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Lori's body forced itself from its sleep at the sound of water running the bathroom door had been left wide open, she rolled to her back and took a deep breath while stretching her body, the curtains had been pulled back allowing the sun to eventually penetrate the bedroom. Lori sat up and grabbed her phone to check the time. The flight back to New York was long and restless even when on a luxurious 30 seater plane, her body was so tired she didn't even know she fell asleep. Lori pulled one of Aubrey's white t-shirts from its drawer and let it drap over her body, she made her way to the bathroom, music poured from the speakers, his boxers laid bunched on the rug in front of the shower, his toiletries laid scared about as he used them. It was the messiest she had ever seen him leave a room, she smirked and shook her head until the single opened door caught her attention, she frowned and stretched her neck to see inside, the light had been left on and all she could make out was a wall covered with shelving and clothing hanging from a rod.

"It was a closet." She mumbled to herself. She frowned as she searched her memory. The night she rumbled through his things for a first-aid kit. She turned her attention back towards the shower and pulled the door open. "Good morning."

"You coming in?" He turned around and asked stepping forward to kiss her.

"Not right now, I'm hungry." She said before closing the glass door and walking towards the sink, she looked at the time in the bottom corner of the long vanity mirror. "You're late though. You're still going to work?" She asked neatly squeezing toothpaste across the bristles.

"Yeah, I've put enough off."

"Understandable." Aubrey reached and shut off the water, he looked through the fogged-up glass as Lori brushed her teeth before he pushed the door open and wrapped the fluffy black towel around his waist. "So it's going to be a long night?" She assumed after spitting the excesses toothpaste down the sink and rinsing her mouth, she then made her way to the toilet and sat down.

"Hopefully not but I got a surprise for you." He said raising his voice as he disappeared into the closet. Lori quickly used the bathroom and walked back over to the sink, she hoisted herself on the counter facing the closet and looked into the room watching Aubrey move about the small space.

"So it is going to be a late-night but to make up for it you're getting me something." She said looking at him through the crack in the door.

"Would you like a ring while you're at it!?" He teased her with a frown as he appeared in the doorway holding a dark blue suit jacket by the hanger. Lori smiled and rolled her eyes, he disappeared again before she heard his voice. "It's going to be a busy couple of weeks..." he spoke vaguely but straight to the point as he appeared again, he turned off the light and closed the door behind him, he placed the few pieces of clothing and jewelry down on the counter next to Lori, he then positioned himself between her thighs and placed his hands to her knees. "You can work with me right?" He asked her before pressing his lips to hers.

"I always do." She said wrapping her arms around his shoulders she moved in for another kiss. "What you get me!?"

"You'll get tonight."

"I'd there a reason it can only be given to me tonight and not now?..."

"Are you going to work?"

"Yes?... but..."

"Ok, so you'll get after you come from work."

"Well, that's not fun." She frowned as she thought to herself, she arched her eyebrow and stared at him no longer amused by their conversation. "I thought this was a my way or the highway kind of thing."

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