands entwined together, we approached the front door until Nath stopped me and said "babe, are you sure your ready for this? to tell your friends im your boyfriend! and that im yours!" I smiled widely. Whats with the big grin?" he asked with a confused look, "I love what you just said!" i replied as i hugged him! "what did i say?" he said smiling, "im yours!" I said, my grin growing even wider! "I know your mine baby, and NO ONE else can have you your all mine!" he winked at me before kissing my forehead and we entered the house to tell evryone our secret...

Georgias POV -

I was cuddled up to Max on the sofa when i heard the door open, it was either Lauren or Nathan! I was so shocked to see them both walk through the door at the same time...HOLDING HANDS!!! "WHAT THE HELL?!" Jess shouted as she jumped up off Sivas knee, Lauren looked upset by her reaction but the same thing was running throught my head and by the look on everyone elses face, i knew they were all thinking the same thing; They are together. "Why are you shouting at me?!" Lauren replied trying to keep calm as tears started to form in her eyes. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WITH HIM?! HES A DICK AND A PLAYER AND HE DOESNT DESERVE YOU AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO STAND AROUND TO WATCH YOU GET HURT BY HIM AGAIN!!" Jess was screaming at Lauren from the to of her lungs, "what do you mean by 'we' Jess?" Lauren said, knowing what she meant but wanting to see if what she heard was true. Jess turned around at Rach, Amber AND me so we could all reply to her and say we agreed with her. Amber and Rachel nodded at Jess and as i went to nod, Max turned my head away and kissed me before i had the chance to. "Well its nice to know how much so called best friends think about the ones i love!" Lauren had full tears now, Nathan had kept hold of her hand the whole time. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SO CALLED BEST FRIENDS?! WE ARE LOOKING OUT FOR YOU AS THAT DICK WILL ONLY HURT YOU AGAIN! ITS EITHER HIM OR US, YOU CHOOSE!!" Jess's voice had reached maximum volume and anger and before she said anything else, Lauren let go of Nathans hand and ran to her room sobbing. "Oh nice one guys, making your best friend cry, she didnt want to tell you we were together as she knew you would go mental but she said to me she couldnt lie to you as your her bestfriends, she loves you and she cant lie to the ones she loves!!" Nathan said, nothin but anger in his voice. Jess looked at him coldly as she said "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! OH AND ITS EX BESTFRIEND, SHE IS NO FRIEND OF OURS IF SHE WOULD CHOOSE YOU OVER US! TELL HER TO GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE, I DONT WANT HER ANYWHERE NEAR ME OR ANY OF US!!!" Nathan looked around at all the boys but they didnt want to get involved so they looked away, he walked out of the room and up to Laurens bedroom. 

Nathans POV - 

Whats Jess's problem? The cow! I cant believe she made my baby cry, the boys didnt even back me up but i guess they didnt want to get involved in the situation. I walked up to Laurens room and i could hear her moving around the room and as i walked in i noticed she had packed all her stuff, she must of heard Jess. I went up to her and kissed her then hugged her not letting her go, she cried into my chest but i just kept her close to me. When she finished packing i asked, "babe where are you going to go??" She loked up at me before saying "I have a flat, my Dad left me it to live in when i turn 18 but i asked my Mum and she said i can live there now, to give me the independence i need." I helped her carry her things downstairs and we just left, we didnt say anything to anyone, we just walked out to the taxi who then took us to her flat.

We pulled up to a very nice, modern set of flats and we walked in carrying her things up to her flat, it was on the whole top floor. As she opened the door, my mouth dropped; this was the best place i had ever seen in my life! " much did this cost your dad?!" i asked as i wandered around the flat admiring it, she laughed at me and said "he saved up for 20 years to buy me a place of my own and this was what it bought, its nice huh?" she winked at me as i came over to her and gave her a big hug. She was perfect, i just wish i didnt have to go back to London on Sunday but she has school too so i guess its bad for us both but i know i can enjoy every moment with her until then! Although i feel so guilty that shes lost her best friends, i feel like its all my fault! Im such a 'dick' just like Jess said, i should leave and not come back but i cant it would kill me to walk away from Lauren, shes my life, my everything - I love her so so much!

~~~Part 8 up soon :)~~~

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