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Aubrey softly tugged at Lori's ankle, she shifted in her sleep but remained unbothered, he adjusted the covers pulling them from her naked body, she opened her eyes and stretched her arms as she watched him spread and lift her legs to rest them on his shoulders, he lowered himself between her thighs and slowly pushed his tongue along her clit, she lifted her hips in satisfaction allowing him more access, he was slow a drastic change from last night, his touch light but still held firm against her pelvic as he continued watching her reaction to the pleasure he offered, he held her hand interlocking his fingers with hers, he held her still. "OK OK OK!" She quickly yelled out while reaching her orgasm sooner than they both anticipated. He lifted his head and licked his bottom lip, he smiled at her before he pushed himself from the bed. It was a random act that spiked his libido, he was satisfied with leaving her that way, knowing he'd be back for another position. Lori laid tirelessly against the pillows as she calmed herself down, it was obvious his last-minute thoughts fixed on pleasing her, she looked over and grabbed her phone from the nightstand and sat up, she was late, but with good reason nor did she rush to make it out the door.

"But when I'm late it's always a reminder! But when you're late I'm supposed to be quiet." Janet said stirring her drink around the glass with a straw.

"That's because you're always late."

"Oh, so your one time gets a pass!?" Janet mocked her with a fake smile.

"Yes," Lori replied while digging through her purse. Janet frowned and rolled her eyes. She handed Lori her pre-ordered drink

"Anyways... Long morning? You're walking funny." She pointed out teasing Lori as took a sip of her juice.

"Don't start!"

"What!? I can't get details anymore!"

Lori frowned. "You've had enough details!" She shot back, Janet rolled her eyes. "How's Mark." She turned and teased her back.

"Really!?" Janet said with a stale face. Lori laughed but she knew she was genuinely asking. "I don't know, I haven't talked to him since yesterday early morning... like two days now..."

"He went ghost on you!?" Lori looked shocked.

Janet shrugged. "I don't think so, he's probably dealing with Jada." She was unbothered for Mark's whereabouts, she hadn't reached out to text him after no response. "How's Jesus?"

"He's fine, I think?..."

"You think!?..."

"Yeah, something happened last night before he got home but he hasn't said anything about it."

"You two are ok though?... right?" Janet showed her concern.

Lori frowned. "No, we're great. It's got to be one of two things. either the company pissed him off or another woman."

"Another woman!? I thought he had his big three!"

"Not that way! Like an ex..."

"How many more ex's he got?..." she trailed off eyeing Lori.

"There's so many women..." Lori finally admitted, her face grew serious, Janet frowned but remained silent. "Like... it's a lot of women... he literally collects women..."

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