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Lori pulled the hot bag of popcorn from the microwave and opened it, she pulled the large glass bowl forward and emptied the contents inside of it. Janet chewed the inside of her cheek as she scrolled through several options of shows and movies to watch.

"It's not that difficult to find something." Lori said as she walked around the couch and placed the bowl of popcorn in the center of them.

"First of all. Yes, it is." She replied.

Lori shook her head and remained quiet as she watched Janet continue her scrolling, she grabbed a hand full of popcorn and held her phone in her free hand, she ignored text messages and scrolled her social media. "I forgot to tell you, I met Robyn."

Janet frowned and stopped her searching. "Givens?..." She asked turning her head.

"What? No... Aubrey's Robyn. I met her like I know who she is... and you won't fucking believe who she is!" Lori said with a smirk.

"The Robin tattoo?"


"Oh my God! You met her! When?! How?! Where?!" Who is she!?" Janet asked as she placed the remote down and turned to Lori.

"It's Rihanna!"

"GIRL! GO! TO! HELL!" Janet covered her mouth, then removed her hand. "It is not!" Lori remained silent as she nodded her head up and down. "Fucking Rihanna!?"Lori nodded again. Janet sat quietly staring at Lori lost for words, she grabbed the bowl of popcorn and placed it in her lap, she turned off the tv and leaned back making herself comfortable. "Ok, I'm ready." She said dramatically.

"Ok! A few days ago Rihanna called me at like midnight talking about needing to expand. I told her I'd meet her at the office to show her all the properties we had. We get there, I pull open my laptop and she randomly goes "how is he?" ... I'm like "excuse me!?"... she goes "Aubrey."... I'm thinking what the fuck.... she knew I was with him because of his initials on my necklace."

"What!? But how did she know Aubrey even had anybody?" Janet asked.

"She told me she's still friends with the wife of his best friend... his brother Oliver... his wife. She told her how happy Aubrey's been since being with somebody new!"

Janet smirked. "Hmmm... is someone jealous?" She jokingly said as she tossed popcorn in her mouth.

"Please, she's far from it. It's... fucking Rihanna." Lori said rolling her eyes. "But she did confess to missing him."

"Bitch!... but I mean how did you not know Robyn was Rihanna!?"

Lori shrugged and widened her eyes wide as she defended her lack of knowledge. "I never asked him! He's already secretive as it is! I just assumed it was some chick named Robyn, or he'd eventually show me her when he was ready? I don't know! I didn't think it was fucking THEE RIHANNA... she doesn't go by fucking Robyn!"

Isn't she married though?... with a kid?...." Janet asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Lori frowned. "When she met me... she didn't have the ring on tho...."

Janet's eyes widened. "Bitch!" She whispered. "She coming to take her man back!"

"Why would she meet with me! Just fucking do it...." Lori replied.

"She had to scope out the competition! She saw you fine as fuck now she has to re-strategize!" Janet argued back.

Lori was quiet for a moment. "It's fucking, Rihanna...." she said looking up. "What competition does she have!?"

"That's the last time I hype your features up." Janet said shaking her head.

"I'm just saying..." She mumbled.

"Have you told him?" Janet asked.

Lori hesitated. "No..."

Janet's eyes widened again, she sighed and moved the large bowl of popcorn from her lap. "So, this is you asking for advice on how to tell him? Right!?

Lori licked her lips. "I guess... I know I need to tell him."

No, Lori... you HAVE to tell him! I mean, I don't know Aubrey from a can of paint, but what I do know is men like that... you can't keep secrets from. That's the type of man that knows what's going on before you even think to tell him." Janet said with a frown, her lips pressed in a straight line across her face.

Lori bit at her bottom lip and thought for a moment. "I have to tell him before Robyn gets ahold of him."

"That too."

"What if he thinks I'm plotting on him, what if he thinks I'm doing something wrong... blames me?" Lori said with worried eyes.

"I highly doubt that." Janet said shaking her head. "You didn't know who she was and I'm sure he knows that." Lori sat quietly, she nodded her head in agreement. Janet moved from side to side, her curiosity was getting the best of her the number of questions she had was enough to send Lori home with a headache.

"Go ahead and ask." Lori said rolling her eyes and frowning.

Janet narrowed her vision on Lori. "So, how is she? Like, when no one is around... just you two."

Lori looked at Janet and shrugged. "I don't know? She's normal I guess..." Janet shrugged. "You know what's weird? When we met her at her event she was so confident and social... she was almost intimidating... she was. But when I met her the other night all that went out the window." Lori replied shaking her head.

Janet frowned and leaned back against the couch. "At this point, Aubrey gotta fuck me too! I need to find out what the big deal is!"

Lori laughed as she dusted the popcorn salt from her hands. "I don't think it's his dick... I just think he figured out how to actually use it..."

Janet tilted her head and pressed her lips together. "It's only about 10 percent of men on this planet that know how to do that." She said shaking her head. Lori laughed again.

"You think he knows?"

"Knows what?" Janet asked before tossing popcorn in her mouth.

"That Robyn is here already. Like, he already knew she was here," Lori replied.

"Then he's waiting for you to tell him..." Janet said tilting her head she pressed her lips together giving Lori a more than serious look. Lori bit at her bottom, her nostrils slightly flared and she frowned.

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