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"She's just as mentally fucked up as I am." Aubrey said as he placed the thick cigar back in his mouth and took a long pull. "Maybe even more?" He mumbled as the smoke began to slowly float from his mouth and nostrils.

Chubbs laughed. "Those are the best ones! The ones that let you do damn near whatever kinky shit your heart desires in whatever way you want because she loves it just as much as you do." Chubbs leaned back in his chair and stared off into space, his own mind begun to wonder, thinking about past flings he enjoyed. "I should give Mel a call..." He mumbled while still staring into space. Aubrey frowned then smirked at Chubbs randomness then shook his head. Aubrey took another pull of his Cuban cigar and sunk into the black leather chair he occupied at the moment, he looked at the half-full glass of transparent brown liquor. His mind had fallen into his own recollections and the more Lori revealed her own crude, lude, thoughts about sex the more he wanted to be around her, the more he wanted her, the more he wanted to do as he pleased with her. "You're stuck... Or you're about to be." Chubbs said with a smirk as he glared at his best friend from across the sitting lounge. Aubrey looked up meeting Chubb's dark brown eyes head-on, he frowned and shook his head.

"Nah, I'm fine."

"Nah, you not. Your not me, YOU can't just discard them after you fuck them and nine times out of ten you fall for the one that should be discarded after you fuck them. You're like a Good Bad Guy."

"So then what do I do? Since you & Oliver know everything. Fix it."

Chubbs pressed his lips together and cocked his head to the side. "Seems like you don't want it fixed." Aubrey frowned as he eyed his friend. Not wanting to admit to anything he was hearing just yet, but also doing his best to add as much of a smokescreen to his current reality as he could yet it wasn't working. "It's ok to actually like her nigga, damn."

"You're a contradiction."

Chubbs laughed. "No, feelings are ok for YOU to have. I personally don't care for the owner of the pussy and for ME that is ok, it works for ME. YOU, however, do not work that way. YOU like to deal with feelings and the other things that come along with her pussy. If you like her and she's willing to live a certain lifestyle with you then maybe Oliver's advice is right... For YOU!" Chubbs said then drank down the remainder of the dark liquor in his glass.

Aubrey looked down at the dimming ash of his cigar that was slowly burning out from the lack of puffs he took from it, the strong smell of fine leather and aged cigar smoke would overwhelm a newbie to the hobby. He set it down in the black shallow ashtray next to him and downed the rest of his own liquor, Chubbs sat quietly watching and analyzing his best friend unsure of how he was currently feeling, Aubrey was good at hiding certain things until it was absolutely necessary to let them out and his emotions being one of those things, he would sometimes become hard to read, leaving the person opposite of him unsure of his next move. He pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled several unanswered messages and at that moment would remain uncared for, his thumbs moved easily across the screen typing out his thoughts, his messages were easily and quickly answered.

"I guess we'll find out." Aubrey said as he placed his phone back in his pocket and picked up the cigar. He held the heavy silver metal lighter in the other as he flicked the flame to life, he took a long pull relighting his cigar. Chubbs raised an eyebrow and sat back comfortably in his chair, he nodded his head in agreement and remained silent. He never questioned Aubrey, ever. He always simply sat back and waited until he was needed.


"You know, in starting to think I'm your favorite."

Aubrey smirked and licked his bottom lip as he stared down at her. "You think so."

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