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Lori considered herself to be a little bit of a feminist. She for sure believed there should be equality between the sexes in every right, she often cringed around the toxic sexist jokes that men often found themselves telling to one another, she sighed and rolled her eyes at the age-old debates about if women still knew how to cook and clean? As if those normal everyday life skills needed in order to survive was only designated to the female species. A grown man thinking he didn't need to learn how to cook or have to cook himself a proper meal because he had a girlfriend or a wife to do it often left a stale and concerning expression on her face. She followed the everyday topics in women's rights groups, yet she often struggled to make peace with the paradox of wanting to submit to a man in the bedroom, despite her frustrations with how women were treated in general. Eventually, she gave up searching, hoping that she would one day trust a man enough to totally relinquish control.

Yet there she was in a man's home, allowing him to check over her naked body like she was a vegetable in the produce section, she fell into place upon him stepping to her, she walked and stopped when he told her to, touching him when he gave her permission to, only speaking when spoken to or told to, she found a man that naturally made her body react to him, this feeling was the complete opposite from her last Dom.

"I need you to understand that if you do not like something or do not feel comfortable or do not feel safe in something I am doing to you. I expect you to say your safe word and I will immediately stop. I will not be angry, I will not be mad, I will not punish you for stopping me. We will sit and discuss why you are feeling the way you are and we will then decide if the act will continue or happen again. Your safety, comfort, and happiness are of my main concerns and you will tell me immediately when they change, do you understand?" Lori stared at Aubrey as he stood in front of her, half-naked and in perfect shape telling her, her feelings were one if not the most important thing to him. Perfection was a bit of an understatement. "Lori." He repeated.

She snapped from her daydreaming. "Yes, sir. I understand. I will tell you."

"Good." He pulled a black sleeping mask from his pajama pocket and walked towards her. "I am going to make you climax three times during the Trust Game. You do know the difference between cumming and climaxing, right?"

"Uh, yes." She nervously replied as he placed the sleeping mask over her head. He stared at her, a grin on his face then proceeded to place the mask over her eyes.

"Good. Can you see anything?"

"No, sir."

"Walk to me." He ordered her doing his own testing. He took a step back then two steps to his right. Watching as she put her hands out feeling for him, wirley stepping towards where she thought he still was. "Stop." He stepped behind her pressing himself to the back of her body, his hands snaked themselves to her hips and around to her pelvis, his lips barely touching her ear, his skin was warm and smooth. "I am going to make you climax three times. Once tonight with my fingers, once tomorrow with my mouth, and once Sunday with my dick. Do you understand?"

Lori's chest rose. "Yes, sir." She said breathlessly.

He moved her hair from her neck and pressed his lips to the side of her jawbone, she let out a moan and pressed herself into him. "Every round I am going to take away one of your senses until you are totally dependent on me. for us, it will be the three most important ones. Tonight it will be sight, tomorrow it will sight and hearing, and Sunday it will be sight, hear, and touching. You have skills such as your memory to help you throughout this training. Let's find out how much you trust me... Babygirl." He said finally acknowledging one of the pet names he agreed to call her. Lori took another deep breath, Aubrey stepped back and was no longer touching her, with only one of her senses gone she was already depended on him. "Walk forward, straight ahead. Do not stop until I tell you to." Lori took slow but steady steps forward, her natural instincts kicked in, arms out in front of her, fingers spread feeling around for anything before she hit it. "Arms down at your side, you are to trust me, I won't let you run into anything." He ordered her. She inhaled then exhaled and dropped them to her side but her footsteps became sluggish cautiously dragging them across the floor.

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