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The workweek crept in quicker than anybody would have preferred. The lack of conversation between Lori and Aubrey proved that the two were entirely too busy to truly entertain one another. Monday turned into Tuesday, Wednesday turned into Thursday, yet Thursday would linger around refusing to allow Friday its turn.

Aubrey shuffled through several papers on his desk after a year of being in the office he expected everything to officially be in his name at the beginning of the year but January was pushing into February and there were still paperwork in departments that had to be settled, being frustrated was an understatement, being on someone else's time was something he never cared for and made sure he avoided, but the process in which legal business had to be done would humble him greatly.

"Vanessa. Can you come here, please?" His deep voice echoed through her office from the phone speaker as he demanded her presence.

Vanessa would also be a woman who stopped, dropped, and rolled on Aubrey's command, only she was being paid a very hefty salary to do so, not sexually involved with him whatsoever, sexual favors and kinks were not her things and Aubrey respected it, but spending nine hours a day, five days out of the week side by side it was kind of hard not to develop a close caring relationship, in a sense she had become more than just a personal assistant, she had become the sibling he never had, she had become someone to vent to, a therapist, she knew his secrets, she knew about his kinks, she knew about the harem of women he had, he knew about her boyfriend problems, her love life and lack thereof, even offering to cut her days down so she could enjoy what little love life she had but she quickly rejected the offer.

"Yes, Aubrey?" She peeked her head through his office door, eyes widened as she set them upon his desk her mouth open in shock. "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SICK!? ARE YOU OK!?" She exclaimed rushing through the doors towards him.

His desk was completely covered with papers and folders, unable to find what he was looking for. Vanessa grew concerned, of all the days she spent by his side nothing was ever out of place, everything matched and color-coded, items placed in line from smallest to largest, once he found a product he liked he never changed it, from pens to glue, even a certain type of printing paper he required all departments to use, his OCD forced him to care for only even numbers, anything odd made his skin crawl and the whole project would be scrapped. Aubrey looked up at her, he was irritable, annoyed, tired, frustrated, every feeling that made for a bad day. Vanessa quickly and eagerly began collecting papers and placing them back in their folders, knowing the sooner she got the chaos away from him the sooner he'd be able to properly think.

"There's four pieces of paper! They all have the out-source Real Estate companies that we used"

"Aubrey?... what?"

"My father did business with them and I need the paperwork." He reached past her for several papers trying to read them.

"Aubrey! Stop!" She turned his chair around so he was no longer facing the messy desk. "Ok, what are you looking for?"

He licked his lips. "Two years ago my father bought two buildings from Jay&Ell Real Estate, he kept them on file just in case he wanted to do more work with them, their contract ended last year before I took over. I need that contract." He finally said giving out all the proper details.

"Ok, I will look for this file and you will step out of this office and walk somewhere else in this building."

He rolled his eyes but stood up from his seat, he shoved his hands in his pocket and took even strides towards the door walking out of his office, Vanessa grabbed his chair and sat down in it, shaking her head as she began looking through the mess on his desk, two brown boxes on the floor where she assumed the old paperwork came from, she sighed as she began searching for papers with a certain date on it. Finally reaching for what Aubrey had been anxiously searching for, a single piece of paper with Jay&Ell typed across the top of it, their names, number, and other contact information the contract in which they agreed upon, she looked over their credentials since working with RGE, Dennis has kept a basic collection of their success in attempts to work more with the women.

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