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Lori had spent the remainder of the day and night by herself, being ignored by Aubrey in particular, only sending his personal house staff up to tend to her if and when she needed something. A form of punishment that she knew of but was never disobedient to receive it. Sure spending time away from Aubrey Tuesday through Thursday wasn't a thought and she was pretty much used to her time alone compared to the time she had with him by now, but to be ignored by him while being with him was a completely different feeling that she was not used to nor ready for.

From the outside looking in a Dom's relationship with his or her sub seemed more physical than anything to The Vanilla World, it seemed to be about sex and how a Dom could get their way with the sub of their choosing. Lori's punishment of being ignored brought light to just how mentally and emotionally attached she really was to Aubrey, his work of putting her through tests proved to serve him right, proved to be successful, she didn't realize how attached to him she was until he was several feet away from her, in another room, ignoring her presence. Lori rolled over in her bed as she heard a knock and her bedroom door open, she looked exhausted and while being on her period a mixture of hormones kicked in to make her sensitive and emotional, her sleeping only lasted between three to six hours before she found herself watching an information for a product that she mentally convinced herself she needed until she was able to fall back to sleep.

"Mr. Graham sent me over to get you, says he wants you to come to his room." Lori looked at the familiar woman that had been tending to her ever beck and call and sadly nodded her head in agreement.

"Ok." She finally let out as she rose from the mattress and tossed the covers from her body, she swung her legs over the edge and straightened her body, she fixed the bright white robe that swallowed her body, the cramping in her lower abdominal had gotten the best of her, she let out a small moan of discomfort as she walked towards the bedroom door. She hesitated to open it, unsure of where he was or what he was doing, was he still upset, or had he gotten over her little argumentative ways. She pushed it open, her eyes let out a sigh of relief as she looked at The Twins both sitting up and wrapped comfortably in his bed, they both turned to her and finally let out genuine smiles, Vic nudged her head for Lori to join them, Lori frowned and shook her head not wanting to do anything she wasn't supposed to do, the last thing she needed was Aubrey prolonging this punishment.

"It's fine, he told us to tell you when you got in here." Liz assured her. Her words were barely a whisper but Lori heard her clearly.

She slowly walked towards the bed and crawled in it placing her body under the covers. "Come here." Vic said as she reached for Lori's shoulder forcing her to lay down. She placed her head in Vic's lap allowing her to rub the side of her head pushing the baby hairs that bordered her hairline to comfort her.

"What did you do?!" Liz mumbled, keeping her voice down as she scooted closer, the covers slightly reveled her bare breast as she switched her position. Lori was unbothered by their nudity and seemed to be enjoying their company more than Aubrey's at this point.

Lori sighed. "I argued with him. I wanted to meet the other subs."

"For what!?" Liz asked.

Lori shrugged. "I was curious. I met you two and I enjoyed it so I figured why not ask to meet the others."

Liz and Vic looked at one another then back down at Lori. "You don't really get your placement do you?" Vic questioned her as she arched her barley there right eyebrow.

Lori rolled her eyes then closed them. "Yes, Robyn Number Two, I get it I'm her replacement."

The Twins eyed her trying to keep from laughing. "No, not even close."

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