Part 21 - Stunned, Shocked, Speechless...

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*The night of Georgia and Maxs 6 month anniversary, they are strolling through London streets hand in had as they walk to go on the London Eye after watching the christmas lights be turned on*

Georgias POV -  

Tonight was going great! Me and Max were having such a good time and now he was taking me on the London Eye, ive always wanted to go on it and look at the view but ive never got round to it. "Max thank you for everything tonight, its been perfect! Spending time with you always makes me smile, i couldnt dream of being with someone else other than you" i wispered as i placed my head on his shoulder as we walked. He looked down at me and smiled before saying "awww its okay sweetheart, you are my everything and my life! I wouldnt want to spend any free time with anyone other than you!" He suddenly stopped, i looked at him confused before i had the chance to speak he crashed his lips into mine, kissing me passionately to which i returned! When we pulled away i just giggled and Max took my hand again and pulled me to the ticket man at the bottom of the London Eye. Max handed him our tickets and we walked on, when it started up the view was...INCREDIBLE! It was like nothing i had ever seen before. I stood in a daze as i looked out over the beautiful London city as all the lights shone, when i finally came out of my daze and back to reality, i realised Max wasnt stood next to me. I turned round sharply to find...Max down on one knee holding a small box in his hand.

I stood there silently, nothing but shock in my face. Max began to speak "Georgia! My beautiful Georgia! Ever since the day we first met, i instantly fell in love with you, we connected perfectly! We both like the complete opposite things but thats what makes us so strong together. I love your smile, your hair, your sparkly eyes, your everything! We both like to tease Lauren and Nathan because they are the babys out of us all! Also before i met you i didnt feel like i would ever love anyone again, then i met you! You brought me back to life and showed me what love really is and how happy it can make you! Georgia i want to spend the rest of my life with you, i dont care if we've only been together 6 months, this just feels so right and i want to spend every last hour, minute, second of my life with you and only you Georgia! So will you marry me?" He flicked open the little box to reveal a big diamond ring which sparkled from the lights. My mouth dropped, Max loved me that much he wanted me to marry him?! I was speechless and i started to cry so many happy tears and i shouted "YES! YES! YES!" A huge grin spread across Maxs face and he stood up, lifted me and spun me round and round whilst kissing me passionately! When he put me down he slid the ring onto my finger, i admired it for a few seconds before Max spoke "I love you Georgia!" I smiled before saying "I Love You too Max!" This night had turned out to be PERFECT!


Maxs POV - 

I was so overwelmed that Georgia said yes last night! It would of broke my heart if she said no but she didnt so im the happiest man around at the minute! I was laying next to a sleeping Georgia, my arms wrapped tightly around her! i wanted her awake so i started planting little kisses on her head, she soon woke up and greeted me with a kiss, i smiled before saying "shall we get up now? Im really hungry!" I winked at her and hopped out of bed and she followed me down the stairs to find the kitchen in a right mess and Nathan sat sulking on the chair. I walked into the kitchen shouting "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE? DID A WAR BREAK OUT?!" Nathan just sulked in his chair and said "i tried to make breakfast for myself as Laurens still asleep in bed and i was hungry but yanno this happened!" Me and Georgia started to laugh, i walked to Nathan and said "aww dont worry mate, me and Georgia will make you your breakfast! That sound good?" Nathan nodded like an over excited child and Me and Georgia made us all some breakfast!

After our breakfast me, Georgia and Nathan sat in the living room watching the disney channel, then we heard footsteps approach the living room and Lauren popped her head in. Nathans face lit up with a big smile, she went over and sat on his knee and he started to snog her face off...AGAIN. I just laughed and Georgia looked sad, "whats up sweetheart?" i asked cuddling her. "Why arent we like that?" she spoke softly and before she could say anymore i had my lips pressed up against hers, snogging her face off. When we pulled away, Nathan and Lauren had vanished! We didnt even see them leave we were too caught up in the moment, but who cares as that moment was bloody fantastic! Suddenly Georgia recieved a text from one of her friends - Vicky.

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