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Lori placed the bag of Chinese takeout on the counter, she turned to wash her hands and dry them with the towel that hung from the stove handle she pulled open the large cabinet in front of her and grabbed two black plates, Aubrey watched as she opened the containers and distributed the variety of food on the plates. "So, am I going to run into one of your flings everywhere we go?" She asked as she turned around her face ridden with sarcasm as she teased him.

"Is Chinese always going to be your first pick?" Aubrey asked purposely ignoring her question.

"Asks the man that eats Italian food four days out of the week..." she turned around and headed towards the refrigerator. "But worried about what I'm picking." She mumbled sarcastically as she pulled a large glass bottle from its shelf. Aubrey's eyebrows rose. "Imagin that."

"You been way too comfortable these last few days!" He argued back with a smile but quickly creased his eyebrows.

Lori smiled as she leaned across the counter, purposely making her cleavage the center of attention. "You make it easy to be comfortable around you." She seductively replied following it up with a wink.

Aubrey pressed his lips together doing his best to hide his grin, his eye trailed from her eyes to her cleavage then back to her eyes, he stared at her for several long seconds, Lori smiled at his silence. "The Italians eat it every day." he replied nonchalantly.

"In which you are not." She argued back with a smile.

Aubrey remained silent he reached over and ran his thumb over the diamond-encrusted necklace he had sent to her office then slowly traced his hand to her throat. "Come here." Lori stared at him and kept her leaning position against the center island she smirked and stood up slowly making her way towards him. Aubrey pushed himself from the counter and pulled her between him and the thick marble counter and picked her up placing her on top of it he sat back down on the stool forcing himself between her thighs "What's your best quality?" He asked looking up at her.

"My face." She said confidently with a smirk.

"What's your worst quality?"

"My face." She confidently replied again. Aubrey smirked to hide his perplexed expression, she had completely caught him off guard so much so that his follow-up question would make so sense. He sat silently staring at her his teeth clicked behind his pressed lips. "Your worst quality."

"I have none." He quickly replied.

She cocked her head to the side. "I can name a few."

He smiled harder and looked down as he shook his head. "I adapt easily to any surroundings I'm in."


"I get bored easily." He replied starting her down.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should, you're still here."

"Well isn't that a little pompous of you?" She said with a smirk. "It's a turn-on."

"Says someone whose best quality is their face." He shot back.

"You saw my face and fell in love."

"I fell in love?!" He repeated as he slowly cocked his head. Lori remained silent while staring at him with a smile.

"You're too charming! You know you're charming!"

Aubrey's Playground Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora