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"You know? It's that feeling of doing something that you have no business doing!"

"You dirty bitch!" Janet said back laughing.

"I can't help it! It's like..." Lori paused for a moment, thinking to herself trying to figure out exactly what it was like. She squinted her eyes and scrunched her nose. "I don't know what it's like... I can't really explain it but it's exciting."

"Yeah, I bet! Doing freaky shit you ain't got no business doing is always exciting!" Lori followed up the steps behind Janet, walking into the museum, distant screams of excitement pulled Lori's attention from climbing the rest of the steps. The large black SUV would more than likely be transporting someone famous and their entourage. "Who is this week?" Janet asked leaning back while she held the handle of the door, the screaming catching her attention as well.

"Who knows? Probably a rapper, it's a lot of young girls." Lori replied stepping up the rest of the steps. The women walked further into the museum, people scattered about admiring the latest art on display. Paintings, photographs, sculptures all took center stage. Cream with white marbling throughout the floors, columns, and walls, exaggerated crystal chandeliers with gold accents hung from the extremely tall ceilings.

"Here you are, thank you for joining us!" Lori turned at the voice greeting her.

"Oh, thank you." She said grabbing the thin agenda from the museum employee.

"So, you're now spending Monday with him? Like you're going back to him after you finish this?... work?" Janet asked slowing her steps for Lori to catch up.

Lori flipped open the booklet and began looking through it. "Yeah, Instead of going home Sunday night I just stayed with him." She replied keeping her eyes on the paper in front of her, reading the artists and their backstories. "I went to work from his apartment and after work, I go back to him and he takes me home later that night."

"Just be in a relationship, shit!" Janet said in a huff.

"It's not like that."

"You sure? From the outside looking in, he likes you a little more than he should." Janet said smirking and playfully flipping through the booklet. Lori looked up and frowned at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What you mean, what does it mean? All this shit that you say he tells you he doesn't do with other subs but is doing with you!"

Lori sighed as she thought to herself. "I mean, I don't think it's special treatment I just think he likes being around me, you know? He still has other women in his life, like the twins which I'm 100 percent positive that they get way more special treatment than me."

"Oh, right The Twins!" Janet said back with a smile. "He's just a regular old modern-day Hugh Heffner, huh."

"He is not. But I mean the twins are like freakishly perfect."

"Freakishly perfect like The Shining or Tia and Tamar?"

Lori paused and scrunched her face. "Mmmm, like Tia and Tamara... But without the one being married to the white man!"

"Ahhh, yeah, that's pretty perfect."

"Exactly, so it's not special treatment, it's just he has certain things that he likes... A lot."

"And you're one of those things, boo!" Janet laughed as she interlocked her arm with Lori's and pulled her further into one of the winding rooms, it's walls covered in art, platforms held sculptures of all sizes.

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