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Lori shifted in her sleep as Aubre's heavy body laid against hers, nature called, and waiting until the morning wasn't an option, he was heavier than he looked and she had no choice but to move him, causing him to change his position, she was sure he'd still be sleep once she returned from the bathroom but he was sitting up, scrolling through his phone.

"Sorry. You want to go to the bed." She reached her hand out. He grabbed it but pulled her forward as he shook his head no, he was already comfortable and didn't care to move. She crawled back onto the wide couch and laid against the back of it propping herself up, Aubrey laid next to her on his back he tucked one of his hands behind his head and looked at her. "Feeling better?"

"With your help, yes."

"I didn't do anything."

"You did a lot more than you know." She blushed and tossed her legs over his. "And you?"

"Me what?" She frowned at him.

"Feeling any better." He said knowingly.

Lori shook her head and smiled. "Liz said you would know."

"She of all people would know." He confirmed. "I was curious to see how long you would go before coming to me."

"Too long?" She questioned also knowingly.

"Entirely too long." He confirmed again giving her a slightly disappointed look. Lori twisted her lips as she bit the inside of her cheek. "We talked about this." He continued staring at her, she turned her eyes down. "When you were a sub you promised me you would tell me when something was wrong, you signed on that so as my girlfriend why would that change?"

"Aubrey, I didn't think now was the right time."

"I don't care."

"I didn't want to make the day worse than what it already was."

"I don't care." He repeated.

"Aubrey!" She argued scolding him.

"When at any point in the day that I spoke to you did I tell you my day was bad?" He questioned her truthfully but his tone was aggressive, it was firmed this time and held no room for arguments. Control settings displayed on the theater screen giving her just enough light to see he wasn't happy in the slightest, his thick eyebrows creased heavily. Lori avoided his eye contact altogether, but she knew his eyes were burning holes in the side of her head. Aubrey loathed the act of arguing, it was a pointless battle that could be avoided if you simply communicated your wants and needs. It was the simplest of math problems but he could never understand why others didn't understand it, it was the easiest way to a breakup, to a cut-off. It was something you didn't do.

Lori sighed and took a deep breath then let her chest deflate. "Robyn coming here bothered me more than I expected it to..."

"I didn't know she was coming." He interrupted her.

"I know and I'm not blaming you. It's a personal issue... I think? I don't know? But I don't like how accessible you are... For her or any woman! But to just barge in?... didn't even greet me? She was surprised I was even here. I don't like how your ex's know they can still count on you... whether it be for dick or money, or whatever.

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