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"Why don't we do Florida?" Oliver suggested.

Aubrey cringed frowning up his face. "Everybody does Florida. It's cliché." He said back swiveling his office chair from side to side

"True, but that's where the money is!"

Aubrey chuckled and shook his head still not sold on the thought of financing a spot in Florida. Sure it was a lucrative state but it came in spurts and he wasn't interested in sometimes busy sometimes not.

"Nevada?" Oliver said tossing out another state.

Aubrey pressed his lips together as he rested his index and middle finger to his left temple. Nevada was good, but where would he squeeze a lounge or restaurant in the middle of a Vegas strip that already housed 20 plus identical establishments. Aubrey liked the competition, he never backed down from it but not enough to lose money over, he picked his battles wisely, something that seemed to be working better for the company since he took it over, something that his father once had trouble doing. The boardroom was filled with head members of each department, a end of the week update on the numbers and standings that was held on Fridays was pushed to a Saturday morning due to lack of preparation which in itself put Aubrey in a bad mood. This had never happened before and the whole time sitting there at the head of the table all he could think about was who he was going to fire for letting the bullshit happen, yet he quickly tossed that option out, sure letting somebody go out of frustration would make him feel better but that would only force HR to search for a replacement and there was no telling how long that would take.

His attention drifted over to his far right as Tom's presentation lacked the luster to keep his mind on the numbers at the moment.

Aubrey was very good with remembering faces but was positive he had never seen the woman standing in the corner. She was pretty, very pretty, for sure she was at least 22, 23. He looked down at the badge clipped to the top of her skirt, it gave him a reason to look at her waistline, her badge read 'intern' in blue capital letters, that was why he never seen her. A picture and name underneath the title. More than likely fresh out of college, this was her first big girl job. Aubrey looked her up and down sizing her measurements, size six foot stuffed in a five in a half heel, her beige skirt was tight but stopped at her knees, there wasn't much of a curve she was extremely petite, too petite, he preferred weight, heftiness to the lower half, thighs that rubbed together when a woman walked, or a crease of fat between the thighs and hips when she sat, her long sleeve white blouse was tucked neatly, large B cup possible a small C, the cleavage was subtle but based on the three buttons she opted on leaving undone she wanted eyes there for at least a few minutes, her hair straightened stopping just passed her shoulders, he preferred curls but sleek hair never really stopped him from bending a woman over. Her skin was peanut butter, lips full, makeup was light but her eyes were dark. They met his once they got to hers, she smiled at him but he didn't return the gesture, she had been watching him mentally size her up the whole time and judging by her seductive look that replaced her smile she was perfectly fine with being undressed by his eyes.

He pulled his gaze from her figure and looked down at his expensive watch, growing extremely impatient with the time that wasn't passing fast enough. He looked up to see who now occupied the front of the room, Tom was no longer standing there and he hadn't heard a word he'd said, which honestly was ok with him

"Vanessa? How much more do we have?" He asked while turning to his personal assistant.

She quickly sat up in her chair looking down at the tablet that was always glued to the palm of her hand.

"15 more minutes." She answered back. He let out a heavy sigh, it was going on 12:30 in the afternoon.

Oliver turned and eyed him. "You good?"

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