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/Hi! My name is Lalisa Manoban, welcome to the first page of my diary! (^u^")

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/Hi! My name is Lalisa Manoban, welcome to the first page of my diary! (^u^")

What should I tell about myself? Well, I don't know but my hands kept on going, let's just see where my pen, diary and my long fingers and soft hand can take me... *hihi*

As usual, I wake up everyday before mr. sunny shows up. I help my parents on preparing for our small business, we are selling food to be specific.

We start preparing from early in the morning then closes our small garage before the sun goes down. You wonder why we sell food in our garage? It's because we do not have cars! (I'm hoping to afford one someday)

We transformed our garage into a food store, despite of not having any vehicle. We still do deliveries, and I use my dad's old bike for that! It's a bit rusty, but it's still working and that's fine, right? ヽ(*^^*)ノ

We are living in a simple life, my parents are really kind and loving. They are working hard for me and my little sister, Joohan. We are currently living in a small apartment for almost three years now and my parents' money was never enough to pay rent, that's why we decided to put up our small business which it became a big help for us to survive.

Unfortunately, we are not alone. Our biggest rival ever since is my bestfriend's family food business. That's the worst part for us for being almost blood sisters but we both have an immatured parents where they would compete to each other.

Luckily, they don't affect us. They don't include their kids to be part between their rivalry. My bestfriend's parents treats me well, same goes to my parents to her which we think what makes everything good... but we are hoping that this will ends and just become friends too. They shouldn't waste their time hating on each other, life is too short... it will be so nice seeing everyone living happily. ლ(^ω^ლ)

My bestfriend would always visit me every morning along with her bike to join me deliver the goods. She's really happy doing that but her parents were always against it. They are average, which means they are above us. They can afford more things than we do, so they have people who works for them that's why she doesn't do the deliveries like I do./

"Lisayah!~" Lisa heard her mother calling for her name, she stopped writing for a moment but then continued.

/Well, I think that's all for today, see you again next time my little diary and pen! xoxo./

Lisa yawned as she stretches her body. She puts down her pen then closes her diary.

Lisa stood up from a wooden stool, "Rosé, you're here! You arrived in time, I have to deliver these." Lisa said while putting the orders inside the box.

"Wow, there are so many orders today, huh." She spoke as she brushed her hair using her newly polished fingers.

"Yeah, it is... Let's go!" Lisa shouted and hopped in her bike.

"I'll follow you." Rosé nods as her sign for Lisa to go on first.

The girls delivered five orders to five different houses and went back after.

They parked the bikes and sat down on the chairs while waiting for new orders and calls.

"School is coming." Rosé says while panting, "Whooo! That's tiring." She added and uses her hands as a fan, they were both sweating.

"Yeah." Lisa wasn't paying much of attention, she was just blankly staring somewhere.

"Yah!~ Lisa!" Rosé shouted as she taps Lisa's shoulder, "Are you sure? You're not going to accept your aunt's offer?"

Lisa's eyebrow furrowed, "What offer? The school?" She slightly sighed, "That's too expensive Rosieeee."

Rosé clicks her tounge, "She's the one who offered you.... Please Lisayaaah~ Accept it! I want to be your classmate again!!" Rosé begs Lisa to accept the offer but seems not going to work.

"Please Lisa. The school is nice, you'll meet a lot of wonderful people. They are rich! They have cars and mansion. They have pools to their home! They do home parties, slumber party, night party, and many more! I want you to experience that Lisa!" Rosé says to Lisa while her eyes were sparkling that made Lisa finally say......

"Okay, fine! J-Just calm down!" Lisa rolled her eyes as she crosses her arms.

Her aunt is pretty wealthy. Lisa's mother and her aunt were like bestfriends. She wanted to give something meaningful gift to Lisa and she couldn't think of anything but the education, the quality of it. That's why she ended on choosing the second to the highest best school in Korea, Seoul Great Univeristy since the #1 University were too far.

The day that Lisa said yes, her aunt immediately prepared sending the money for Lisa's school supplies. Her aunt also sent a package full of different kind of branded bags, hairpins, cute socks, jewelries, watches and shoes. Lisa didn't expect her aunt would do this to her. Like spending a lot of dollars just for her. She's like paying her niece after all the years that she never showed up and showed her care since she was too busy on working.

Lisa and Rosé got so excited that they immediately went to the mall to buy for their school supplies. They bought a lot, Rosé helped Lisa to buy what she need since Rosé been studying to that school for 4 years now. She knows everything in that school and she's so excited for her bestfriend.

"Haaaa! I'm so tired." Lisa said as she laid herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I don't know what to do now. Auntie spent dollars for me. I feel bad..." she whispers to herself and closes her eyes.

I'm sorry auntie for saying yes. Rosé keeps bugging me. Lisa thought and let herself fall asleep.


Idk what kind of story is this. Idk, but please support. :< this is my first ever story.. hehe please vote po. ♡

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