Part 39 - Revenge Can Be A Bitch Sykes!

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Jays POV -

We were showed into a small room were i saw Lauren sleeping, she looked so peaceful. As soon as we were in there the doctor left and Nath broke down again as he took Laurens hand in his, i felt so sorry for him. Within 10 minutes the doctor returned with more news on Lauren situation.

"Mr Sykes, Lauren may wake up in an hour or in a year we dont really know it just depends and also  we have found that when Lauren wakes up she may have memory loss and she wont remember anyone or anything, im so sorry" And with that he left the room.

Nath cried even more now knowing that when Lauren wakes up she wont remember him, that must be so heart breaking, everyone shed a tear or two as my phone rang; it was max, i left the room before answering his call.

Max - Jay! Jay! Jay! Have you seen my girl anywhere? Ive been home and no ones there, im getting worried now!

Jay - Which girl? Georgia or Olivia?

Max - Wait what?! How do you? Georgias told you didnt she! 

Jay - Yes she did Max cause shes broken! As is Nath not like you'd care, your too busy with Olivia to consider how Georgia would feel and how angry Olivia makes Nath! Oh and to top it off Laurens in a coma and when she wakes up she may have memory loss so stop thinking about yourself and consider your loved ones for a change!

Max - I know about the whole Olivia thing is bad but she threatened to hurt Georgia if i never said that, ive got messages to prove it! And WHAT?!?!?! Laurens in a coma!? Im running to the hospital now, wait for me outside please! 

And with that the line went dead. I walked to the front entrance of the hospital to meet Max, he arrived within minutes, wow that man can run fast! We both walked through the hospital and towards Laurens room, Max walked in and instantly looked at Georgia. He apologised to everyone  before explaining the whole thing, soon enough he had his tounge down Georgias throat as his way of saying sorry. The doctor then returned.

Nathans POV -

Siva and Nareesha went for food with Georgia, Max and Jay leaving Tom and Me with Lauren incase she woke up. I still cant believe whats actually happening, i just wish she would wake up and say shes okay but when she wakes up she may have memory loss and she wont remember anything not even me, its gonna be so so hard when she wakes. I kept her hand held in mine as i rested my head on the bed as Tom was sat on the other side basically doing the same thing seeing as Lauren is like his little sister.

An hour later, I was drifting into a sleep until i felt some slight pressure on my hand, my head darted up and Laurens eyes shot open, she looked petrified.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU IN HERE? WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING ME?" She screamed as she jumped from the bed and backed into the corner.

"Lauren, gorgeous please say you remember me and Tom?" I pleaded.

"I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE GET AWAY FROM ME BOTH OF YOU!" She backed even more into the corner looking more and more scared as Siva, Nareesha, Jay, Max and Georgia came into the room.


"Lauren? You dont remember me at all? Nathan? Nathan Sykes?" I said my voice going shakey as i felt a lump in my throat making me catch my breath.

We all went to walk out until Lauren spoke.

"Nathan?" She spoke in an apologetic tone.

I spun round and ran over to her, "Yes Lauren!"

"Revenge can be such a bitch Sykes!" She had a smug smile on her face.

"What?" I asked clearly as confused as everyone else.

"Like i said, Revenge can be a bitch Sykes" She winked and then i realised we had all been set up.

" were and the doctor was...what the hell?!" I stuttered hardly being able to pronounce my words.

"Basically, this is my mega revenge on you all for playing all those pranks on me ever since we met!  The docter, Lee, was my dad bestfriend. Ive known him all my life so when i asked him to do this he was quite happy cause he knew it would be funny. Quite good dont you think eh Sykes?" She said winking yet laughing.

"Lauren Jane Mills! You complete dick! But I still love you and thinking you were in a coma has made me realise how much i need you in my life okay? Dont scare me like that again though!" I winked at her and she wrapped her arms around my waist and i pulled her into my chest for a huge hug.

"Wait? So you were never in a coma and you never had memory loss and this was just a big prank?" Tom ased putting all the pieces of the puzzle together in his very small brain.

"Yep thats about right Tom Tom" She said with a cheeky grin.

"Oi that was mean! but a very good prank, you definately had the waterworks going! Nice one lil sis!" He grinned as she pulled away from me to give him a hug too and everyone else.

"Right lets go home and get PIZZA!!!" She shouted as she skipped out of the hospital saying thank you and goodbye to Lee.

I still cant believe she pranked us, well i guess thats tell us not to mess with her again, Still love her loads though, probably more than before if its even possible!

~~~~~Part 40 up soon! What do you think on Laurens prank then? Needed a change anyway hope you enjoyed it:)~~~~~

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