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"I'm not even fucking interested anymore..."

"The fuck you mean you're not interested!?... how the fuck you not interested in pussy!?"

Aubrey frowned and looked back at Nessel. "I didn't say all that!..." He looked down into his glass and shook the contents. "I'm no longer interested in the owner of the pussy."

Nessel frowned. "I thought YOU was the owner." He replied sounding confused. "You don't need to be interested in the owner to be interested in the pussy!"

Aubrey stood quietly, still looking down into his glass of brown liquor. He sighed. "No wonder your baby mother can't stand you."

Nessel busted out into laughter taking no offense of the comment, he shrugged. "No, but seriously how the fuck is this possible!?"

"Not sure, I just know I'm not interested in being at home with Bernice."

"You left her there alone? Again?"

"Yes." Aubrey solemnly said. Hearing the situation outside of his head made him feel worse about his actions.

Nessel was quiet for a moment then looked over at Aubrey. "You going to let her go too?"

Aubrey looked around the busy room, people enjoying drinks and food as they mingled with one another. Another party for another business endeavor forced him to be social amongst employees and vendors that he didn't necessarily care to be social with on a Wednesday night. He eyed several women that clustered around one another gossiping and giggling as they held drinks in their hands, he looked over the variety of curves that came with the different women, some showed off more leg than others, some showed off their curly hair while others preferred a sleek and straightened look, low cut dresses revealed more cleavage than they'd ever show while in a nine to five office setting. He had completely forgotten to answer Nessel's question but didn't forget he asked it. He downed the rest of the brown liquor in his glass then set it behind him on the bar.

"No." He finally said. Nessel's eyebrows rose to his hairline, he then frowned at his best friend's unusual actions. It was not like Aubrey to keep something around that he had no interest in.

"Is this an ego thing?" Nessel asked curiously.

Aubrey shrugged and slightly turned his lips into a frown. "Possibly." He looked at the group of women again, setting his sights on one particular woman, he licked his lips then bit at his bottom. "Could just be seeing if I really want to still carry out her contract." He replied keeping his focus on the women.

"This is all because of what's her name?" Nessel said with a grin.

"Lori and No."

"I call bullshit."

"You can call my bluff all you want but that's not the reason." He quickly shot back while eyeing the women at the same time as he went back and forth with his best friend. "Her and I might have run our course."

Nessel began laughing, the sudden emotion pulled Aubrey from looking at the woman and turned to his friend, he frowned feeling offended. Nessel laughed harder as he looked over Aubrey's expression. "Bro, you are full of shit and I mean A LOT of it. You can keep acting blind if you want to like your moves haven't been made because of... Lori. You found something and fell harder than you expected. Now you walking around here trying to play shit off. You not scared of commitment, you scared of commitment with the wrong woman which is why you let Nebby go, you knew she wasn't right for you and you knew it for years but she made you comfortable and that's why you dealt with her, now you got something else that's giving you that same comfort she once gave you, that's why you no longer needed her." Nessel said as he pointed his index finger towards Aubrey's face had he held his drink in his hand. Nessel may have been a misogynistic, barbaric, womanizer, but he was honest about it, he didn't hide behind his secrets, he didn't hide behind the secrets that also had secrets. He picked Aubrey apart in a moment that Aubrey didn't necessarily ask for but needed to hear.

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