Part 37 - You'll Always Be My Princess!

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~~~JUST A WARNING!!!!! This part contains sexual scenes!!!!~~~

Nathans POV -

Whats with Lauren?! Shes acting dead weird. Like before after she came back from where ever she went, i patted my knee gesturing for her to sit down with me like she ALWAYS does, she can never resist but this time she did! Whats gotten into her?! After Georgia and Max announced that they were having a baby, i gave them a hug first and congratulated them and i then glanced at the door to see Lauren sneaking away from the living room door frame and upstairs i presume. I bit my bottom lip as i trailed off into  thought, why is Lauren acting like this? Does she not love me anymore? I though we were meant to be getting married...WAIT?! Oh MY God im a dick! For Fuck sake! No why did i do that?! "Nath, you alright mate?!" Maxs loud Manchester accent brought me back to reality, "Can i speak to you outside a minute?" I asked as i walked out of the room with Max on my heels. "Max, do you know why Lauren is upset?" I asked nothing but seriousness flooding my voice, Max sighed before commenting "I do Nath, i dont know whether i should tell you or not as you should be able to figure out why your FIANCE is upset." So it is what i was thinking. "Is it about her locket and engagement ring which are sat in my bedside table draw?" I asked catiously incase it wasnt but Max just nodded before lifting his head to face me and his face became serious as he spoke. "Do you remember what that note said? you know the one she left when she headed to the airport when she nearly left." I felt a lump in the back of my throat as i remembered the note she left me and how i felt reading it at that moment when i found it, "No i dont know remember what it said...." I said lowing my voice to a whisper. "It said 'give this ring to someone you TRULY love' " Max said his tone of voice becoming more serious, "But i TRULY love Lauren?!" I said sounding show whith Maxs comment. "Well right now she doesnt think that cause you never gave her the ring back, you kept it which is making her feel like you dont and never have TRULY loved her!" Max continued on and my mouth just dropped as i felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

I walked away from Max just before i had full tears streaming down my face. I walked/tiptoed up the stairs and to the place i always go when i need to be alone, the balcony, also because no one really uses the spare room or balcony its a great place to think about things and just be alone really. As i approached the spare room door, i could hear someone sobbing and seeing as everyone else is downstairs, i knew it was Lauren... I walked into our bedroom and raided my bedside table for her engagement ring and locket and i placed them into my pocket - I AM going to fix this! I left the bedroom and headed or the spare room, i hesitated before acutally going in but i went with my heart which was saying 'no matter what, i will love lauren and no other girl!' Quietly, i opened the door and fortunately, Lauren didnt hear me come in as she was too busy crying her heart out. "Lauren...princess im so so so sorry! i was such a dick for not realising what i had did!" I whispered as i stepped on to the balcony to join her, "dont call me princess Nathan when clearly you never did mean anything you said to me, i told you to give that ring to someone you truly love and seeing as you never give me it back, you clearly never truly loved me like you said you did!" Lauren stuttered over her sobs. Tears soon started flowing from my eyes as i started speaking "Lauren...No words can describe how much you actually mean to me, if you left me there would only be 1 word to describe how i would be 'dead'. I would die of pure heartbreak dont you realise how special you are to me?! Lauren before you came into my life, it wasnt the best i can tell you that...It was just touring and interviews and yeah thats fun but the boys do get on your nerves and i wanted that someone special to just cuddle up with and just have a perfect relationship! An yeah we've had our challenges but we've overcome them which is something only true love can do! Lauren you'll always be my pricess, I LOVE YOU please just dont leave me please!"

I stared at Lauren as she kept her eyes glued to the floor while she whispered through her tears "I never said i was leaving you, you sloth! I would never leave you but im hurt because of what you did..." Lauren trailed off and looked up at me and into my eyes for the first time today, I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out her locket before handing it to her. She half smiled at me as i put it around her neck for her, i then fished into my pocket for her ring, i held it up and a smile found its way to spread across her face. I chuckled before placing it on her finger and claiming her lips with my own, i grabbed her around the waist and her arms snaked around my neck, when we pulled away i pressed my forehead up against Laurens "I love you so much baby!" I said, getting lost in her eyes, Lauren giggled before saying "I love you too Nathan, i always have and i always will!!" Before I knew it, we were kissing again. I traced my tounge along Laurens bottom lip asking for entry, and soon enough the kiss become more and more passionate and intense, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I broke the kiss so i could carry her to the bedroom and along the way she started kissing along my jawline and then nibbled and my sweet spot on my neck leaving a small purple love bite on my neck, i shook my head at her before whispering into her ear in a seductive tone "Oh i will get you for that sexy!" She giggled and bit at her bottom lip as i closed the bedroom door and pinned her down on the bed, kissing her with intense passion. Lauren removed her hands from my neck and started tugging at my t-shirt, i took it off in a split second and threw it across the room, I started kissing along Laurens neck making her moan as she arched into me. 

As i was kissing along Laurens neck, the collar of her dress kept getting in the way so i pulled away from her and sulked. "Nath...Why did you stop? you do realise the effect you have on me?!" Lauren said wide eyed, I pouted at her before saying "the collar of your dress is stopping me kissing along your neck and the rest of you!" Suddenly Lauren flashed the dress off and threw it across the room to join my t-shirt on the floor, leaving her in just her underwear and...WOW! Ive never seen in her in just her underwear before as shes always so shy but right now im not complaining. "Now shall we carry on?" she said in a super sexy voice as she winked at me, i was soon lying ontop of her kissing down her neck and then down her chest and over her stomach, making her let out a little moan as my lips brushed against the waistband of her panties. I stopped there and started kissing back up her body till my lips met her neck again and i started nibbling at her sweet spot, "Nath considering im here in my underwear...why have you still got your jeans on?! seriously if you want me then they would be off" Lauren whispered into my ear in a taunting voice which sent shivers down my spine. Soon enough my jeans were off and threw in the growing pile of clothes on the floor. "Wait Lauren...Are you sure your ready for this?" I asked staring into her eyes, a smile formed on her face as she whispered "If its with you, i'll always be ready!" God damn that girl and her sexy voice during what i call...Sexytime! I slipped off my boxers and Lauren threw her underwear in the pile of clothes which now looked like a mountain, I lay ontop of Lauren kissing her roughly, my skin in contact with hers. I rumaged my hand through the draw next to the bed searching for condoms rapidly, i soon found them. "I have to have you...NOW!" I said in a husky voice.

Laurens POV -

OMG?! Nathan is turning me on so much, its just taunting! My skin was in contact with his, and i could feel his erection against my bare skin, i swear im gonna lose it. "I have to have you...NOW!" Nathan spoke in a husky tone into my ear, he then produced a condom from the draw and ripped the packet open with his teeth and then without asking took me and basically positioned me where he wanted me. He ran his tounge down my neck then niblled at my sweet spot, leaving a small purple mark in the place. I moaned loudly and arched into him. Nathan then took my leg and placed it up around his hip, after he stopped kissing me he looked into my eyes while i lay there breathless, wanting him more and more. He then postioned himself so the tip of his cock was just brushing over my opening, he then leaned down and kissed me again as he pushed his way inside me. I gasped in shock/surprise, clutching the bedsheets. I knew he was a good size but when he was inside me, he felt so much bigger. I felt my muscles adjust to accept him and i felt this tingling sensation in my lower stomach. Nathan let out a deep breath before starting at a slow pace, working up to a much deeper thrust within a couple of minutes, i moaned as pleasure spread through my body. "I wanna hear you scream my name!" Nathan whispered devilishly to me, i couldnt control myself "Ohhh...NATHAN!!! OhMyGod...Nathan baby!! Your AMAZING!" Nathan has a satisfied smile after i spoke as he carried on. He made me feel like fireworks were exploding in my body and the pleasure was uncontrolable, after about 10-15 minutes he stopped and slid out of me panting. "You enjoy it princess?" He whispered as he climbed under the covers and cuddled me close, "of course i did, ive waited for years to do that! Im so happy i waited for you!" A smile spread across my face as he pecked my lips.

We sat talking about what had just happened for about 10 minutes saying that we werent going to tell the lads or the girls as its our business not theirs, until the door burst open and Georgia charged in and jumped on the end of the bed without even looking at us. She then turned to us "Hey so did you sor...WOAH WOAH WOAH OMG NO! WAIT?!??! Why does it look like you 2 are naked? well other than the covers which are covering you?!?!" I could feel my cheeks burning a very new shade of red as Georgias mouth dropeed like 10ft, "WAIT A MINUTE DID YOU?!?! YOU DIDNT?!?! OMG YOU DID?!?!?....AHHHHHH BAD THOUGHTS BAD THOUGHTS?!?! OMG WHERES MAX!!!!!!!" Georgia shouted as she ran from the room holding her head, she clearly figured out what we had been doing. Nathan looked at me and pouted "looks like we need to get up and go to see the others seeing as Georgia will probably tell them all..." I half smiled at him and placed my hand on the side of his face and kissed him, he traced his tounge along my bottom lip but i decided to tease him. I pulled away from the kiss and picked out some clean underwear and my dress before going into the bathroom to change, "TEASE" he shouted from the bedroom. I laughed. When i was changed, i returned to the bedroom and saw Nathan was already dressed and sat on the end of the bed waiting for me. He held his hand out for me to take, which i did and he lead me out of the room and downstairs, oh how im dreading what they are gonna say? seeing as we are the babies... Ahh well its my choice!

~~~Part 38 up soon! Hope you enjoyed this chapter...I had ALOT of fun writing it ;) FAN/COMMENT/VOTE~~~

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