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"The way he smelled!... ugh, God is good."

Janet laughed. "I wonder what kind of cologne he wears?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I know it smells damn good."

The winter weather hit the east coast hard, the two women easily began to regret their decision in walking to Starbucks for their coffee fix. The heavy wind was making it so cold you couldn't blink out of fear that your eyes would freeze shut yet you couldn't keep them open too long out of fear they'd freeze open, Lori dipped her head down avoiding the sharp stings of wind that hit her cheeks and nose.

"Why haven't you called him? What's the holdup, Ell!?"

"I don't know? Well... you know my whole situation!" She said shoving her hands deeper into the pockets of her knee-length coat.

Janet gasped and picked up her speed turning to look back at her as she walked backwards."You think he could actually break your whole celibacy thing!"

Lori grew embarrassed at how loud Janet was as they walked down the crowded public sidewalk. "Shush! Don't say that out loud!" She hissed speeding up her pace to walk past her.

"Yeeessss, he might bring the old Lori back! The Lori from college!" Janet continued her teasing as she held open the Starbucks door.

"Stop!... saying that out loud!" The smell of coffee hit both their noses before they were even all the way in the building. For some reason, that smell was so blissful to Lori, especially a French vanilla blend. She was fully aware of her caffeinated driven addiction yet wasn't in a rush to rid her body of it. "It's just... not something I need on my plate right now.... any kind of relationship, platonic or not." Lori continued as she looked around the crowded shop trying to find the end of the line.

"You are such a Debbie Downer."

"Yeah, whatever."

"You sure you want to be in here with that white blouse on?" His deep silky voice was beyond recognizable, it was a joke that somehow he made sound sexy.

"Well, I still have to make it out of the building, so we'll see." She teased back poking fun at herself. Janet and Lori both spinning around on the heels of their shoes to eye the man that seemed to appear more often than usual now. "This is my best friend and business partner, Janet. Janet this is Aubrey."

"Ahhh, the one that left you."

"Guilty! And I'll do it again! Like now! It was so nice meeting you, Aubrey." Janet said with a smile and waving her hand at him. "I'll be in line, take your time." She winking and walking away.

"She's cute." Aubrey said watching her make her way to the other side of the coffeehouse.

"Yeah, normally it's the cute ones that are a pain in the ass."

He smirked. "What are the gorgeous ones then?"

The awkward silence between them hovered more over Lori than him, either she was trying to avoid his compliments or he truly just made her nervous. "Uh, I'm sorry I haven't called you. It's been kind of hectic at work."

"No need to apologize. I know how jobs work."

Everything that came out of his mouth was full of lust even when he wasn't trying, she admired his outfit he wasn't in a suit this time, a single thin gold chain laid over his black turtleneck, tailored black slacks, and shoes shiny enough to see your reflection in, his long black pea coat pulled it all together, one hand tucked in his pocket as he held a large single cup of hot coffee in the other. He was so perfect it was scary, not a single strand of lent, of a stray stitch.

"But uh, maybe we can get together this weekend? If you're not busy?" Lori quickly said, she frowned at herself unsure of where the sudden confidence came from but the words were already put into the universe to be taken back.

Her plan was not to ask him out, it was to stay as far away from him as she could, blowing him off until he eventually found something new to occupy his time with but her mouth moved faster than her mind and had her writing a check she wasn't necessarily ready to cover.

He frowned. Trying to figure out his personal schedule off the top of his head without scrolling his phone. "I do have a few meeting Saturday morning, unfortunately, but I'm more than willing to be your company for the rest of the afternoon and evening."

She bit at her bottom lip. "Great, I'll see you tomorrow."


He pulled his hand from his pocket and reached for a hug, before she could make the moment awkward she felt herself tucking her arms under his shoulders for a friendly embrace. His arm wrapped around my shoulder, aside from looking perfect he felt perfect, his body heat warmed his cologne making it strong but not overpowering, his upper body was solid and full, only making her wonder what he looked like under all that monochromatic clothing. She was truly willing to stay wrapped under him for as long as she possibly could without making it seem awkward, and that's not because it was freezing outside.

"It was good seeing you again." Aubrey said giving her a smile."You made my day. You be careful in here, iigh? If I need to replace another blouse I will."

She laughed shaking my head. "I will."
Lori watched him walk through the doors and into the back seat of the black SUV. She looked around to find Janet who occupied a corner table by the front window. "Oh my God, that man is so dangerous, I just know it." She said shaking her head and reaching for the cup of coffee that had her name on it, she took a seat in the empty chair next to a grinning Janet.

"I got you a double shot. I figured you need it after that encounter."

"Oh, I love you." She eagerly took a sip from the open lid allowing the rich sweet liquid to work its magic in her system.

"You might want to go to the bathroom check if you're wet."

"I made a date with him for tomorrow." She confessed yet regretted to do so the minute it came out her mouth. Janet's eyes widened. "I didn't mean too! It literally just came flying out my mouth! I couldn't take it back because he was already saying yes!"

Janet cracked a wide smile and leaned back in her chair. She held the cup in her hand ready to give her a hard time. "Your celibacy is so over!"

"No, it's not! Don't say that!" Lori pointed a finger at her.

"Yes, it is! There is no way you're going to be able to be around THAT kind of a man and not... drop to your knees."

"Your lack of confidence in me right now is very telling!" She said giving her a serious look, doing her best to make her best friend feel bad. Janet laughed in her face at the failed attempt.

"And just so we're clear, I am laughing AT you!" She said before taking another sip.

"I'm going to be fine. I have self-control, I know how to act."

Janet laughed again. "Ell, You hugged the man for like five minutes."

"It was not that long?" She asked with a frown. "No..."

"Uh! YES! I placed our order, went to the bathroom, picked up our order and you were STILL hugging him!"

Lori let her dramatic exaggeration of time-lapse fill her ears. She sighed and placed my elbows to the table then dropped her face into the palm of her hands.

"Oh my God. I'm not going to be ok!." Lori whined out loud.

"Awww it's ok, babe love." Janet reached over and rubbed her back. "Come on, let me buy you some greasy food truck tacos. Make you feel better."

Lori lazily stood up grabbing her half-full coffee cup. "Can I get extra guac and cheese this time?"

"Of course, Let mama spoil you."

Aubrey's PlaygroundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora